In getting dirt from the embankment at the […] end of Lavinia Street, the old roots and other debris is carried to the opposite side of the street, and piled up for a bugaboo for horses. The town supervisor should remember this is a town street and not a country road, and that it is within the town limits, and should be kept clean. Its being but little used when compared with the other streets of the town makes no difference. The writer uses it often and desires to see that part of town as clean and nice as any other part; and if this street and sidewalk is not kept clean the inhabitants of “Sleepy Valley” will be grumbling. Burn the refuse.
On Friday morning we noticed on Lavinia Camp ground, near the encampment, that two decayed trees had been cut down and their bodies sawed into proper length for stove wood. These were set up on end in rows resembling much the work of “Billy” Robinson, and Martin Chandler. No doubt, the campers will be glad these old trees are cut down for they might have fallen sometime during camp meeting services.
Noble Ellingsworth of Philadelphia is spending some time with his mother.
William H. Davidson of Philadelphia spent some time in town last week, in the interest of the A. O. U. W.[i]
The section gang on the M. D. & V. R. R. has been reduced to two men, for a time.
Since the closing of the rum shops, officers who execute pension vouchers find a difference in getting pay for their work. In the days of licenses these officers were often obliged to wait until the pensioner received his pay before they got theirs. Now they get paid right off and it would be an unusual occurrence to find an old pensioner nowadays who has not got $25 or $30 in his pocket and more in the bank. Yet, there are others whose pockets are not so full, under this order of living.
At the annual meeting of Milton Conclave, No. 44, I. O. H. held last week, all the old officers were re-elected, except Arkon and Provost; George Davidson was elected to the former office, and T. H. Douglass to the latter one. S. J. Wilson was elected delegate to the Supreme Conclave Convention to be held in Boston next June.
Steamer Marie Thomas arrived at Milton last week; having completed her charter of four months as tender, in the construction of Miah-Maul Shoal Light House. The steamer loaded and delivered on Saturday a load of green pine brush at the jetty, at the mouth of the Broadkiln, and will, this week, take a load of piling to Cold Spring, N. J. Capt. Megee is nicely fixed up for business on the dock, having warehouses for freight, and conveniences for everything, including a cozy little office for his friends, providing they don’t come bothering around during business hours. Captain Megee intended with this steamer to make business for Milton and the vessel too. There’s room in Milton for a few more Captain Georges.
On Monday night November 30th the barn and stables of Frank Jefferson in Slaughter Neck were burned to the ground, destroying wheat, two carriages and two horses. The property belonged to Mrs. Mollie Russell of Scranton, Pa., and was not insured. Mr. Jefferson has been very unfortunate of late, having lost two other horses a few weeks ago.
S. J. Wilson has completed his new stables and carriage house near his residence on Mill Street. The stalls of the stable are very large and roomy. The carriage house is built on the improved plan, with metal roof, dressed ploughed and groove floor and other conveniences.
W. W. Conwell, cashier of the Milton National Bank, has bought of W. F. Starkey a piece of ground on Chestnut Street on which he proposes to build two dwelling houses for the further improvement of Milton, and for other reasons.
J. M. Lank and Charles A. Conner were admitted into full membership with the M. E. Church on Sunday morning.
Rev. McGilton commenced on Sunday to preach a series of sermons to women.
Rev. J. M. Arters, Secretary State Anti-Saloon League, will preach at the M. E. Church next Sunday evening.
On Sunday the congregation of the M. P. Church at its two sessions raised the sum of $223.25. The amount liquidates the mortgage on the church, pays for the electric lights and all other expenses. The mortgage will be publicly burned on Sunday evening the 20th in the presence of the congregation.
The Christian Endeavor Society will hold a social on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Hannah Dickerson.
Harry Owens, station agent at the M. D. & V. R. R. station, is on a twelve days leave of absence. H. Tarr of Winchester, Md., is agent ad interim.
On Monday evening the annual election of officers for the M. E. Sunday School was held. All the old officers were re-elected except the first assistant Superintendent Josiah Culver. Mrs. Sallie Lofland[ii] was elected to that position.
George W. Atkins, the Milton hustler and traveling salesman for C. H. Atkins’ wholesale emporium, is now on his last trip before Christmas. George expects to arrive home in time to lay over for the holidays and enjoy Christmas in the grand old fashioned way of mutual love and good will to all his friends and Christian charity toward his neighbors.
Elsie E. Warrington, daughter of Captain and Mrs. William Warrington, died on Thursday evening of [….] aged 3 years, […] months and 6 days[iii]. Funeral services were held at her late home on Saturday afternoon by the Rev. McCready and interment made in the M. E. Cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
Captain James Scull has taken command of the schooner John A. Lingo that has been laying for some time on one of the slips at Mount Ararat, and loaded her with pine wood for Philadelphia.
L. M. Derrickson, who was so severely hurt by the kick of a horse on Thanksgiving Day, is still at his son’s home in this town and is slowly improving.
[i] This is the Ancient Order of United Workmen, founded in 1868 by John Upchurch, one of many another fraternal orders along the lines of the Jr. O. U. A. M. and I. O. O. F. (Odd Fellows).
[ii] This may be Sarah Lofland, who was unmarried.
[iii] The cause of death was croup.