We have an example of pluck and push in Milton. Joseph Walls, about a year ago, after feeling the situation in the butchering business, in the upper part of town, bought a piece of ground near the bridge, on Union Street, and built a fine store, in which he not only keeps meats, but other groceries. Now Mr. Walls has bought a piece of land on the other side of the bridge, and has a stable raised and expects to have his home building on the front finished., in so far as to remove his wife into it on the first of January next. Now I want to explicitly state, this is no advertisement; and Mr. Walls has no idea the writer even meditates an encomium on himself. But, while there are several merchants who are syanding in front of their places of business, waiting “for something to turn up,” Mr. Walls is hustling, and turns up something for himself. Such men as he should be noticed.
It is stated that Joseph Calhoun has purchased of W. W. Conwell a certain tract of land just north-east of and adjoining the iron bridge. A part of the land includes a portion of Broadkiln Creek—quite paradoxical, we admit it, but true. The consideration is said to have been $200.
The lady delegates from Milton, who attended the Dover Epworth League Convention, speak in high terms of the hospitality of the Federalsburg people. We told them so.
The Messrs. C. C. and J. P. Davidson have made a new windlass, and put it in the schooner James M. Carey.
On Thursday Dr. W. R. Messick, of Lewes, arrived in Milford, via the steamer, and started on his automobile—pronounce it au-to-mo-bil, with accent on the vowel of the last syllable. Within two miles of the pretty town on the Broadkiln, he broke down, and Charles Donovan towed him in. The doctor, as it is understood, had been to Philadelphia to have his automobile repaired—please don’t forget the pronunciation. He could find no one here to fix him up. The ever-ready and accommodating Jester took charge of him, and with his automobile in tow, carried him to Lewes.
Mrs. Eliza Jefferson, widow of the late Senator Thomas Jefferson, is making alterations to the property, recently purchased on Broad Street.
The first frost of autumn was visible on Thursday morning; on Friday morning there was plenty of it, and ice one quarter an inch by actual measurement, was exhibited on the street corner two hours after sunrise.
R. Davis Carey, of Philadelphia, owner of Lavinia’s Wood, said to the writer on Saturday, “I have had some applications to buy the timber of Lavinia’s; but if I should sell it and it should be cut, I don’t know anywhere you could go your meditations.” “Well, Mr. Carey,” I replied, “I hope you won’t sell it while I live.” “Well, I don’t I will,” replied that gentleman. Mr. Carey is an ardent reader of the Milton department of the Chronicle, as there he finds what is transpiring in his native town while he is in the city.
On Saturday P. J. Hart, of the Hart House, furled his old “Stars and Stripes” and raised a brand new one, 6 foot x 18 foot, which now floats from the 92-foot flag pole, making a beautiful display in the upper part of the town.
Services were held at the P. E. Church on Sunday, both morning and evening, by the Rev. Mr. Hearsley.
A prohibition meeting will be held on Friday evening, on the opposite side of the street from the post office.
Mr. John Wright[i] has removed his family from the Burris property on Federal Street, into the Manship property on the corner of Federal Street and Manship Avenue.
Miss Lottie Welch and Mr. Joseph L. Black have been elected delegates to represent the M. E. Sunday School at the Delmar Convention to be held on the 29 and 30th inst.
Mrs. Josiah Collins, 32 years old, a former resident of Frederica, has been a guest of the Palmer House and of Dr. James A. Hopkins and family for several weeks. She returned to the home of her sister, Mrs. David Ennis, on Monday.
S. J. Wilson and wife, and Frank Carey and wife attended the 126th anniversary of Barratt’s Chapel on Sunday.
[i] John Wright was the father of Olivia Wright, one of the Sunday school girls on the window of the East Wall of the Milton M. P. Church.