Milton was shocked on Wednesday morning of last week, when the sudden death of Samuel M. Lofland was flashed through the town. He was sitting on the door sill of William Morris’ store, on the corner of Federal and Mulberry Streets, talking with Stephen Palmer, when he complained of a dizziness in the head, dropped his cane and slid off the door sill, on to the step, and died in that position. Help was summoned and he was taken to his home on a settee. Mr. Lofland was 72 years, 1 month and 22 days old; and well known in this part of the county. For many years he was an active politician in the democratic ranks, but of late his prestige and power had waned, he took little interest in his party. He was a widower, and a pensioner of the Civil War, and leaves to survive him one son and six daughters all of whom are married except the youngest. Mrs. Elizabeth Robbins, and Mrs. Minnie Reed, of Milton, Mrs. Jennie Deputy, of Cedar Neck, Mrs. Emma Truitt, of Midway, Mrs. Mary A. Kirby, of Philadelphia, John Lofland, of Prime Hook, and Miss Bertha, who has been living with her father in Milton. Coroner Pepper held an inquiry on Thursday, and from the evidence, was satisfied that death was due to natural cause. Funeral services were held on Saturday afternoon at Zion M. E. Church, by the Revs. Coursey and Hooker, and the remains were placed by those of his wife, in that cemetery, by S. J. Wilson & Son.
Mrs. Nancy Coverdale, aged 81 years, 5 months and 7 days, died at the residence of her son, L. J. Coverdale, on Mill Street, on Thursday morning. Funeral services were held at the M. E. Church, in this town, at 4.30 o’clock, on Saturday afternoon, and sepulture made in the M. E. Cemetery. S. J. Wilson & Son, funeral directors.
People who have houses to rent, think renters are entitled to no consideration, and no comfort. Their dilapidated property in in any kind of condition, and in many cases, absolutely unfit for a habitation either from a sanitary point of view or otherwise, consequently, when such property is rented it is because a person can get nowhere else. “Good landlords make good tenants and good landlords keep their property in good order.”
William Morris has completed the removal of his goods, into the store house on Federal Street. And now the property on the corner of Front and Federal Streets is vacant, except a justice-of-the-peace office in the upper story. And is now ready to tear down, and commence the new building which Mr. Palmer expects to build in its place.
Bessie Reynolds Reed, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Reed, died at Ellendale on Wednesday morning, aged 9 months and 7 days. Funeral services were held on Friday afternoon, at Ellendale, by the Rev, Jones, of Milford, and interment made in Ellendale Cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
The colored cemetery, near town, has been denuded of its dried undergrowth by fire. This is the right thing to do, and shows the colored people have some regards for their friends who are buried there; and instead of allowing it to grow up in weeds, will take a little trouble to burn and clear it off.
On Saturday W. W. Conwell, receiver of the steamer Mary M. Vinyard, sold a lot of coal, lumber, and chattels, formerly belonging to that vessel.
Rev. G. J. Hooker and family are visiting in Baltimore, and will not return until after the meeting of the Maryland Annual Conference, which convenes on the 4th of April.
John Simpler, lately released from the New Castle workhouse, and the well-known “Simp” of so many arrests, was again arraigned before Squire Collins on Saturday evening for throwing a brick at Harry Dutton. Failing to furnish $300 bail, he was taken to Georgetown on Sunday.
Jim Walls was arrested on Saturday evening, for fighting, and arraigned before Justice Collins, who held hi, under $200 bail for his appearance at court. Bail was entered by his father.
John Milby, who left Milton with his family for Abeecom, the first of the year, has accomplished his purpose at that place, and returned to Milton. “No place like “Milton.”
Carpenters began work last week at Mount Ararat on Capt. Magee’s new vessel; but were compelled to quit on account of bad weather. The work will now advance, as the weather permits.
George Krebs who recently came from Atlantic City and rented the property of H. K. Wagamon on the corner of Mulberry and Magnolia Streets and went into the raising of chickens on an extensive scale, by the incubator process, has sold his plant, consisting of houses, and other paraphernalia, to William Johnson, the mail driver on the Star Route, between Milton and Ellendale, and bought a place near Atlantic City, where he has removed, and will engage in the same business, and nearer a city market. Mr. Johnson has removed into the Wagamon property.
The Milton Canning House Company will hold an important meeting on Friday.
Some of our early birds have potatoes and bean poles planted, notwithstanding the cool weather.
Promoter of trolley lines, Glick came, unexpectedly to town, on Monday afternoon, and an informal meeting was held with a part of Town Council. Nothing was done but to appoint another meeting for next Tuesday evening.
Passion Week will be observed next week, at St. George’s Chapel, Indian River Hundred, with a service every evening, except Saturday, at 7.30 o’clock. A series of special addresses will be delivered by the rector, Rev. Behringer, on the subject “His Last Week.” Everyone is invited. Holy Communion will be celebrated on April 8th. Palm Sunday, at 10.30 a. m. All communicants are urged to be present.