Another year has passed away and holds it record on the calendar of time. We are one year older; and one year better or worse than we were at this time last year. Which? As usual, the New Year was ushered in, at Milton, with the ringing of the church bells and the firing of many guns. A watch night service was held at the M. P. Church from 10.30 o’clock until after midnight. During the firing of the guns someone standing near the M. P. Church fired a load of shot into Mrs. Elizabeth Conwell’s house. The load went through near the middle window of the second story, and the shot scattered under the bed on which Mrs. Conwell was lying. This was a random shot and careless, as no one wishes to hurt Mrs. Conwell.
John Crouch celebrated the anniversary of his 56th birthday on New Year’s Day. A twenty-two pound turkey was butchered for the occasion and 21 children and grandchildren did not leave much of it when they had finished their dinner. Mr. Crouch was the recipient of many presents, among which was a handsome gold watch.
The Milton Electric Light Company turned on the remainder of the lights on New Year’s evening and an owl or some carnivorous animal held a feast on Lavinia Street on a fat chicken, commemorative of the event. The bones of the fowl were nicely picked and the feathers distributed under the wild cherry tree and along the sidewalk nearby.
A propos of the electric lights, as they are all supposed to be now up. The distribution is unequal. From the corner of Wharton and Federal Streets there is no light until opposite Poplar Street. The intervening space is dark, made so by shade trees, and there should be another light between. As it now is the space is darker with the lights at each end of it than it would be without any. There is also much complaint from the unequal distribution on other streets.
The personal property of the late Thomas Atkins was appraised on Monday by Eli L. Collins and William Stevens.
Miss Mary Welch returned home from Philadelphia on Saturday.
W. E. Manship, of Philadelphia, was a Milton guest last week.
Captain G. E. Megee has had the refuse wood, that was hauled from the woods to the dock, sawed and converted into stove wood for the benefit of consumers.
Mrs. West, mother of Philip West, who died some years ago, came to Milton to nurse Mrs. Nancy Lindle and on Thursday was stricken with partial paralysis. The Jr. O. U. A. M., of which order the son was a member, hearing of the situation of Mrs. West and that she was without friends, appointed a committee to investigate the matter. The committee secured the services of a physician, and found a home for the afflicted one with Mrs. Zopher Johnson. The doctor diagnosed the case and the patient was removed to her new found home on Saturday. The Jr. O. U. A. M. will pay her bills out of respect for her dead son.
Mr. and Mrs. Roberts and Frederick Deselva, the gentlemen being employees on the Broadkiln jetty, returned from their holiday vacation last Thursday.
Frederick A. Walls and Miss Annie E. Reynolds, of near Coolspring, were married on Wednesday evening, January 1st, at the home of the bride’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Reynolds.
Miss Florence Davis and John Argo, both of Prime Hook, were joined in matrimony on Sunday evening. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. G. R. McCready at the M. P. Parsonage.
On Wednesday evening at the residence of the bride’s parents, corner Broad and Mulberrry Streets, Miss Emma B. Mason, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Mason, was united in marriage with Edward D. Davidson, Rev. R. T. Coursey tied the nuptial knot.
Albert Kunz, the baker, who has been baking bread, etc., for William Warren, has quit and returned to Wilmington.
Mary S. Abbott died at her home near Reynolds on Thursday of tuberculosis of the lungs, aged 37 years, 6 months and 9 days. Funeral services were held at Reynold’s Church on Sunday afternoon by the Rev. McCready and interment made in adjoining cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son. The husband of the deceased died Jan. 25th, 1907.
Seeing an item, the past week, in the Philadelphia Record, stating that 14-year-old William Derrickson had been nearly killed by a pony and was only saved by the timely arrival of his father; and having heard nothing of the circumstance in town, we interviewed the father. When asked if the report was true, the father replied: “I have heard nothing of it; there’s the boy,” said he, pointing to the lad. I wonder who wrote that lie! This is not the only lie that has been written from Milton for the Record. That “turkey affair” at Harbeson was another untruth: and straining School Hall with 1000 people at an entertainment where one third that number could scarcely be seated is another. A joke can be appreciated, but a lie without foundation is not only deceiving but abominable. The Record is getting a flowery reputation for sensationalism, in Milton, as well as Bridgeville.
Revival services began at the M. E. and M. P. Churches on Sunday evening.
The public schools reopened on Monday.