On September 23rd, 1779, when the British frigate Serapis hailed the Bonhomme Richard asking if she had “struck her colors,” Paul Jones replied, “I have not yet begun to fight.” Now, we are not in a fighting humor, but if anyone thinks Milton is in a moribund condition, he, she, or they are woefully mistaken. We are just beginning to live thanks to the plants that were established here a year and more ago, for canning and other purposes. The toot, toot, toot of the whistles of four canneries are now in operation and the canneries are employing approximately 350 persons, 250 of them foreign help. So one may see that Milton is busy in this line of business. And the farmers are busy, getting their tomatoes to town; and the merchants are busy selling groceries; for these 250 mouths must be fed, if they are a transient population. And it is a false idea that the foreign element live on tomatoes alone because they can get them from the factory for nothing. They live on fish, too, and on Sunday many of them are fishing, as well as at other odd times. And they, also, buy many groceries; and, as we have remarked, “the merchants are busy.” If President Roosevelt would come around these camps of laborers, and see the quantity of children from the suckling babe of a month old to the little tots of two or three years, we think he would abandon his theory of race suicide[i]. One afternoon we counted thirty-five of this class playing in front of their quarters.
The Royal Packing Co. put up some peaches last week.
Captain George Kimmey of Philadelphia is making his annual visit to Milton.
William Scott, former Milton boy but now an engineer of Philadelphia, is in town renewing old acquaintances and living over again boyhood days.
Rev. C. A. Behringer and G. B. Atkins camped a few days last week on Broadkiln Beach, using a canvas tent.
There are very few peaches shipped from Milton, Those raised north of town go to Ellendale or Milford; those south of town are carried to Harbeson or Georgetown.
On Tuesday of last week Constable King received a letter from the Marshal of Police of Baltimore stating he had information that a blind evangelist held services on Lavinia Camp Ground, on Sunday the 9th inst. There was other information enclosed and a picture of the blind evangelist wanted in Baltimore, Frederick W. O’Donnell—for larceny and other things. Amongst which is courting young women and getting their consent to marriage, and securing of them what money they happen to have, and then disappearing. Constable King wired there was a blind evangelist on Lavinia Camp Ground. On Wednesday evening a detective arrived on the evening train from Baltimore, accompanied by two good-looking young ladies. One of these ladies, the said Frederick W. O’Donnell had courted, and gained her affections, and a promise of marriage, and $2200.00 with which to set himself up in business, and then left. She came with the other lady to identify the criminal. The detective, the ladies and the constable proceeded to the camp ground, and the ladies went close enough to the blind evangelist, McDougal, who is on the camp ground, to declare he is not the man they were looking for. The detective and the ladies left on the morning train of Thursday for Baltimore via Seaford and other towns on the peninsula. The query is why a good-looking woman should want to marry a blind man when there are plenty of good liking even she might get with all of their senses intact.
Conrad C. Dailey, who has been spending some time in Milton, returned to his home in Swedesboro, N. J., on Saturday.
Barge “Wright, No. 5” was launched at Carey’s Landing last week. She has been brought to Milton dock, where she will be completed.
H. R. Draper’s foundation and cellar for his new building south of town is about completed. Size of main building 21 ft. x 28 ft., back building […] ft. x 14 ft. Joseph Morris is doing the carpenter work, and Fred Pepper is managing the brick work.
It is said money has been dug up near the residence of Lem Holsten, and Dr. Leonard is accused of having found a pot […]. Leonard strenuously denies the charge. Lem Holsten said, on Friday morning, that Dr. Leonard and another Milton man promised to meet him at the spot on a certain night last week, and the Milton parties had a horse and carriage hired for the purpose. Holsten says he waited at the meeting place until long after 10 o’clock, and no one came. A day after the place had been dug all around, and the money is supposed to have been found, and Dr. Leonard is thought by Holsten and other parties to have got it, but Leonard denies it. We don’t know how they are going to make it.
James Jester’s little rat terrier disappeared on Sunday and returned home on Friday. On this Friday a noise was heard under the warehouse of Waples & King where there is an old well partly filled up. Upon removing a part of the floor the little dog was taken out, and immediately started for home. It is supposed he got after a rat and slipped into the well.
Miss Annie Manship of Philadelphia is a Milton visitor.
Rev. W. N. Conoway is the guest of his brother Mr. John Conoway and family.
Rev. Frank Cain and wife of Rolandville, Md., are being entertained by Mrs. Cain’s mother—Mrs. Purnell Bennett.
The misses Edith and Carrie Fisher of Philadelphia are visiting their many Milton friends. Edward Atkins of Philadelphia is a Milton visitor.
Arthur C. Conwell, with his wife, is the guest of his mother and sister.
Dr. Joseph Conwell, Mayor of Vineland, N. J., spent Sunday in town.
Thomas Lindle had his right hand slight hurt last week while operating a crimping machine at the R. P. Co.’s works.
State Councillor W. B. Stoors of Wilmington will visit Enterprise Council No, 16 Jr. O. U. A. M. on Thursday evening the 20th.
Martin Chandler had a front porch put to his residence on Lavinia Street.
A passage way has been built over the branch at the head of the lake for the accommodation of persons coming to town, thereby shortening the distance that many who have been compelled to use the State road, have travelled.
J. Jackson if near town lost a valuable horse last week, by being caught in the stable, where one of his jugular veins was cut, and he bled to death.
Henry Atkins is building a gasoline launch, 22 ft. long, for use on the Broadkiln.
Martin Chandler has been clearing the unnecessary bramble from a part of the M. E. Cemetery thereby enhancing the beauty of the place.
Miss Mary Lamb of Philadelphia is visiting her sisters Mrs. Rheuben Pennewill and Miss Laura Lamb.
The beef market at the corner of Mulberry and Federal Streets gas collapsed again; and John Clifton has gone to pitching horse shoes.
There were 124 voters registered at Milton on Saturday. There are now 422 registered voters in Broadkiln.
The camp meeting at Lavinia Woods closed on last Sunday night; and many visitors left Milton on Monday morning.
Erasmus N. Lofland died suddenly on Friday afternoon, at his residence on Broad Street, aged 74 years, 5 months and 24 days. Funeral services were held at his late residence on Monday morning by the Rev. G. D. McCready, and sepulture made in the M. E. Cemetery by J. R. Atkins. Deceased leaves a widow, one son, and two daughters—William Lofland of Lewes, and Miss Sallie and Annie Lofland at home.
J. W. Beebe of Elwood, Indiana has been the guest of J. B. Welch this week.
“Ten Nights in a Bar Room” was played by an itinerant company in Hart’s Park on Monday evening. A goodly number was present.
Miss Helen Conwell and Miss Fannie Manning of Lewes, and Miss Mary Houston of Georgetown, have been spending a week with Miss Agnes Lacey.
Tomatoes sold on Tuesday at from 12 to 25 cents per basket.
George F. Wilson, an aged citizen of Long Neck, died at his farm on Tuesday of paralysis, aged 78 years, 9 months and 23 days. Funeral at Trinity by the Rev. Watts of Millsboro, on Thursday morning and burial at Springfield X-Roads Cemetery, S. J. Wilson & Son.
[i] Theodore Roosevelt was preoccupied with what he perceived as a declining birth rate among middle-class whites, especially those of Anglo-Saxon Protestant heritage, while immigrant births were perceived as much higher; to fail to keep up the birth rate of the former in comparison to the latter, America risked “race suicide.” He regarded the use of contraception as contrary to nationalism. These views were expressed in a speech he gave on March 13, 1905, before the National Congress of Mothers.