There is lots of work to be done in Milton this year, and people are anxious to get at it, but the weather of the past has been unfit to do but little. The humid atmosphere and funky, foggy weather has had a deterring the fact on all of us, sore throats and bronchial troubles have prevailed, and almost everyone is complaining of an ailment of some sort. Notwithstanding all of the drawback enumerated, and others not mentioned, Goodwin Bros. & Conwell are getting material together for the cannery, which they will build. A. H. Lofland & Bros. are furnishing bricks for the foundation works, and corrugated iron will be used for the walls and roof. A notable change in the weather came on Sunday night. It was a change from Florida to Alaska, and those who had pawned their overcoats during the past week wish they had them back on Monday. Don’t want anyone to think “D. A. C.” is grumbling at the weatherman. By no means. We still maintain our [traditional] character as an optimist, and say we are satisfied with the weather, let it be ever so pretty.
Thomas T. Ruddell, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ruddell, died at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Townsend, in Georgetown, on Tuesday; age 7 months and 17 days.[i] Funeral services were held at the residence where he died on Thursday afternoon, by the Rev. Quigg. Interment was made in Union Cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
The brick manufactory of A. H. Lofland & Bros. has a splendid outlook for businesses the present year. Beside the bricks that are being shipped, and those used in and around town, they are furnishing them for the Draper Canning Company, which plant will be enlarged the present season.
Captain Eli Burris is reported better.
George Abbott, of near town, is very low with consumption, and small hopes are entertained for his recovery.
Mrs. Margaret Prettyman is yet confined to the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. G. Waples, but reported much better.
Professor W. G. Fearing has completed the painting and papering of the upper rooms over the National Bank, which will be used as the private offices of Goodwin Bros. & Conwell, proprietors of the new cannery. Prof. Fearing is now engaged in papering the Jones Property, on Chestnut Street, lately purchased by James Palmer.
Mrs. Mary Mason is yet very ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. G. W. Atkins.
W. H. Workman & company, proprietors of the station factory, will enlarge their planned by an additional building 40 x 100 ft and the most improved merry go round machinery will be installed.
On Monday there were 12 persons admitted into the M. P. Church on probation, by brother McCready. This is 32 that have been admitted during the two weeks of this revival. Dr. Leonard has dissolved his connection with the Coolspring Presbyterian church, and joined the Milton M. P. Church.
We once heard the Rev. Robert Todd, the then Presiding Elder of Dover District, preach a sermon from a text: “Remove the Stone.” Those who are acquainted with the Scriptures will readily recognize those words as those of Christ at the tomb of Lazarus; and it may be supposed how a man like Mr. Todd handled the subject. There are stones and other impediments that are always in the way of a successful revival. “A word to the wise” etc.
The revival services at the M. E. Church yet continue; a collection was taken on Sunday night, for the benefit of the “evangelist” results unknown.
Captain Scull has removed two of his buildings from Mount Ararat, and has four more to cross the street. He is pushing things.
[i] The cause of death was cholera infantum