The extra meetings at the M. E. Church have closed, and the Rev. Coursey and his faithful band have inaugurated a new system of religious work, i. e. new for Milton. Commencing on Tuesday evening, they will visit the homes of the aged, and most hardened sinners, and hold prayer meeting. The oppositeness of this mode of procedure will hardly be questioned, as it will, likely, catch the old fellows at home. How long this new cult will continue is not known but probably until the 19th inst.
The members of the M. P. Church held a meeting on Friday evening, and elected N. W. White delegate, to attend the Maryland Annual Conference that convenes at Washington on April 3rd. Joseph Morris was chosen as alternate. It is the sentiment of the M. P. Congregation that the Rev. McCready shall be returned to his charge for another year. An adjourned Quarterly Conference of this church will be held on the last Saturday evening of this month.
Mrs. Carrie Johnson will have her grand millinery opening of Easter hats and other Easter goods on Saturday the 16th, on Federal Street.
A large quantity of lumber is in the new ship yard, and workmen are getting it into shape for the new vessel.
Two more mail sacks of public documents have been received at the post office.
David Dutton has sold a part of his farm near town, to William Warren, consideration private.
The members and congregation of the colored church in South Milton held a festival on Friday and Saturday evening. A good turnout was shown, and the undertaking was a success financially.
One day last week, in company with my particular friend, J. B. Welch, we were on our old familiar camp ground. In walking around a tent, where it was somewhat icy, Mr. Welch’s heels went up. The equilibrium being lost by a change of gravity, Mr. Welch came down to earth, or to ice. My first impression was he had fit’s, be he jumped up and exclaiming “I’m not hurt!” and my anxiety was allayed. Unlike shooting stars he fell to rise again.
Dr. Leonard, for the past week, has been studying “sun spots” through a smoked glass. The doctor says, the sun appears to him to be upside down “anyhow.” He further says the idea of scientific men saying the snow and electric storm in Chicago last Wednesday was caused by the spots on the sun is all “bosh.” “Why,” further adds the doctor, “as far as the sun is off and as fast as this earth is a going, if them “sun spots” were aimed at Chicago, if it is a windy city, when them “sun spots” got to Chicago, Chicago wouldn’t be there! It’s all stuff.”
On Sunday evening the 3rd, at the M. E. Parsonage, at Nassau, Miss Lelia Bryan, of Coolspring, and Mr. James Smith, of this town, were joined in wedlock, by the Rev. W. P. Compton.
On Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings of the week, the Christian Endeavor Society of the M. P. Church will hold a “St. Patrick’s Bazaar and Supper” in Masonic Hall, corner of Chestnut and Mill Streets. Oysters, ice cream and all good things will be for sale, and Professor Fearing will be master of ceremonies.
Miss Eva Smith has had her building lot on Union Street, north, graded; preparatory to commencing her new building.
Isaac Wainright died suddenly at the home of Thomas Jester, near Ellendale, on Friday evening, aged 77 years. Funeral services were held at Faith M. P. Church on Sunday, and interment made in the nearby cemetery. Rev. Johnson, of Georgetown, conducted the last sad rites, and S. J. Wilson & Son inhumed the body.
Theodore E. Primrose is suffering with an acute attack of neurasthenia, and general nervous disorder. Mr. Primrose is in his 81st year, and although of a robust physique, this disorder is telling on him.
A snow storm set in early Sunday morning, and before noon the ground was covered with the beautiful article to the depth of over two inches. It then began to rain, and—well—the condition of the streets is better imagined than described. Notwithstanding the bad walking and inclement evening the Missionary Anniversary of the M. E. Sunday School was held in the M. E. Church. An elaborate program was rendered, and according to the account of the secretary of the Association, $140.07 has been collected during the year for missionary purposes. A new feature of the giving is the Missionary Wheel that holds one dollar. Twelve of these that had been distributed to the small children were returned filled with 5, 10 and 25 cent pieces to the amount required.
Mrs. John Magee and daughter, May, left on Monday for a visit to Philadelphia, and will be gone for some time.[i]
Mr. William Cord Burton, wife and daughter, Miss Katie, of Long Neck, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Atkins last week.
Steam Yacht Ralph Welch lays sunk at her mooring.
The mad dog scare is about over! Some of the dogs have been muzzled, but “precaution” is yet the watch word, as some of these dogs are known to have been bitten by the dog supposed to have been mad.
Rev. G. W. McCready, wife and daughter, Miss Lizzie, left on Monday for a visit to Baltimore and Maryland friends. John Crouch is the custodian of Rev. McCready’s dog during his absence.
This week a pump has been driven by Georgetown parties at the old Manship property, corner of Federal Street and Manship Avenue.
The Royal Packing Company of Milton was incorporated at Dover last week, with a capital stick of $50,000. The incorporators are: O. S. Betts, N. W. White, John P. Wilson, and John Robbins. As stated last week, this company will engage in packing only fancy goods, of the best quality.
[i] Regina McMullin, Viola’s first child, would be born on September 7, 1907. It is most likely that Viola’s mother and sister came to be with her in March to stay with her during her pregnancy, as it would have been known by March that she was expecting.