November 30, 1906

It is not only noteworthy, but a matter of inquiry, as to how many captains there are in Milton. Some years ago there were not only captains who sailed the “raging main” but captains in the military line. The latter half gave gone to camp with them whom Theodore O’Hara calls “The Bivouac of the Dead.”[i] Yet there are many others of the former mentioned who own their property, and love to come away from the raging billows, and enjoy the quiet siesta of a summer evening, or the tête-a-tête of a winter afternoon with their family. No better place to do it than in Milton. While the North American, of Philadelphia, was making a bombast last week of the increase price of living, the people of our town couldn’t see it. It is true some things are high. But this is, in part, the people’s own fault. Cabbage that was offered on the streets, a month ago, at 5 cents a head, will now cost two and a half cents a pound, but that is no one’s fault except the ones who didn’t want the cabbage. We admit however that a man who has a large family had better feed them on chicken, at 8 cents a pound, than on cabbage at two cents a pound.

The housewife has the most to complain about, during the past fall, on account of the leaves; but the trees are now mostly defoliated, and she has the chance to now rest from her labor in that line, and with the above remarks we will bid November of 1906, farewell.

Revival services have closed at Zion M. E. Church, and will commence at Milton M. E. Church on next Sunday evening. Rev. B. S. Taylor, of Moores, N. J., a noted evangelist, will be here for a month and assist the Rev. R. T. Coursey in the work.

While John Waples, of near Waples Mill, was in town on Saturday night, two boys took his horse and carriage, and wrote them some distance around the country, and returning hitched the horse up town. Mr. Waples has the animal, but so far as we are aware, no action has yet been taken in the matter.

Captain E. M. Lofland, is developing his automobile. He generally has a large crowd of boys around him when at work.

Rev. McCready preached to the Jr. O. U. A. M. at the M. P. Church, on Sunday evening.

Presiding Elder Morgan preached at the M. E. Church on Sunday evening.

Eli B. Carey, who has been ill several weeks with paralysis, is improving and able to walk around.



[i] This poem was very popular in the 19th century and appeared on many monuments to the Civil War dead; Conner has used it a number of times over the previous years in his Milton News letter (see the letters of April 25, 1902, June 3, 1904, and June 2, 1905)