Those who remember the old sawmill to the South of Milton, thirty years ago, can now draw a contrast between industry and idleness in this particular line. Thirty years ago when the ship building industry of Milton was at its zenith, the Paynter brothers of Georgetown, who owned this mill, made lots of money with it, or they ought to have done so, for the mill did, in sawing nearly all the lumber used in the several ship yards. Now, shipbuilding, as an industry, has depreciated from the olden days. “The mill wheel is torn to pieces Ben Bolt, the rafters are fallen in, and a quiet that crawls around as you gaze, Has followed the olden din.“[i] The old mill has gone to pieces also, and some of the sturdy old white oak girders that are laying around almost give a 20th century carpenter a stroke of paralysis to look at them. Yet, this is a good mill site, and someday, probably, at this place, may arise a modernized mill, of some kind, that will be a blessing to this community.
The Delaware Game Protective Association, in formulating laws for the protection of game, neglect an essential point. That is, in not making the owners responsible for their running of rabbits out of season. Rabbits appear to be plentiful, and almost any morning yelping of dogs is heard, near town, running this game. There are some families who keep two or three of the beagles around them, and when they are not in the woods, foraging on a dead horse, or other carrion, are trailing the rabbits. It is a pity, for the rabbits.
On Thursday evening the 12th, Madford Rogers and Miss Rosa G. F. Isaacs, of near Georgetown, were married at the Milton M. E. Parsonage, by the Rev. R. T. Coursey.
On Saturday afternoon the privileges of looked in use camp ground were sold in front of the M. P. Church. J. C. Clendaniel purchased the confectionery privileges for $7.50; Robert Collins boarding tent for $3.00; and Joseph Carey food pen for $4.00. These appear like small amounts for camp meeting privileges, but it must be remembered the camp will be near a town.
Captain Stanley again occupied the M. E. Pulpit on Sunday evening, in the interest of temperance.
While fastened to a post in front of the “big store,” a horse of Rev. Nathaniel Stockley choked itself down, on Monday. After being loosened from the carriage it revived, and arose.
E. N. Lofland is applying the exhaust pipe of his yacht to music. On Monday it played several tunes, if anyone could tell what they were.
The next ten days promise to be a big time in Milton, on account of the grand sale advertised by E. M. Collins. The goods are advertised to be almost given away. Carfare will be given to persons from 50 miles distance, conditionally. All of the available women help in town has been engaged as clerks.
The evenings of last week were quite lively, in the lower part of town, made by the temperance meetings being held there. Thomas C. Murphy, a so-called temperance evangelist, harangued the crowds for several evenings, and unexpectedly left town Saturday morning. Captain Stanley addressed a large gathering on Saturday evening. There were more people in town on this occasion that we have seen for many days. Meetings will be continued at intervals during the temperance campaign.
Some folks think they can do as they please in the post office because it is a male dispensary. Postmaster black things otherwise. On Monday, for using improper language to and, he told one of these “dudes” to get, and they did so. The people are only allowed inside of the office by the courtesy of the postmaster. He can exclude them if he so wills.
Rev. R. T. Coursey will address a meeting on Saturday afternoon, at Houston, on “Temperance.” On Saturday morning at the M. E. Church, he will preach an anti a bribery sermon.
A nice and commodious cabin is being put in the new barge, by J. H. Davidson. Among its many conveniences are eight berths, and sleeping capacity for 16 persons.
Miss Lottie Welch is spending a week with Miss Lida Moore, at Denton, Maryland.
Rev. Herman Shaffer and wife, of Philadelphia, have been in Milton looking around, with a view to succeeding the Rev. C. A. Behringer as rector of the church of St. John Baptist. Mr. Shaffer will return, and preach on Sunday morning and evening, and if he should like the people, and the people like him–well then, more anon.
[i] See the end notes in October 30, 1902 for the source of this quotation