April 10, 1908

The Protestant Episcopal congregation will build a tower to their church on Federal Street. It will be 10 feet square and 86 feet high to the top of the square, with ornaments consisting of four pinnacles, […] feet high, one placed on such corner of the structure. It will be placed at the southwest corner of the church, and the front entrance to the church will be changed, either to the front or to the south side of the tower; which, has not yet been decided, In the front of the tower above the square of the church will be three windows: and twenty-eight feet from the ground in the front, will be an open double-arched window. Altogether, the plans of this structure are imposing and grand and its erection will greatly enhance the beauty of the building and be a decided improvement to that portion of Federal Street. Peter P. Welch is the architect, and will be the builder. The work will begin very soon.

Rev. A. C. McGilton, the new minister, preached his introductory sermon at the M. E. Church in Sunday morning. The minister has a keen eye, a pleasant address, a foo delivery, and was not, in the least, embarrassed in his first appearance before a strange congregation. On account of there being no services at the M. P. Church, the congregation was abnormally large, and it is believed the preacher made a very favorable impression on his hearers. A similar congregation greeted him at the evening service.

Rev. George Morris, a former Milton boy[i], but now a member of the Maryland Annual Conference, will preach at the M. P. Church on next Sunday, both morning and evening.

The arch that was over the Odd Fellows Cemetery entrance has been split off, and a part of it is now used to keep the two gates open, Pride if nothing else should induce the management to replace it, or something better in its place.

John B. Mustard has twelve Plymouth Rock hens which, according to Mr. Mustard’s statement, have laid in one month, 269 eggs; within that time three of the hens went to setting. The cost to feed these hens during the month was $1.28.

The M. D. & V. R. R. Co. is grading for another switch at the Milton station. The switch will extend from beyond and across Federal Street to the depot on Chestnut Street. The grading of this siding cuts through an embankment that requires the removal of a large quantity of dirt, which the company is utilizing on the road. When this shall have been completed, there will be three sidings at Milton station and no water closets.

The town lot sold in front of the Mayor’s Office on Saturday was bought by William Betts for $76.00. It is located on Federal Street and joins the Presbyterian Cemetery on Church Street.

The Town Assessment list is hanging in the post office. The Town Board will meet to hear appeals on Saturday next, the 11th.

Edwin P. Johnson blew out several large stumps for Roderick Reynolds on the former Dr. David Wolfe farm, last week, with dynamite.

The town Supervisor has been trimming the trees in South Milton the past week. This action of the authorities enhances the beauty of the streets to a remarkable degree. The upper part of the maple trees on South Federal Street now resemble the segment of a circle, and when these trees shall have leafed the beauty will be picturesque and grand.

The colored church on Chestnut Street, south Milton, is receiving its share of diabolism. At least one half of the panes of glass in the windows of both the first and second stories are out, or broken and the shingles on the wall are being broken off. Of course, “the boys did it!”

Mrs. Noah Megee, who has been spending the winter in Philadelphia, has returned home, accompanied by her son, Captain Charles Megee and wife.

Benjamin Palmer, of Townsend, has been paying his respects to Milton friends.

Captain George Hunter has completed the moving of his recently purchased building, from Wharton to Chestnut Street. On Saturday it became necessary to cut the electric wires to get the building into its proper place. They were repaired as soon as possible, but it was not until 2 p. m. that the current was turned on. The stores and offices using the light experienced considerable disadvantage during the interim.

The Republican Primary Election, on Saturday, brought many people into town. It was a hotly contested one, there being two tickets in the field, and 179 votes cast. B. F. Gray, N. W. White, and A. H. King were elected delegates to go to Dover on Tuesday and E. H. Bacon, J. T. Crouch, and E. D, Campbell, alternates; N. W. White being on both tickets received an unanimous election the other delegates and alternates were elected by majorities ranging from six to ten. J. CV. Lank was elected County Committee over B. F. Walls, the present incumbent, by a majority of thirteen votes.

“Congressman Burton” was in town on Sunday.

The engine and boiler have been put into the Steamer Marie Thomas.

There was frost on Friday morning and again on Sunday morning, but it is not though fruit is hurt.

On Monday the Royal Packing Company elected the following directors: Captain C. F. Lacy, J. M. Robbins, N. W. White, and O. S. Betts. J. M. Robinson is President and O. S. Betts, Secretary, Treasurer and General Manager.

William Wilson, of Frederica, was in Milton on Tuesday.

The trestles east and west of the depot, of the M. D. & V. R. R., are being repaired and the road on both sides of the depot is in good order.

William J. Donovan, son of J. W. Donovan, died at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Jesse Walls, near Redden, of consumption, aged 68 years, 11 months, and 20 days. Funeral services were held on Sunday afternoon at Reynolds, by Rev. Otis Reed, and sepulture made in the adjoining cemetery, by S. J. Wilson & Son.

Invitations are out for the wedding of Miss Elizabeth Black and Mr. R. D. Lingo, Jr., of Dagsboro.

At the residence of Lydia Johnson, the old homestead of the late B. H. Johnson, the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren gathered on Friday, April 3rd, and made merry; the occasion being a reunion of the family, for which great preparations had been made, as it was her 87th birthday anniversary. It was also a surprise until the morning of that day, when the family began to arrive. The day was especially happy for all, young and old. Dr. James A. Hopkins and wife were guests, and after the splendid dinner was served, he made an address which [was] full of pleasant memories of the early days when he and Mrs. Johnson were young. There were many valuable presents given to the aged mother, and which will be treasures to the end of her time.


[i] Son of M. P. Church trustee Joseph B. Morris; George’s mother Annie was memorialized on one of the church’s windows.