The time is within the memory of many people, who are not old, when it was the custom to ship nearly all the wheat raised in the county to the city markets, and buy it back in the form of flour, with the expenses of transportation two ways, the cost of manufacturing and profits of the middlemen all added. This custom has now become obsolete. Roller mills with improved machinery have been built all over the county, and the wheat is kept at home, and manufactured here with much cost savedd to the consumer. There is another practice which is a growing evil to the county; and that is the shipment of calves to the city markets, which necessitates the importation of cattle or beef or do without that luxury. This was demonstrated last week, when a butcher, in order to get cattle, bought 41 head from an adjoining state. How is the shipment of calves to be stopped? The buyers offer the owners tempting prices, and they can afford to do it; and the owners sell for the gain. That’s rational. Why not our legislature, while wasting time legislating on “local option,” the “game law,” etc., legislate a little on “Local Calf Shipment”? Wouldn’t it be pertinent?
The Draper Cannery of Slaughter Neck are shipping their packs via the M. D. & V. Railroad.
Paul Pfeffer, who lives near the brickyard, wanted to borrow R. B. .Hopkins’ automobile to take a load of church people to Delmar. Of course he got it?
B. Frank Gray and family have moved from Atlantic Street into the “Zorena Haggard property” on Union Street, north, lately vacated by the Rev. C. A. Behringer.
Steamer tug Ralph Welch, captain E. M. Lofland, has tied up for the winter.
Cleaning house is on; and this is necessitated by the pretty weather that has succeeded the ten days of murky, damp part the doors of desks and secretaries, and of houses besides, and become so swollen they would not shut. The free air and ventilation will soon make them right.
Mr. Markel, senior partner in the “big store,” is on his autumnal visit. Mr. Markel thinks lots of the Milton people.
The “busy housewife” now was burning leaves. She commences to sweep in the early morning and burns them. She does this day after day. I addressed one of these faithful workers, when she stopped sweeping and said, “O, I wish Mrs. Hammonds hadn’t said that.” “What?” “Why, leaves have their time to fall.”
Rev. Savage, of Lewes, was a Milton visitor on Thursday. The Rev. Savage is well known in Milford; and if our information be true, was excommunicated from the Baptist church for his peculiarities. He came again, demonstrating what Paul said, “Such righteousness and a faithfulness to lead tenant will bear its legitimate fruit.”
Dr. Leonard is making some experiments with the dried leaves that are now covering the ground. The Dr. thinks that a chemical analysis will demonstrate that there’s something in these castoff leaves that may be of some account. Anyway the Dr. is working in his laboratory trying to evolve the fact.
Mrs. Lottie Welch, delegate from the town to the Delmar Sunday school convention, reports a good time and a splendid experience with the Delmar people.
Coverdale and Alton are painting the new dwelling of John Coulter, on Federal Street and Poplar.
The Republican meeting in front of the Palmer House, on Saturday night, was the grandest and the only political demonstration we have had in town during the campaign. Hons. Caleb Clayton, Hastings and Davis addressed the largest crowd that has been assembled in Milton for years. A few of the Prohibition Party, notably the one who went fishing on Sunday morning and used a part of the tail of his shirt for bait – – were scouting around to see, but trying not to be seen.
The hospital flag for a diphtheria is flying from a home on south Federal Street. There are three children in the home afflicted.
Joseph Walls has a stable about completed and the foundation of his new dwelling laid on Union Street.
It is thought that a gentleman who bought a strip of ground near the iron bridge, and, incidentally, a part of Broadkiln River, has seen his folly by finding out that no individual can own land below high water mark.
Alfred Lofland is driving away on this new brick building on Union Street north. The lower window frames are set and the job is progressing timely.
R. B. Collins commenced another ten days’ sale on Wednesday. The “Big Store” is also making things hum in that way. Markel and Hartman will not be outdone.
The little children, thanks to the genius of J. B. Welch, the druggists, are wearing around their necks a combination of perfumes as an antiseptic for diphtheria. Mr. Welch says that perfume is as good an antiseptic as carbolic acid and much more bearable. There’s reason in this.
The democrat authorities advertise in public meeting to be held in front of the Palmer house on this Wednesday evening for. Willard Salisbury is announced to be the chief speaker.