In these days the conservation of forestry engages the attention not only of the general government, but also of the governments of many of the states. For long since a convention of the governors of the States of the Union met in the city of Washington, for the purpose of devising mans and formulating plans to perpetuate the growth of the forestry of the country. The idea of the perpetuity of the forest, on the part of the government, is based upon the usefulness of wood, principally in the mechanics, and the trades. This is in remarkable contrast to the prodigality of which we here about. Instead of planting trees in the town for shade, the mot is “cut them down” if they are anywise in the way. Last week there were two trees digged [sic] down. In front of the Peter Jackson property on Mulberry Street, which, we must admit, were not paragons of beauty, yet the one on the corner of Lavinia and Mulberry was worth fifty dollars to the corner of the property, for the shade it produced and if the former owner of the property had been living, we doubt, much whether it would have been digged [sic] down without some trouble about it, if nothing more than a war of words. Yet such is life; while some are conserving, others are destroying.
J. Polk Bailey, who has become nearly blind, was sent to the Wills Eye Hospital on Thursday for treatment. This is an act of munificence on the part of the three churches of Milton, who generously furnished the money to defray the expenses of the invalid and his cicerone[i], William Douglass. The physicians at the hospital refused to operate at this season, but gave the invalid a preparation to develop the disease, and requested him to return to the hospital when the weather shall have come cooler. Mr. Douglass and his charge returned to Milton on the evening of the same day they left.
Another tabernacle has been built on Lavinia Camp ground, for the camp meeting season.
There are now no vessels belonging to Milton that trade on the Broadkiln; and all the freighting to and from this port must be done by rail or by vessels from other parts.
On Wednesday the 15th, a coal oil stove exploded in the cook room at the residence of George A. Wilson, at Stevensonville. Mrs. Wilson had just left the room, and by doing so her life was probably saved. The explosion blew the windows out of the building, burnt the ceiling, ruined the paint and paper in the dining room, and destroyed the building to the damage of fifty dollars. Thomas Spencer and some men, who were working nearby, heard the report, and saw the smoke from the building, hastened to the scene, put out the fire and saved the building from destruction.
Steve Sokum lost his driving horse last week.
Editor Crouch and family; father, mother, brothers, and sisters, eighteen in number, are spending a week on the Broadkiln Beach, occupying the Edwin P. Johnson cottage.
Prof. Ed Bacon has resigned his position as leader of the Fireman Band, and Dr. R. B. Hopkins succeeds him.
Captain Edward V. Hendrixson, of Milford, loaded piling last week at Milton for the lighthouse being built at Miah-Maul Shoal Light Station, Delaware Bay.[ii]
Luther Manship and wife of Wilmington are the guest of the former’s parents.
Josh Bailey is in charge of John Crouch’s shoe shop while the latter is sporting on Broadkiln Beach.
Frank Davidson and family are being entertained by Mr. Davidson’s parents.
Henry Messick of Camden, N. J., is the guest of his many Milton friends.
Mrs. Maggie McIlvane of Camden, N. J., is paying her annual visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ingram.
We noticed Dr. Leonard coming down the street with an old pipe in his mouth. As this was something new for the doctor, we waited for him to join us, when we expostulated with whim about the dirty habit. The doctor appeared very contrite, said he had been led into doing so by one of his whilom[iii] friends, and we think the doctor will not do it any longer.
Under the provision of a recent act of the Legislature, whereby the State pays one third of the cost of educating a pupil, conditionally, at Normal School, Superintendent Brooks has recommended Miss Mary E. Carey of this town as a suitable person to be entitled to the advantages of this Act. Miss Carey has bonded to the State in the sum of […] to fulfill the conditions stipulated by the act, one of which is, after graduation, to teach two years in the State, on the request of the County Commissioners, the obtaining for her the school. Miss Carey will enter the Normal School at West Chester, Pa., about the first of September.
Agents were here last week and engaged to furnish help to run the canneries this season. Three of the houses will use foreign help this year, and the Royal Packing Company will employ home labor.
The privileges of Lavinia Camp were sold on Saturday afternoon. Mayor Stevens bought the boarding tent for $1.50; Joseph Carey the confectionery and food pound; $13.00 for the former, $2.00 for the latter.
Edgar Welch, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Welch, has had a severe attack of tonsillitis. He is improving.
Miss Edith Wilson, engaged in Philadelphia, is visiting her mother.
Mayor Stevens is hobbling around; the result of a sore foot from a tick bite.
Mr. [Roberts], who has been supervising the work on jetty at the mouth of the Broadkiln, has been removed to Cape May to build the jetty there. C. T. Seavey of Philadelphia relieves Mr. Roberts. Mr. Roberts and wife left for their future destination on Wednesday. Mrs. Seavey and wife arrived, thirst of the present week, and will occupy the P. P. Atkins property on Federal Street, vacated by Mr. Roberts.
Miss Lettie Black returned from a visit to Dover, on Monday.
Hester Pettyjohn died near Georgetown on Saturday of consumption, aged 36 years. Funeral at Lincoln on Sunday afternoon, and burial in cemetery nearby. S. J. Wilson & Sons undertakers.
William H., son of Mr. and Mrs. William Moore, died at the home of his parents, near Overbrook, on Thursday, of brain fever, aged 13 months. Funeral at his late home, by the Rev. J. B. Ellis, and interment made at White’s Chapel, by S. J. Wilson & Son.
Oliver Hazzard returned last week for his wedding tour. He and his bride will make their home with his mother.
Captain William H. Megee and family are occupying the C. H. Atkins Cottage on Broadkiln Beach.
C. H. Atkins, Jr., preached at the Lewes M. P. Tabernacle on Sunday, and on Monday gave the church ten hours work at painting in the steeple.
Joshua Carey is having a concrete walk put in front of his property.
While the ship carpenters at Carey’s Landing were eating dinner on Tuesday, Mr. Willey, who lives in the house nearby, came running from the building, followed by his wife, after someone to help him kill a snake. Frank Walls went with the two into the building and found a big black snake coiled on top of the mantel. In trying to kill the snake it started back through a hole in the breastwork over the mantel through which it had come. James R. Carey, our informant, said the snake measured four and a half feet long.
If the weather be not portentous the M. P. Sunday School expect to picnic on Broadkiln Beach tomorrow (Wednesday).
Congressman Burton was in town on Tuesday afternoon.
[i] This is an old term for “guide,” but in the sense of a qualified guide for tours of antiquities and such.
[ii] The construction of the last of the offshore lighthouses built in Delaware Bay was not completed until 1913, delayed by financial problems. It is currently up for sale by the General Services Administration for a minimum bid of $10,000.
[iii] Former or erstwhile