Mrs. Fannie Vaughan Kimmey, wife of Captain James T. Kimmey, died in Philadelphia on Monday of last week, aged 62 years. The remains were brought to Harbeson on Thursday, and conveyed to Milton by J. R. Atkins. Funeral services were held at the M. E. Church, by the Revs. McCready and Coursey, and interment made in the M. E. Cemetery. The deceased was a daughter of the late Captain Charles Vaughan and Mrs. E. M. Lofland.
Mrs. Margaret Prettyman died quite suddenly early on Saturday morning from a complication of diseases to which she has long been subjected. Deceased was 76 years, 11 months, and 5 days old. Her death occurred at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. C. E. Waples, on Union Street, north. The funeral services were held at her home residence on Chestnut Street, on Tuesday afternoon, and the body interred in the M. E. Cemetery. Rev. Coursey conducted the funeral services, and J. R. Atkins interred the remains. Mrs. Prettyman was the relict of the late William Prettyman, and leaves to survive her four daughters—Mrs. Amanda Hearn, Mrs. William Wharton, Mrs. Lancaster, all of Philadelphia. She also leaves several grandchildren, and considerable property.
Mrs. Mary H. Bennum, wife of Representative Henry O. Bennum, died at their home near Fairmount, on Tuesday morning at 6 o’clock of pneumonia, aged 54 years, 8 months and 16 days. She leaves a husband, four sisters and two brothers, and a host of relatives and friends. Funeral services will be held at Unity M. E. Church at 1 o’clock on Friday afternoon. Interment will be made at St. John Cemetery, Rev. Kenney, of Millsboro, officiating. S. J. Wilson & Son funeral directors.
Captain Martin Chandler is excavating around the property he has lately built, preparatory to putting down cement walks.
The Annual Conference of the A. M. E. Church will be held on the 15th of May, in Bethel Church (Mother Church), Philadelphia.
Rev. M. T. Jackson, pastor of the A. M. E. Church, north Milton, preached last Sunday at the Dover College before the students of that body. The Rev. Jackson has been pastor of the Milton Church for the past five years, and unless some new regulation is made in the conference, will not be likely to come here again and the colored church in this town will lose a good man.
Miss Mary Banning has been the guest of the Misses May and Lottie Welch.
J. Polk Davidson has commenced on the vessel for Captain Potter, of Fall River, Mass.
The Fourth Quarterly Conference of the M. P. Church will be held on Saturday evening March 2nd.
The Milton Electric Light Company is still banging away, but, really we cannot see that it is much nearer completion than it was months ago.
The Milton town election will be held on next Saturday. There is much available timber, for mayor. But one can win. Who shall it be?
The comedy Dot, the Miner’s Daughter, which was rendered some time ago, with so much success, by Milton talent, will be rendered again in School Hall, on Friday evening.
Mrs. Mary Mason, the aged lady with so much wondrous vitality is yet lingering. Her physician thinks hers a most remarkable case.
The Fourth Quarterly Conference of the M. E. Church was held on Monday afternoon. Some changes were made in the official board, and general routing of business attended to. Presiding Elder Morgan was in attendance.
Rec. McCready drove to Clayton on Monday to preach the funeral of one of his former flock.
Rumor has it that the Rev. R. T. Coursey will be run on a ticket for Mayor of Milton, and all the other prospective candidates are frightened.
The extra meetings continue at the M. E. Church.
The weather of the last few days had the effect of keeping many people indoors, especially those of advanced years. A fractured or broken limb is long in healing with octogenarians.
C. E. Waples, at the depot has sold of late, two carloads of coal. It comes higher now! $7 per ton.
Le Roi H. Johnson has recovered from his recent attact [sic], and is able to be at school this week.
The writer reported a year or more ago that Mrs. John Lewis set a hen on thirteen eggs and hatched—the hen, I mean—fourteen chickens. More wonderful, to relate se set thirteen some time ago, and there were fifteen biddies found in the next. We don’t vouch for the authenticacy [sic] of this story, but, if it is not so, she will tell us of it.
Dr. Leonard is slowly recovering from an attack of E Pluribus Unum, brought on by the recent rulings of the pension department.[i]
In consequence of J. H. Prettyman & Bros. advertisement which is now running in the Chronicle, these worth men are receiving orders for early cabbage, and other plants, which they make a specialty of.
Dr. W. J. Hearn, Dr. Will Hearn and Mrs. Hearn, Mrs. William Wharton, Mrs. Sallie Lancaster and their families were in attendance at the funeral of their mother and grandmother on Tuesday. Dr. Joe Hearn—well, this is the first time we have seen him since his unfortunate accident—is looking robust, some say better than they ever have seen him look. Dr. Will, well, he is always fat, jolly and lazy, but, when it comes to work in the surgical line, he is perfectly at home, and does his work well. Of this we are not witnesses, never had the honor of meeting that gentleman in an operation and hope we never will. Regarding the ladies who have been visitors on this unfortunate occasion, we have only to add, par excellence.
[i] Act of February 6, 1907 – Pension approved based on a veteran’s age and length of service.