Perhaps the prettiest enclosure to a plot of ground in Milton is on the corner of Chestnut and Mill Street. On this piece of land is situated the Masonic Hall, and the enclosure consists of a hedge of California privet.[i] The hedge is about three and a half feet high, and on the top it is nicely trimmed and perfectly level, and will measure two and a half feet across it. It joins the building on Chestnut Street and encloses the lot stopping at the building on Mill Street. This hedge was planted some years ago with the little plants about six inches high, and by assiduous care and attention has reached its present magnitude. It is a notable ornament amongst the many ornaments of Milton.
At the last session of the M. P. Quarterly Conference, Prof. W. G. Fearing was elected an exhorter of that church.
Fred Jenson has been elected by the Lavinia Camp Meeting Commission keeper of fire stands and supervision of lights during the meeting, at 75 cents a night. Mr. Leonard, who has held this office for many years, would not take it again for less than $1.00 per night. The management refused to give this amount and Mr. Jenson has the job.
The M. P. Sunday School made an excursion to Broadkiln Beach on Thursday. There were four wagons loaded with children, girls and older people. They had a pleasant outing; the day was unusually hot in town, but a stiff breeze from over the bay made the atmosphere at the shore delicious. Rev. Delmar, P. E. Minister of Milton, and the Rev. C. A. Behringer, of Tuckahoe, N. Y., were guests of the party by invitation. Rev. G. R. McCready chaperoned the party, assisted by Mrs. Mary Reed[ii].
Last week sewer pipes were put down on Union Street, north, The fallen water comes down Unions Street with much velocity, and these pipes which extend to the bridge are intended to drain the water into the river.
A considerable quantity of bricks have been hauled from the Lofland & Bros. brick works for William Deputy’s building, near brick granary.
We noticed a lad last week, the mistress of a five thousand dollar home, in her front porch, scrubbing the porch columns. This may be an unusual thing for a lady to do, but she is an unusual lady. “Smart,” “yes indeed!” And she was not doing this because she is too stingy to hire someone to do it, but because her innate smartness compelled her to do it herself. “Married!” “Yes?” such women generally are.
Mrs. S. L. Carmene, of Cambridge, Md., and Mrs. Mattie D. Fooks and friend, of Preston, Md., are the guest of F. H. Douglas and family.
The hot and humid weather of the past has been productive of dysentery, diarrhea and kindred complaints. The write has been confined to his home since Sunday, and many others are in a similar condition. But notwithstanding its bad effects on human mankind, it is giving to vegetation a needed impetus; and corn and other growing crops are doing what they can to make up for lost time.
Work on the new steam barge of Captain Potter’s will soon be completed as far as to get her into the water; when she will be taken to Wilmington to receive her machinery.
J. Alonzo Walls, of Philadelphia, has been spending his vacation with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Walls, of near town. He will return home the latter part of this week, by way of the Milford boat.
[i] Apparently David A. Conner has a great appreciation for the privet hedge around the Masonic lodge; he previously remarked on this same shrubbery in his letter of November 10, 1905.
[ii] Mary Reed was Sunday School girl Lillie Reed’s mother.