These bright spring days cause a peculiar feeling to steal over one’s frame, known in common parlance as “laziness.” However, this is easily shaken off by the ones who desire to do something, as is evidenced by the many who are engaged in agriculture and other work incident to spring life, Amongst all the bustle and activity that is going on, the […] and the dog are still hanging around the street corners and other haunts peculiar to their like.
A very pertinent editorial appeared in the Milford Chronicle of last week, […], the present manner of drawing jurors. But if the drawing of the colored man, Harmon, as a juror shall in any way lead to a return to the old system of the Levy Court from each district furnishing the names to be drawn for jurors, then it will have redound to a good purpose. Certainly the Levy Court from a district knows the men in his district and would not be likely to put the name of any man into the box whom he did not know.
The canneries are contracting for tomatoes for the present year.
Another old stable has been torn down on Lavinia Street. It has been trying to fall down for a year or more but, apparently could not, and workmen completed the job on Saturday.
The attention of the overseer of the road is called to that portion at Lavinia Bridge. There is evidently a leak through the jamb of the bridge and the caving in of the earth is making it dangerous to teams. It had better by looked after before a horse gets his leg broken.
It was known that last Friday was “Arbor and Bird Day,” but we were not in a position to note much enthusiasm over the event.
[…] Wright has run a wire fence for a chicken pen, where he lives, about 100 yards down Magnolia Street and on Mulberry Street, from his resident to the waste gate bridge; thus enclosing a large piece of low land for poultry purposes.
We said something last week about “cheek.” This quality appears to be native with those who remove from the country into town. For instance, when a person builds a house behind another person’s house and wants his brother to remove his house that he may see down the street, we call that “cheek.” Is this mixed up? Well unravel it. Yet, there is truth in it.
One of the windows in front of Charles A. Conner’s store was broken on Wednesday night and four ladies combs taken from the case.
The shade trees on Union Street, north, have been trimmed under the supervision of the town officials.
Fred Pepper is building a new porch in front of the residence on Mulberry Street.
G. B. Atkins is painting the inside of David Wiltbank’s new residence on Federal Street.
Capt. George Hunter is making preparations to move his recently purchased dwelling from Wharton to Chestnut Street.
Thomas Johnson is decorating the interior of Martin Chandler’s dwelling on Lavinia Street.
James Jester had an accident occur to his bus at the corner of Broad and Mulberry Streets on Monday morning while gathering up passengers for the station. But Mr. Jester has two busses and the other one was pressed into service on this occasion.
W. B. Derrickson, liveryman, is building a large stable on the property of William Mears in town.
A town lot on the corner of Church and Federal Streets will be sold on Saturday afternoon next.
Charles T. Adkins, of this town, and a student at Dover Conference Academy, delivered a very interesting sermon at the M. E. Church on Sunday evening.
On Sunday the salary of the pastor of the M. P. Church, or that portion of it which remained unpaid, $32—was raised without any trouble. The benevolent collections of this church are all paid up and Rev. McCready left for conference Tuesday.
Captain George Goodwin made a business trip to Baltimore last Saturday, returning on Monday.

A small steamer, Israella, that has been laying at the dock for several days, gathering up Irish potatoes around the country, left on Monday for her home at Holly Beach, N. J. The price paid for the potatoes was 55 cents per bushel.
Isaac W. Nailor, who has been engaged in Philadelphia for some time, has the contract to build a large, commodious and up-to-date building for Harry Jester at Ellendale.
Shad have been very scarce in the Broadkiln this season.
Joshua Carey, aged 35 years, is confined to his home by the infirmities of age and diseases incident thereto.
John Conoway is quite ill at his residence near town.
Rev. R. T. Coursey returned to Milton on Monday evening, after his household effects.
The new minister, Rev. A. E. McGilton, and family, are expected this (Tuesday) evening. The parsonage has partly been repainted, repapered and re-carpeted and the ladies will be on hand to receive the minister, his wife and child, with becoming dignity, interspersed with ice cream, cake and other refreshments.
Sallie A. Smith, relict of the late Tryford Smith, died on Saturday of pneumonia, aged 51 years. Funeral at McColley’s Chapel on Sunday afternoon by Rev. Otis Reed and burial in the cemetery nearby. S. J. Wilson & Son funeral directors.
Two children were interred in the Brotherhood Cemetery at Millsboro on Monday afternoon, after the last sad rites had been performed by Rev. Kenney of that town. The children died at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben JH. Smith, near Staytonsville, the younger on Friday, aged 4 weeks, the elder on Saturday, of pneumonia, aged 5 years, 10 months and 21 days. Both were buried in one grave by S. J. Wilson & Son.
A mud digger, of the River and Harbor Improvement Company, arrived at the mouth of the Broadkiln on Monday evening and will begin to dig the new mouth, and cut out the shoals in the river.