An election for commissioners for the Milton public schools will be held on Saturday, June 29, at the usual place, and at that time a vote will be taken as to the wisdom of placing steam heat in the school building. The costs will approximate $1000, and it is for the voters to say what shall be done towards having the rooms heated thoroughly and comfortably for the children. All taxpayers are expected to be present and express their opinion.
The place made vacant by the resignation of Harry Robinson at Wagamon Mills has been filled by George W. Malcolmb.
Captain Charles Darby have has moved with his family from Philadelphia to Milton, where he and F. B. Carey will conduct a large store formally operated by Betts & Collins.
The boilers and machinery have arrived for both factories now in course of construction.
The youngest daughter of Wesley Workman, living between here and Ellendale, is very ill.
James Palmer has had his property on Broad Street painted a deep orange color. It looks well.
Mrs. John Brittingham is quite ill.
A store has been opened at Stevensonville, under the name of “Sallie A. Walls & Co.”
Albert Kuntz, of Wilmington, is now in charge of Warren’s bakery.
William Dodd, an employee at Lofland & Bro., at their brick yards, had his index finger cut off of the first joint by the machinery this week.
The causeway leading to Mt. Ararat is being widened. The nauseating stench of hog pens, or some other disagreeable substance, was in plain evidence this week in the most fashionable part of the town.
Yes it has been very hot in Milton this week and rain is needed.
The W. C. T. U. will celebrate the 4th of July by holding a meeting in the park, and in front of Frank Grey’s residence on Union Street, and the Junior Order is preparing to have an observation, but as yet the program has not been announced.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fooks, and Miss Weigant, all of Newark, New Jersey, are guests of Mr. Fearing.
Some Milton folks are getting in coal at $6.20 per ton delivered in their bins.
Miss Hattie T. Veasey of Milton, and Charles E. Phillips were married at Collingwood, New Jersey, on Saturday morning last and are passing their honeymoon at Wildwood-by-the-Sea, N. J. They received many presents from his fellows at Baldwin’s Locomotive Works, Philadelphia, and will reside at Collingwood. Miss Era Smith, of Milton, attended the wedding.