March 9, 1906

As much business as is done by the railroad company from the Milton station it does look as though the patrons of the line ought to be treated with some consideration by the company. There is much freight, and many passengers from Milton, and yet, the conditions around the station house are such in wet weather as few people would tolerate in a hog enclosure, or a marsh farm. This condition can be remedied by hauling dirt, and filling up. There was, formerly, a something called a water closet, at the station, but under the present management this has been removed. There was, also, a pump, this has been taken up; and what else will be done the future, alone, can develop. It is the company’s business and duty to repair the road which has to be crossed, leading from the town sidewalk, to the platform, so that the people, who are walking, can get there without wading. Only last Saturday morning, we noticed a lady coming to take the train, crossing this piece of road, and when she reached the station her shoes were soiled, and her skirts bedraggled. What is the company going to do about this state of affairs? The sidewalk leading from the colored church to the depot is, also, in a horrible condition, in wet weather. This is a private affair. This sidewalk must be used, and we venture to say there is not as long a stretch of sidewalk in town, in so bad condition. Cannot something be done to make it better for those who are compelled to go to the station? And, then, there is no light; on this route, from the A. M. E. Church to the depot. This is the town’s business. Surely, the town can act. It must be remembered there is a night train, and this route should be lighted for the accommodation of those going to and coming from the train. Think this matter over; you to whom it may apply.

The quantity of white oak piling, cedar bean poles, and lumber of other kinds that is being made ready for shipment from the Milton station is astonishing. It does appear, that at the rate timber is now being cut and shipped from Broadkiln, the time is not far distant when there will be no timber to cut and ship.

The members of the M. P. Church, at a meeting held in Firemen’s Hall last week, elected nine church trustees and three stewards. Joseph B. Morris was elected class leader, N. W. White was elected delegate to attend the Maryland Annual Conference while will be held in April. Rev. George J. Hooker was invited to return as pastor, for another year.

The new bell for the M. P. Church arrived on Saturday.

Mrs. Minnie Beiderstead, having spent some time visiting her father, has returned to her home in Camden, N. J.

Miss Viola Megee left on Saturday for an indefinite stay in Philadelphia.[i]

On Sunday after the evening services a scene was enacted at the M. E. Church that was not down on the programme. When the Rev. Coursey had dismissed the congregation, and was about to leave the pulpit, he was confronted by a young man who said, as he produced a paper, “I would like you to do a little talking for me!” “Where at?” inquired the minister. “Right here.” And Miss Mollie Webb, of near Redden, and Charles Burton, of Angola, placed themselves before the chancel. And were made man and wife.

The M. P. Church services will be held next Sunday morning and evening at Firemen’s Hall. This is done in order to arrange the financial and other mattes of the church, preparatory to the meeting of Conference in April.

William Wharton, who has been confined to his home for several weeks, resumed business on Monday.

Captain John Fisher, of Philadelphia, and daughter Edith are visiting in town. Miss Edith is the guest of Miss Lizzie Wilson.

Miss Cora Bennett, who has been at home with measles, returned to her school on Monday.

Last week the minister privately arranged some of the young ladies for neglecting the Thursday evening prayer meeting, and attended the entertainment given in School Hall. And this week these same ladies have been scathing the minister, and some ladies, for neglecting the Wednesday evening class meeting, to attend a social of the “Y’s” to eat ice cream, etc.

On Saturday the most exciting and hotly contested town election took place that has been held since Milton has been an incorporated town. Supposedly, all who were eligible as electors voted, both white and black. There were three tickets in the field and 160 votes were polled. William H. Fosque was elected mayor for one year, Cornelius H. Waples and Daniel Wagamon, commissioners for three years.

James A. Johnson, who removed from Milton some time ago, to Harbeson, has returned to Milton again. When a person once lives in Milton, and removes to some other place, he has an inordinate longing for the scenes of the little town, on the banks of the Broadkiln, and will, barring accident, often eventuate to his “native heath.”


[i] Viola Coulter Megee would not be present for the dedication of the newly remodeled M. P. Church, although her name would live on, in the Sunday school window which she and her Sunday school classmates helped to fund. Later in 1906, she would marry her first husband, Philadelphia stockbroker John A. McMullin, and eventually move with him to Denver, CO.