Last week we visited “Woodland Poultry Farm” owned and operated by John Ponder, and situated in the suburbs of Milton. Mr. Ponder has the most complete poultry arrangement we have ever seen. A large space of ground enclosed with a six foot wire fence protects the whole. Within this enclosure are allotted spaces for the different breeds of chickens-Buff Barred and White Plymouth Rocks. There is also a “brooder,” which has eight different compartments for biddies or young chickens in various stages of growth. There are so many, and each in their own little homes that it is next to impossible to count them. Mr. Ponder estimates he has over six hundred of this class in youthful development. The chicken food house with garners and bins, for the different kinds of food used, are also here, together with little reservoirs, uniform in shape that contain pounded shells, and other substances of lime and gravel. The whole is a model of modern chicken raising. The interiors as well as the exteriors of all these little houses are decently white-washed and present a clean and nice appearance. Straw is sprinkled over the floors, where board is not used, which gives the rooms a cozy appearance. To this cleanliness, is no doubt due the small mortality amongst this large quantity of fowls. Mr. Ponder loses very few, even in their smallest stage. In an upper room of Mr. Ponder’s splendid residence he has a splendid incubator, which, at the time we were there, had in it 400 eggs, in various stages of incubation. Mr. Ponder gives to this business the whole of his time, and we judge he is kept busy. The incubator alone requires much attention. The eggs are to be turned twice daily; and the temperature to be looked after. Beside this, the chickens, in a state of growth, and these that are grown need attention: the eggs which are many, are to be collected daily; and taking everything together is a big job for one man. But he delights in his work, and we opine Mr. Ponder makes a very good chicken boy.
Last week the body of Henry Clay Lofland, who died at Bethel, this county, was brought to Broadkiln Hundred and interred in the Betts burial ground, near Milton. Deceased leaves a wife and six children, all of whom were prostrated with German measles, at the time of his death.
G. W. Atkins has another horse. The finest he ever owned. George is always fortunate, when he trades, or buys to get a better one than the former.
The “big store” commenced a ten-day sale of stock, at reduced prices, on Wednesday May 1st.
James Palmer has had the property he lately purchased on Broad Street fenced around in front and laterally. Mr. Palmer, evidently, believes in fencing his property, rather than turning it out to the commons. He’s sensible.
Mr. Levi J. Coverdale of Milton and Mrs. E. J. Calloway, of Jersey City, were married on Tuesday. April 30th, at the residence of the bridegroom’s daughter, Mrs. W. B. Dougherty, at Pennsgrove, N. J. The happy pair arrived in Milton the following Thursday evening, and will reside on Mill Street.
Miss Adele C. Neal closed her school on last Thursday, and on that evening gave an exhibition in the A. M. E. Church to show the colored people the advancement their children had made. Everything would have passed pleasantly, but for a disturbance raised by some of the young men. For this, one of the number, Frank Simpler—was arraigned before Squire Collins on Saturday, and fined five dollars. The others have not yet been caught.
Dr. Joseph Conwell, of Vineland, N. J., spent Saturday and Sunday in town.
The personal property of the late Theodore E. Primrose was sold on Saturday at public sale. His late residence on Broad Street was also sold. John Clifton was the purchaser at $1,100.
Miss Maggie Primrose has left Milton, and will reside with her sister, Mrs. Lillie Conwell, at Vineland, N. J.
The electric wire pole at the corner of Federal and Front Streets has quite a lean, and needs bracing.
Rev. Martin Damer, of Baltimore, preached at the P. E. Church on Sunday, both morning and evening.
Mrs. J. Polk Davidson has about recovered from her recent illness.
Dr. R. B. Hopkins met with a mishap with his automobile on Sunday. “It got away with him.” It ran into, and tore down part of a barbed wire fence, and fetched up in a field where it had to be dug out. The doctor and two little girls were the occupants at the time.
John Coulter has purchased an automobile; and the next thing we may expect in Milton is an earthquake.
Miss Essie Philips of Laurel has been the guest of Miss Lizzie McCready the past week. She has returned to her home.
The first trout of the season were in town on Thursday and offered at 25 cents a pair.
The maple trees that surround the P. E. Church have been nicely trimmed, enhancing the beauty of that locality.
C. G. Waples has the warehouse he is building at the railroad station enclosed.
Constable Barsuglia sold a horse, wagon, and buggy, the property of William Morris, in front of the Ponder House on Saturday.
Mrs. James Baynum, aged 82 years, is ill at her residence on Broad Street.
Six persons were admitted as members into the M. P. Church on Sunday last, making thirty that have been admitted on the last three Sundays.
F. H. Bishop, of Brooklyn, L. I., has bought a piece of land near Reynolds Church, pending repairs on the place he is occupying a dwelling in Milton, on Union Street, north.
Miss Laura Mitten Conner is convalescing.
A part of Mr. Frank Carey’s brick and concrete wall in front of his lawn on Federal Street, having become defective is being torn down and rebuilt this week by Fred Pepper.
Rev. G. R. McCready will preach at Lewes on next Sunday morning.
The Fortieth Annual Meeting of the Sussex County Bible Society will be held in Lewes, Thursday the 23rd inst.