Professor P. S. Wilgus, of Georgetown, representing the Milton Electric Company, informs the writer that the company is now laying the poles, and advancing the work as fast as the material can be gotten on the ground. Prof. Wilgus has been in town over three weeks in the interest of the company. He has rented Irwin Key’s storehouse, the former property of David Lofland, on Federal Street. Mr. Wilgus took possession of the property in the name of the company on Monday, and will use it as an office, and a depot of supplies. This things has been in abeyance so long that the Milton correspondent had been disgusted with speculations and probabilities. The above report comes from headquarters, and will, in all probability, materialize.
Turpentine, as has been demonstrated, is used for more purposes that the cure of a frosted foot. Witness, a few chickens in a neighborly yard, a dog suddenly turning three somersaults [….]–an irate woman—a scared […] tableaux, on Federal Street.
We are interested in the […] ex-Judge Marvel has gone to Washington, D. C., to secure the services of some […] orators to canvass Delaware in […]. We have been acquainted with the ex-Judge for over thirty years and had always thought he had confidence in his own abilities. Dr. Hiram Burton […], present Representative and nominated for the second term, will do his work himself, and proposes to get there all the same.
The “call,” “manifesto,” or call it what you will, is an astounding appeal made to the Negro race made by G. W. C. […] of State College, Dover, Del. The writer has made this appeal several times, and we are more glad to say we have a minister here, whose work should be appreciated, and with the school lady—and we use the word lady, for all it is worth—they are making Milton, what it should be in regard to the colored race. [..] of this more next week.
On Wednesday evening of last week R. J. Stevens, deputy grand master of I. O. O. F., No. 17, installed officers.
Mr. Robert Blocksom, of Magnolia, […] were entertained by Joshua Carey and wife on Sunday. They returned to their home on Monday.
Alfred H. Lofland, familiarly known as “Doc,” and owner of the brickyard near town, is laying the foundation of a dwelling on Union Street, north. It will be of brick.
Joseph Walls is at work on one of his outbuildings on Union Street and Fosque Avenue.
P. J. Hart, owner and proprietor of the Hart House, will raise a story on his dining room department, 21 feet x 22 feet. This is done to make room for the increase of business in the boarding line.
Mary C. Jones, wife of James Hones, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Walls, Jr., in Prime Hook on Thursday, aged 53 years and 9 months. Funeral services were held at Slaughter Neck Church on Sunday morning by the Rev. J. W. Prettyman, and interment made in the cemetery of that church by S. J. Wilson & Son.
Miss Lettie Black and Miss Laura M. Conner left on Wednesday for Federalsburg, Md., as delegates to the Dover District Epworth League Convention. Rev. Coursey went on Thursday.
Some time ago we informed the people that Mr. John Ellingsworth, merchant, had sold his stock of his goods and gone out of business. We had this information from the best of authority. But his signs are still out at the old place of business, and if we have misinformed the people it is not our fault.
On Monday morning Milton was in a turmoil of excitement and trepidation, when “old glory” was run up from the flag pole in front of the school house, “upside down.” The query went running through the lines, “what is the matter.” After starting around to see what was the matter, we noticed the flag had been hauled down, It went up again all right. It was a mistake.
Lots of pears are still being hauled to the station, and shipped away. They come mostly from Slaughter Neck.
James Ellingsworth is having his dwelling repainted on Union Street, north.
Much fertilizer is being sold in town the present fall, indicative of a large seeding.
Parties from the country, who are engaged in the evergreen business, are buying boxwood from private gardens in town of the tenants. When this is found out by the landlords, there may be something said.
[…paragraph obscured…]
Several people from Milton propose to attend the 126th Barratt’s Chapel anniversary next Sunday and hear the Rev. A. W. Lightbourne delivering one of his splendid orations.
The fifteenth annual convention of Sussex County Sunday School will be held at Delmar Oct. 29 and 30th. Delegates from Milton churches have not yet been elected.
R. Davis Carey and sisters of Philadelphia are visiting the old homestead.
Miss Rebecca Coursey, only daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Ralph T. Coursey, gave a birthday party on Monday evening, at which the many friends of the family were in attendance.