The original newsprint of this issue sustained a lot of damage before it was microfilmed, and significant parts are obscured.
[….] the past Christmas has been the dullest on record. The weather has been fine for much of the time, and this has produced a languor that a few hyperborean blasts would have dissipated. There was an entertainment given by the M. E. Sunday School on Thursday evening at the church, which was largely attended and much enjoyed. Services were held at the P. E. Church at 6 o’clock on Christmas morning which were attended by a few. No services were held at the other churches. There was but one drunk on the streets and he soon pulled himself up in the alcove of a store doorway and went to sleep. This man, who resides out of town, is pointed at as an example of the workings of Local Option. It is said, he had not been drunk here for many years. Few fireworks were used and no casualties reported. The little children enjoyed themselves and were happy with their candy and […], and perhaps the happiness of the children is paramount to all other things [that go] to make up the Christmastide. Sunday School children of the […] Church were given their annual Christmas treat on Thursday evening; […] Christmas is over.
Mrs. [C. A.] Behringer, wife of the Rev. C. A. Behringer, of Tuckahoe, N. Y., accompanied by her son, the Rev. C. A. Behringer, Jr., arrived in Milton last […]. They were joined by the Rev. C. A. Behringer, Sr., on Tuesday. They were the guests of Mrs. Behringer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. King.
Edward Sharp, who is employed in the […], is spending the holidays with his mother and other relatives.
L. B. Chandler is considerably improved from his condition of a few weeks ago, and there are now hopes of his final recovery. His son, W. H. Chandler, of [….], Pa., is visiting him.
[At] the annual meeting for the election of officers for Milton Conclave, I. O. H., held last week, the old officers were re-elected.
“Josh” Bailey has commenced to repair shoes again in the historic building on Federal Street near Mulberry.
The recent rains have cut the causeway, or rather Front Street, that was recently widened and raised, so as to make traveling dangerous, particularly at night. Its repair should be attended to at once.
If the railroad authorities would pay as much attention to revising their time schedule for Milton’s benefit, as they do to working on their road bed, the traveling public would appreciate their efforts. The railroad, near Milton, has a good road bed and workmen keep it in order.
Last Friday morning we noticed that the cedar post marking the town’s limit, near Stevensonville, had been broken off. A nearer investigation revealed the following chirography, “Fearing’s Folly.” After puzzling my brain for some time, [attempting] to call up the past, it finally [dawned] upon me that some years ago Fearing was in the Town Board and instrumental, at that time, in having several cedar posts nicely smoothed up and painted and placed at various point to mark the town limits. There was a great deal of discussion at the time over the cost of the job; and possibly the writer intended the chirography above stated as a sequel.
Mrs. Sallie Atkins, widow of the late […] P. Atkins, has left Milton and gone to live with her daughter, Mrs. Eva Prettyman, in Baltimore.
Frank Manship. Of Philadelphia, is visiting his Milton friends.
John Magee, of North Milton, will not remove himself to Philadelphia the first of the year, as intended. He will occupy the barber shop some time longer; how long is not known.
The shirt and overall factory reopened on Tuesday.
The heavy wind of Tuesday evening [bashed] in the winward side of the metal tank, on the top of the Royal Packing Company’s factory. The tank was empty; had it been full it would have resisted the wind’s pressure. Another argument against local option; or everything going […].
Last week, the weather being pretty, those persons that were compelled to move, and could, took advantage of it and changed their residences. There are […] changes made this year; and some who have quit the lucrative business of farming to move into town, will doubtless be sorry before the year is past. A […] can make a living on a farm, [….] otherwise, is foolish to abandon [….] lnees and come to town to do […..]. Many have found this out by [….] and that is the only way […] will be taught.
The “Social Club” having purged its […] of obnoxious members, has [….] with a pool table and twelve [….] kindred congeniality.
Elizabeth M. Conner, after being [….] at the the “big store” for nearly […..], resigned her position on Christmas Eve. Miss Adeline Davidson is Miss Conner’s successor.
The entertainment given in School Hall on Christmas night was a success [and was repeated] on New Year’s night.
[paragraph partially obscured]
[paragraph partially obscured] or the gout, a cold or an influenza. The winter has had them all for a week.
A new schedule went into effect on Monday, whereby all trains now connect at Ellendale for Milton. “N. B.”
“Ike” Bailey is still negotiating to raise the sunken schooner Golden Rule form her bed at the bottom of the Broadkiln.