There will be no service at St. George’s Chapel, Indian River hundred, next Sunday, as the rector has gone to New York on the preaching appointment.
There will be fast racing at the Milton Driving Park, on May 30th, Decoration Day. The main feature will be a race for a purse of $150 between three local trotters, and horses from Maryland and Delaware. The lovers of horse racing anticipate a great day.
John W. Hood, son of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hood, died at their home in Long Neck on Wednesday, May 16, aged 18 years, four months and 21 days. The funeral was held at the Presbyterian Church near Midway last Saturday, and interment made in that cemetery. Rev. W. P. Compton officiated and S. J. Wilson funeral director.
William Pettyjohn, a highly respected citizens and farmer, died at the home of his son, George Pettyjohn, last Wednesday, May 16th, of general debility, aged 87 years. The funeral was held last Friday at 2:00 PM and interment made at the Sand Hills Church by S. J. Wilson.
David A. Conner was again on vacation during this week, and wrote a letter from Frederica about his time there.