During the severe electric storm of last week lightning struck several places in and near town, but no considerable damage was done. The phone in the office of the Milton Times was knocked topsy-turvy and nearly all of the phones in town put out of order. The electric lights were made useless for that night. Several employees in the cannery of the Royal Packing Company were shocked by a bolt, but none seriously injured. Another storm hung over Milton the following day, and several vivid flashes of lightning were observed, but no damage done.
Mrs. John A. Collins has bought of N. W. White a building lot on Union Street, north, and will erect a dwelling thereon.
On Tuesday Robert Nailor’s three horse team got scared at an automobile near Zion Church, and ran to his home. The wagon, in striking a post, was overturned and badly broken up, while the team was comparatively uninjured.
Mrs. Lizzie Jarvis, of Harbeson, who has been seriously ill with typhoid fever, has convalesced and is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Bryan.
Miss May Welch returned last week to her millinery business in Philadelphia.
The Misses Susie [and] Sallie Carey of Glenside, Pa., are occupying their Milton homestead.
Mr. Towers and daughter. Miss Helen, of Wilmington, have been guests of Milton friends.
Rev. J. L. McKim, of Milford, was a Milton visitor last week.
Andrew F. Bryan has purchased the property of Mrs. James Collin on Atlantic Street. Consideration unknown.
The Annual State Convention of the W. C. T. U. will be held at Laurel on October the 16th, 17th and 18th prox.
The Milton Public Schools will open on the 7th proximo.
Rev. W. N. Conoway, formerly of this town, but now of the Wilmington M. E. Conference, and stationed at Mardellas Springs, Md., was married on Wednesday, the 11 inst. To —- Elizabeth A. Eversman. Rev. and Mrs. Conoway have been spending their honeymoon in Milton.
Miss Sarah Banning, of Milford, spent Sunday with Miss Lottie Welch.
A 65-pound watermelon was visible in one of the show windows at J. B. Welch’s drug store. A present made to Mr. Welch by Joshua Millman from his “Old New Market Home.”[i]
There is a cesspool on Front Street opposite the office of the Justice-of-the-Peace. No one in particular is probably to blame for it, as the hole was made by horses stamping the dirt out. Rain water has collected in it, and on Sunday it presented a nasty greenish look, prolific of disease. It should be filled up by someone, or somebody else.
A Bohemian, in the Anderson cannery, was arrested on Saturday night for drunkenness and disorderly conduct, and confined in the lock-up until Sunday morning, when he was released by paying the fine and cost.
Rev. Alfred Chandler, of Smyrna, preached at the M. E. Church on Sunday, both in the morning and in the evening. Many of the congregation are eulogistic of the sermon to a high degree.
Twilight services were again held at the Goodwin cannery works on Sunday evening under the auspices of the Epworth League. The novelty brought many of the people of the town out, but the help of the cannery did not turn out en masse, preferring to remain at their quarters. Women, who are compelled to work for their living, are as sensitive as those who are not; and presumably, do not wish to parade themselves, dressed in common clothing before others dressed in their best “bib and tucker.” These meeting have been held for the benefit of the help employed at the cannery, and should others be held, we suggest to the ladies of Milton that attend as spectators, that they stay at home and gratify their curiosity in some other way. Allow these strangers to have the benefit intended for them—if benefit there be—and not compel them to become the targets of a gaping crowd, or remain supinely in their quarters while the meetings are in progress.
Prof. William H. Welch left town on Sunday for Frankford, where he is elected to be principal of the Public Schools for the present term.
Dr. W. J. Hearn and family of Philadelphia, with his son, Dr. Will Hearn and family of the same city, is occupying his cottage on Broadkiln Beach.
W. W. Conwell, cashier of the National Bank, is having his beautiful home, on the corner of Federal and Mill Streets, repainted by George B. Atkins.
Mabel, daughter of Charles P. Tatman, Jr., died at her home near Paton Church, on Wednesday, aged 1 year, 6 months and 18 days[ii]. Funeral services at St. Johnstown Church on Friday, by the Rev. Layfield, and interment in adjoining cemetery by S. J. Wilson.
Thomas J. Atkins, one of the oldest men of Milton, is now ill, with enlargement of the heart and old age. His son, J. Roland Atkins, is also prostrated with typhoid.
Joseph Walls is filling up the yard around his dwelling and raising his stables in the rear.
C. A. Conner lost one of his sty pigs on Tuesday from an unknown cause. It would have weighed 200 lbs.
Tomatoes that are raised in Broadkiln are of a peculiar kind, or the ground is of a peculiar quality. When persons contract, many of them say they put out so many acres to sell on the market. Now look at the facts in the case. When tomatoes are high, the acreage put out for the market bears; when they are low, the contract acreage bears. This has been the case throughout. AT the beginning of the season the vegetable ruled high, and the tomatoes were sold on the market to the highest bidders. Later on they fell and the contract acreage commence to produce. On Monday they brought from 6 to 18 cents a basket. On Tuesday morning there was no demand, and the streets were filled with teams and wagons loaded. Six cents was the price given later in the day, and almost all persons one would meet declared theirs were contracted, and all the factories were filled.
The M. E. Sunday School at Zion will hold a picnic in the grove nearby on the afternoon of Sept. 26th. The public is cordially invited. All that gives zest, pleasure, enjoyment and happiness on such occasions, will be there.
[i] This is a song written by J. B. Welch; click here to view the complete lyrics
[ii] Cause of death was give as brain fever.