On Wednesday of last week, Sheriff Lynch came to Milton, and arrested the Rev. Ralph T. Coursey on a charge of slander preferred by Henry O. Bennum, Jr., representative in the General Assembly, and candidate for re-election for the same office from the eight representative district of this county. The alleged slander is said to have been made in a speech by Mr. Coursey at a prohibition meeting held in Georgetown on the 9th inst. Mr. Coursey gave bail in the sum of $500 for his appearance at court. W. W. Conwell, cashier of the National Bank, and J. M. Lank, Trust Officer of the S. S. F. F. & D. Co., went on the bond.
On Friday evening a prohibition meeting in School Hall was addressed by the Rev. Alfred Smith, D. D., of Dover, and the Rev. T. A. H. O’Brien, of Lewes; also Mr. Coursey made a few remarks.
Harry Robinson was arrested on Saturday at the instance of the Rev. R. T. Coursey and arraigned before Squire Collins on the charge of furnishing money for registration purposes. Charles Moore and Daniel & Layton, Esqs., of Georgetown, argued the case for the defence. The charge was not sustained, and Mr. Robinson was discharged.
Samuel Burris has sold his farm near town to Mrs. Ida Abbott.
On Saturday there were 207 persons registered in Milton. This makes 603 registered voters in Broadkiln, or more correctly speaking in the first election of the tenth representative district. This is not a full registration by 63. There are several who have not complied with the law; mostly Republicans. Registration two years ago 656.
Ralph T. Ingram, infant son of Charles Ingram, of near Waples, whose mother died five weeks ago, died on Wednesday, aged one month and 21 days[i]. Funeral services were held on Friday morning, at Slaughter Neck Church, by the Rev. R. T. Coursey, and the remains deposited in the adjoining cemetery by S. J. Wilson.
On Thursday morning, while brushing off a stand, Mrs. Frank Outten struck her right hand against a needle sticking in the cover, driving the eye end of the needle, threaded with cotton, an inch into the fleshy part of the hand, and [breaking] it off. Dr. R. B. Hopkins cut open the part and extracted the needle.
George F. Abbott died at his home near Milton on Friday morning of paralysis superinduced by dropsy. Deceased was 74 years, two months and three days old. Funeral services were held on Sunday morning at New Market by the Rev. H. E. Truitt, and sepulture made in the adjacent cemetery by J. R. Atkins.
Lilacs are in bloom the second time this year.
Shooting on Chestnut Street, above Manship Avenue, late on Saturday night, or early Sunday morning, attracted the attention of the parties who were awake. This is supposed to have a connection with the same house, of which it is alleged, Harry Dutton tried to “forcibly enter.” The parents of three young girls who are “on the wing” had better take care of their daughters, as Constable Barsuglia has in his hands an order to raid that house, and it will be done. The decent people of Chestnut Street are tired of these orgies, and propose to put a stop to them, no difference on whose toes the chips may fall.
Notwithstanding the unfavorable weather of the last seven days, P. J. Hart, proprietor of Hart House, having his carpenters work between showers, has succeeded in having the story raised on his dining room and enclosed.
Florena L. Cordrey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cordey, of Rehoboth, died on Saturday, aged 1 year, 2 months. Funeral at Zoar M. E. Church on Tuesday by Rev. Barrett, and interment near Zoar. S. J. Wilson & Son, undertakers.
John Bailey, an amateur squirrel shooter, fired twice at one on Lavinia’s on Tuesday morning, and then left the squirrel, badly scarred, up the tree. William Mears went out to pay his respects to “bunny,” but “bunny was non est, and Mears came home.
William Harris died at his home near Sty. George’s Chapel Friday, Oct. 19, aged 77 years and 7 months. Funeral services were held at Wesley Church on Monday afternoon, and interment in Ebenezer Cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son, funeral directors.
John H. Davidson, carpenter and contractor, will build the home of Joseph Walls on Union Street, north.
Mrs. Noah Megee has removed from her late residence on Federal Street, into a part of the property of Mrs. Hannah Carey on the same street.
Miss Adeline Davidson is, for a time, assistant in the S. S. T. & T. D. Co.
William Morris bought a carload of forty-one cattle at Lancaster, Pa., and shipped them to Ellendale and drove them to his father’s farm near town. Mr. Morris is engaged at butchering; and, to keep a supply of meat, such action is necessary, as the shipment of calves to the city has depleted the local bovine market in this locality.
Rev. F. A. Heisley, of Wilmington, has become rector of the Church of St. John Baptist, for a while.
Steam barge Marie Thomas left on Saturday with an assorted cargo of lumber for Philadelphia.
For the past week there has been a storm tide threatening. Magnolia Street has been flooded; as has also the east end of Front Street leading to Mount Ararat. The tide was within a foot of the eaves of “Billy” Robinson’s boat-house, but no damage was done.
Harry Dutton was arrested on Monday by Constable Barsuglia, and arraigned before Squire Collins on a charge of trying to forcibly enter the house of a woman on Chestnut Street. […] was the amount of time and cost.
Hyland L. Banning[ii], son of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Banning, died near Oakley on Saturday, aged 8 months and 15 days. Funeral at Oakley M. P. Church on Tuesday morning and interment in adjacent cemetery. Rev. Dryden, of Greenwood, conducted the funeral, and S. J. Wilson inhumed the body.
James Arthur McChesney[iii], son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben McChesney, died at Harbeson on Monday, aged 1 year, 4 months and 10 days. Funeral at parents’ residence on Tuesday afternoon, and sepulture made in Beaver Dam Cemetery. Rev. Sites officiated, and S. J. Wilson buried the remains.[iv]
Lovey Hopkins, wife of Peter Hopkins, died near Robbins on Monday of consumption, aged 37 years. Funeral at McColley’s Chapel on Wednesday afternoon and body interred in the adjoining cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son. Rev. Johnson, of Georgetown, conducted the funeral.
[i] Cause of death was cerebro-spinal meningitis
[ii] Cause of death was cholera infantum
[iii] Cause of death was cholera infantum
[iv] The incidence of cholera infantum, or severe non-specific diarrhea and vomiting, was widespread in the 19th and early 20th century, and is a leading cause of death in children under the age of 5 years. When a cause of death of a toddler or infant is given by David A. Conner in his Milton News letter, it is more often than not cholera infantum. Sanitary conditions in rural areas, the lack of antibiotics, and the lack of rehydration methods for young children are probably all contributing factors to the high mortality from this illness.