The songs of camp meetings are music of the past the hot weather of August exists only in memory; the peach crop is nearly gone; tomatoes are a drag on the market; fodder saving is almost over; and even the fish horn has a hollow sound. A state of general indifference and ennui appears to have settled over the community, and nonchalance prevails even amongst businessmen.
As a proof of this, last week one man was attending to two stores. Possibly this is, in part, owing to those beautiful balmy autumnal days, which create a lethargic spirit. The monotony was somewhat relieved yesterday, when a rat was caught and about to be turned loose in the street to be devoured by dogs. Excitement ran high for the time. Crowds of boys and men assembled on three corners awaiting the dramatic tragedy. The dogs howled and bellowed in hungry expectation. When all at once the performer pulled the spring and shook the rat out, and quicker than one could say “Billy Robinson,” one of the dogs had the rat, and this fun was over. The crowd dispersed somewhere, and quiet again reigned. Such is life! “Now you see it, now you don’t!”
The Democratic primary election on Saturday was almost as well attended as was that of the Republicans the week previous. The fight was for delegates for E. D. Hearne, Esq., and John P. Holland. There were 114 votes polled, and the Hearn delegates were elected by 23 majority. The names of delegates follow: James E. Tar, Jas. A. Hopkins, Joseph H. Carey; alternates: Cornelius Martin, John J. Morris, [and] William H. Workman.
Of late it has been the custom for the young people and older ones, too, to go to the station on Sunday afternoon to see the excursion trains go by, and note the Milton girls who drop off. There are some who are chronic goers, and on Sunday mornings may be seem wending their way through the town to the depot with their coats on their arms. They are expected.
The Anderson Company are already shipping this year’s pack of tomatoes to Baltimore.
W. W. Manship, of Philadelphia, has been in town, making some very much needed repairs to his property.
Miss Mary Welch has returned to Philadelphia to finish her trade at millinery.
Four wagon-loads of the M. P. Sunday School whet to Broadkiln Beach on Thursday, chaperoned by the Rev. McCready and Superintendent Davidson. It is almost useless to add, they had a happy time, although some of the prominent fair ones were not of the party.
Mrs. Hodge, wife of the Rev. G. R. Hodge, pastor of the M. P. Church at Deer Creek, Md., was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. John Barker last week.
James Robbins and wife, of Camden, N. J., are the guests of many friends.
On Saturday Mrs. Charles H. Vincent, while in town, lost her pocketbook containing $6.45. A reward is offered for its return, or the return of the money.
Robert R. Nailor has purchased of his father’s heirs the “home farm” located near Zion M. E. Church. Consideration unknown.
J. H. Davidson is repainting his residence on Mill Street. If anyone has ever had a doubt of Mr. Davidson being a sensible man, that doubt would now be obliterated when they see he has painted the roof of his house as well as the body of it. George A. Atkins is doing the work.
Rev. R. T. Coursey was again in his pulpit on Sunday after an eighteen days’ visit to the Sunflower State.
Rec. C. A. Behringer will be in Milton on next Tuesday, the 18th inst.
John Harris, of Bridgeville, was the guest of Miss Lottie Welch on Sunday. And the twain went to the station to see the “train go by,” and the gentleman left alone.
Dr. P. W. Tomlinson, of Wilmington, was a Milton guest on Sunday and Monday.
It is understood that Isaac W. Nailor, formerly of this town, has a contract to build forty houses in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Several Milton men have gone to work with him. Mr. Nailor is one of these ubiquitous persons that will never down. He is like a cork in water. If you push him under in one place, he’ll pop up in another.
Bertha May Ingraham died on Saturday evening of inflammation of the stomach, aged 22 years, 7 months and 16 days. Funeral services were held at Slaughter Neck Church on Tuesday morning by the Rev. Ralph Lee Coursey, and interment made in the cemetery adjoining by S. J. Wilson & Son.
Tomatoes are bringing ten cents a basket at the station. The latter part of last week the farmers had some difficulty in disposing of them at that price.
On Tuesday the Democratic delegation that was elected went to Dover, so did the alternates; and the defeated delegates and alternates also went; so did a great many of the “big, big” and some of the “small big” also.
On Tuesday morning we met John Crouch and Walter Crouch, editor of the “Times,” coming from Lavinia’s wood early. Mr. John Crouch had said the day previous he expected to go out late that afternoon to shoot some squirrels; and the logic al conclusion is, they stayed all night, and awaited the squirrels in the morning. We said as much to them, but they waived an explanation, merely saying “if you see the Rev. McCready, tell him we’ve gone in.” The tail of one squirrel was sticking out of Mr. John Crouch’s coat pocket, but this may have been the same tail they’ve been carrying backward and forward during the squirrel season, to make people believe thy shoot squirrels. We didn’t see the Rev. McCready, and at this writing have not seen him.
On Thursday afternoon Al Betts and Frank Hollis had an altercation on the street, which culminated in William Warren’s pool room by Hollis striking Betts over the left eye with the butt of a cue. Betts fell to9 the floor, and in falling broke the fibula of the right leg. Dr. James A> Hopkins rendered the necessary medical assistance, and Betts was taken to his home near Donovan School House, where he will be confined three weeks or more, and probably be a cripple the rest of his days. Hollis was arrested on Tuesday morning by Constable Barsuglia and arraigned before Squire Collins. He waived a hearing and gave $500 bail for his appearance at court. Edward Robinson went his bail.