After Sheridan made his memorable raid through the Shenandoah Valley[i] it was said “if a crow flew that way it would have to carry its rations with it.” Not about provisions, or rations, are in writing new; but it a man comes to Milton and wants any stimulant he will have to bring it with him, for the present; we cannot tell what the future will bring forth.
We noticed two “drummers”[ii] the other day, one of whom looked as though he had brought “his along,” talking about the deserted look of the Ponder House. We caught a remark of the rosy-faced chap when he said “we shall have to educate the people up to it.” Meaning, I thought, up to the “new order of things.” We think, most of the people have dropped into the new “order of things” as nicely as though they had been habituated to them for years. And indeed, if we had not we should want better missionaries than the chap referred to above to educate us to the change. The closing of the bar and reading rooms of the hotels, doubtless, goes hard with a few chronic night loafers, who had been in the habit of leaving their homes and lounging in these resorts until closing time. Now they hang around the corners, for a while, of an evening, their bodies drawn up, and their hands in their pockets, until they are compelled by the force of circumstances to go home. There are a few persons reported to be at a loss what to do with their money on Saturday nights; and buy clothing or something good to eat, instead of rum. We have had no Saturday night brawls lately, although there are as many people in town on these nights as heretofore; in consequence the town bailiff has nothing to do, and talks of resigning; and the justice of the peace contemplates going into politics. Is the Millenium dawning? It does appear so; for small debtors are paying their bills and everything seems to be moving along within the even growth of trade.
It is the opinion of many who have been habituated to the use of liquor, and others that the closing of the bar rooms is the best thing that was ever done for Milton.
A Law and Order Society has been organized in this town, and the following named persons are its officers: president, Dr. John E. Wiltbank; vice president, J. F. Outten; secretary and treasurer, W. W. Conwell; executive committee, H. W. Davidson, George E. Megee and Josiah Culver. In regard to the duties of this society the “Times” pertinently remarks, “There is much that such an organization can do, and work that requires Men not milk and water creatures.” Just so! That’s the point.
On last Thursday evening the electric lights went out again at 9 o’clock and were not relighted during the night. Another tree is supposed to have fallen across the wire.
Miss Lottie Welch is visiting in Philadelphia.
Nathaniel Lank of Frederica has been the guest of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Hopkins, for the past week.
Eugene Mason has secured a position in the bakery and confectionery store of William Warren.
The lime “bully”[iii] William B. Rambo broke her rudder in coming down the bay some weeks ago and put into a nearby harbor, and lay there, while her owners were in vain seeking to her whereabouts. She at last came out of the harbor into the Broadkiln, where she has discharged her cargo; and will have her rudder repaired, or a new one made. One of the owners informed the writer, the vessel had been three months on this last trip.
Mrs. W. W. Conner visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Warren at Ellendale on Saturday, and owing to the storm was compelled to stay until Monday when she returned to Milton.
The public schools are closed this week, and the children are running the streets, while the teachers are being taught.
Clara M. Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Martin, died at her home at Harbeson on Wednesday of brain fever, aged 3 year, 4 months, and 5 days. Funeral services were held on Tuesday afternoon, at Beaver Dam M. P. Church, and interment made in the cemetery adjoining. Rev. Kettell delivered the funeral oration, and S. J. Wilson & Son, did the rest.
Sarah Wilkins, wife of A. Wilkins, and youngest daughter of Thomas Lollis, died at her home between Milford and Frederica, on Saturday aged 41 years, 8 months, and 15 days. Funeral services were held at Slaughter Neck Church, by the Rev. Corkran, on Tuesday afternoon and burial made in the nearby cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
The question discussed at the Literary and Debating Society on Saturday evening: “Resolved that women should have the Right of Suffrage,” was decided in the affirmative.
On Sunday a rainstorm prevailed all of the day. During a portion of the afternoon and well into the night the rain descended in torrents, and the gutters of Federal and Chestnut Streets were taxed to their capacity in emptying the water into the river. It is well known these streets are on a declivity toward the river, and on Sunday the water went gurgling, spouting, twisting, hurling, down the gutters of these streets, like it does over the famed cataract of Ladore. The rain and wind, also brought on a storm tide. The water on the causeway leading to the Goodwin works, or more prorly Front Street, was knee deep in the afternoon and the persons living in these localities and near the iron bridge were put to considerable trouble on account of their hogs and other stock. On account of the storm there were no services at any of the churches. On Monday the “waters had abated” and passers over Magnolia and the east part of Front Street could travel if not on dry ground, on ground that is wet.
[i] General Philip Sheridan’s Valley Campaign from August to October 1864 was intended to deny Confederate forces the means by which to feed its armies in Virginia, through a “scorched earth” strategy. It was ruthlessly applied and successful.
[ii] The word “drummer” in this context is equivalent to “traveling salesman.”
[iii] The Rambo was a lime barge, and my assumption is that “bully” has a similar meaning. However, I have not been able to validate that assumption.