December 4, 1908

And the next will be Christmas! And so the festive days of the years go by and the generations of humanity make the most of them. Thanksgiving Day was well observed in Milton. The banks were closed as well as the other places of business, in town, and the populace dispersed itself amongst the various amusements that were offered. In the morning religious services were held in the Methodist Episcopal and the Protestant Episcopal Churches. In the afternoon the races came off at the Driving Park Association’s track, near town, and in the evening the Ladies’ Aid Society gave a dinner in the Masonic Temple, and Prof. A. Lincoln Kirk a Monologue Entertainment in School Hall. The races brought many people to town from various parts of lower Sussex and it was estimated there were 1500 people on the ground. If this estimate be true, and at 25 cents admission fee the reader can figure for himself the receipts, as the management refused to give them. The receipts from the ladies’ entertainment approximated $100.00. It was reported at the gathering places next morning the S. J. Wilson beat his own record eating ice cream; but he was no “dead head.” We will not state how much he is said to have eaten, for there might be some reader who does not know Sam’s capacity for ice cream, who would not believe it. $30.00 was received at the monologue entertainment in School Hall. This entertainment was not conducted under the auspices of the P. E. Church as was erroneously stated, two weeks ago it would be, but a part of the proceeds is to be applied to the purchase of a piano for School Hall. And so the day passed. The weather was ideal, and but one accident occurred to mar the festivities of the occasion. In the morning Lemuel M. Derrickson, of Georgetown, 67 years of age, who had driven over to witness the races, was standing alongside his son’s—W. B. Derrickson—livery stables, when a horse that had come from Millsboro was brought out. The horse kicked Mr. Derrickson in the face with both feet, breaking his nose and shattering his jaw bone. He was taken to the residence of his son, and Dr. J. A. Hopkins summoned, who rendered the necessary surgical aid. Mr. Derrickson is improving at this writing (Tuesday) but is yet unable to talk or take any food, except in a liquid state.

The ladies and gentlemen of the town gave a dance in School Hall on Friday which was poorly attended.

Before Justice Eli L. Collins, on Saturday, John Carey sued Frank Carey for $58.00. $20.00 alleged to have been borrowed, the remainder due from labor. The case was tried by referees—J. M. Lank, D. A. Conner and Joshua Short. The plaintiff failing to substantiate the claim, verdict was given for defendant.

The question before the debating society in the School Hall, on Saturday evening, “Resolved: that Washington did more for his country than did Lincoln.” Was argued by the pupils of the Milton High School. Affirmative: Morris Black and Miss Emma Warren. Negative: Columbus Welch and Miss Elsie King. The question was decided in favor of the negative. The next meeting will be held on Friday evening the 11th inst.

On Sunday morning Dr. McGilton preached at the M. E. Church to the Mason Fraternity; which order attended the church in a body. The building was crowded, there being people and representative of the lodge present from many places. Dr. McGilton reviewed the history of masonry from its incipiency and amongst many other things, unknown to the many, related the startling statistic that the Masonic Fraternity contributed [more money] for the alleviation of distressed humanity that did or does the Methodist Episcopal Church. We do not exaggerate when we say—and the writer professes to be a judge—that there has never been a better sermon preached in the town of Milton. Why! If the Rev. B. Taylor had been in that church on Sunday morning and heard that sermon, he would have gone through one of the windows with more alacrity than he jumped over the porch railing on a notable night three winters ago. In the evening Dr. McGilton addressed the Jr. O. U. A. M., which order also attended the church en masse.

Thanksgiving services were held at the M. P. Church on Sunday; but owing to the extraordinary services at the M. E. Church the proposed collection to liquidate the debt hanging over the building was postponed until next Sunday. All friends of the church are earnestly invited to be present and to help in raising the amount ($200.00).

There were no services at the P. E. Church on Sunday. The rector [….] at St. George’s, Indian River.

In this advanced day it’s something new and quite attractive to see a picket fence enclosing a yard. Mrs. Carrie Burris has had the yard and parterre around her new building on Chestnut Street so done.

Last week the band wagon belonging to Firemen Band strayed away or was mysteriously stolen from the engine house. Ed Bacon is accused of having got it; but he denies it. “Deponent sayeth not.”

Miss Lizzie King has returned from a visit to Swedesboro, N. J.

The sale of P. J. Hart’s goods on Friday and Saturday attracted many people in town. Mrs. Elizabeth Wright, also, disposed of her household goods on Saturday.

James Ponder, Esq., of Wilmington was down, on a gunning tour, last week.

The S. S. T. T. & D. Co. has had the cornices, entablature and other wood and metal finish to its bank building repainted.

Conrad C. Dailey, of Swedesboro, N. J. spent a portion of last week in Milton: “with his best girl.”

Ex-U.S. Marshal J. Conner Short passed through town last Thursday.

Ernest Conwell is buying and shipping a large quantity of holly wreaths. People thought there was no holly in the country; but it appears to come from somewhere.

Town supervisor and men were at work on Union Street north, last week.

Rev. Nehemiah Bennum of Rodney attended the Masonic services on Sunday morning. Mr. Bennum is suffering with a […] disease of the face, and is here for medical treatment.

Captain George E. Megee has had a diamond shaped window put into the door of his office on the dock.

Itinerant cosmopolitans must think the people of Milton a gullible set and their very actions go far to give color the thought. No traveling humbug is likely to pass by Milton. And they generally have a fair audience. Next!

Electric lights will be introduced into the M. E. Church, the result of the Ladies’ Aid Society Thanksgiving dinner.

David Wiltbank is having built a porch in front of his new building on Federal Street; and D. M. Conwell has about completed his building on the same street.

Hog killing commenced on Monday. W. W. Conner has butchered the largest one we have heard from. It weighed 476 pounds.

George Waples of Milton, “Hattie Waples’ boy,” and Miss Alethia Burton of Lewes were married in the latter town, on Sunday evening, by the colored minister of that place. Skedunk[i] papers please copy.

Miss Ida Ponder and niece Miss Sarah Ponder left their home on Tuesday for Wilmington, where they will spend the winter.

Elizabeth Jackson died at her home near Brick Granary on Monday, of dropsy, aged 61 years, 3 months and 3 days. Funeral services held at Slaughter Neck Church on Thursday afternoon by the Rev. Cockran of Lincoln, and interment made in the cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son, funeral directors.

V. L. Wilkerson and Oscar Carpenter, of Milford, spent Thanksgiving with friends in Milton, and attended the races at the Milton Driving Park Association.


[i] I have not been able to find an actual place named Skedunk on any current map or atlas. Early twentieth century literature makes references to an apparently fictional place named Skedunk, in the sense that it is a backwater location nobody has ever heard of.