Captain Stephen R. Bennett, who died in this town, last week, and whose remains were interred in Zion M. E. Cemetery, on Saturday afternoon, was, of late years, a familiar figure on the streets of Milton. Captain Bennett was, in early life, and in fact, the most of his life, a waterman; and until a few years past, traded from this town. When the infirmities of age began to tell upon hi, he ceased that occupation and settled down in Milton. Since the death of his wife, thirteen years ago, he has lived alone, doing his own household work and supporting himself by hauling things around the town, with a team. Deceased, like all aged people, was subject to the peculiarities of life, and to the foibles of old age; yet, where his friendship extended, he showed that friendship on all occasions. He was a democrat in politics and though but little of any other party. He was 78 years of age, and during the last years of his life was a member of the M. E. Church, and, at the time of his death a member of the Official Board of that organization. He leaves no children nor relatives of any kind. With his demise the family becomes extinct.
John H. Davidson, contractor, has a large force of workmen engaged in remodeling the M. P. Church. It will, probably, be enclosed this week.
At the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Warren, in Ellendale, on Sunday evening Miss Virgie Warren was joined in wedlock with William White Conner, youngest son of D. A. Conner, of Milton.
On Sunday evening Miss Anna V. Walls, daughter of Benjamin Walls, of Milton, and Edgar Walls, of near town, were launched upon the matrimonial sea, at the M. P. Parsonage, by the Rev. G. J. Hooker.
The dwelling house recently purchased by “Billy” Robinson, he has sold it to Joshua Carey. Mr. Carey is having the building torn down.
Ed Bailey has built another bateau for fishing purposes on the Broadkiln.
There is a rise in the sidewalk near Joseph Wall’s store, were two of our aged citizens stubbed their toes, on Sunday evening, and fell. They were not much hurt, but a repetition of this can be prevented by filling up the sidewalk.
L. B. Chandler is quite ill with chronic rheumatism, and other complaints.
Mrs. Mary Mason still lingers in an extremely low condition; she is quite aged, although of a robust constitution, and the chances are in her favor.
Edwin P. Johnson, after spending a month with his family, returned to his business in West Virginia on Wednesday.
Stephen Palmer, contractor, commenced to repair and remodel the Marshall property on Federal Street, now owned by Mrs. William Jefferson, of Lewes.
Mrs. Joseph Fields thinks someone has a spite against her; as someone has expectorated tobacco spittle against the white paint on the side of her house, on Monday night. Be no alarmed Mrs. Fields, you are not the only one these miscreants annoy! Milton is proverbial for these kind of cattle, but they will have reached the end of their rope some of these days.
William Conwell is now, and has been all winter, the lonely occupant of Lavinia camp ground. He has taken possession of a tent, has a stove, does his own cooking, and his den needs to be seen to be understood.
J. J. Simpler, proprietor of the Georgetown marble works, has put a very pretty granite tomb, to mark the last resting place of “May,” the 20 year old daughter of G. W. Atkins in the M. E. Cemetery.
Eleven white cedar post, condemned as unfit for buoys, have been hauled by Dr. David Wolfe to Reynold’s saw mill, to be converted into boards and shingles.
Jester & Thompson have bought from various parts, and sold to persons hereabout, 200 pigs in the last three months.
Christian Endeavor Society will resume its meetings on Sunday evening next in Firemen Hall.
Rev. C. H. B. Turner, rector of Lewes P. E. Church, will celebrate the Holly [sic] Communion, and preach, in the St. John Baptist Church, next Sunday morning. In the evening the Rev. Behringer will begin a series of public lectures. Subject of the first, “The life and times of King Henry VIII.” There will be no admittance fee and all are cordially invited to come and bring their friends.
Rev. R. T. Coursey left on Tuesday for Homebrook, Pa., to assist the Rev. E. E. Dixon in revival services.