June 19, 1908

“The Evil men do lives after them; the good is often interred with their bones.” The above is an aphorism often true. And of late it has been discovered there is much good “interred with the bones” of some, who in life, could not advance one redeeming trait of character. Pity it is these virtues could not have been known through the life of the deceased. They might have given to them an impetus for good that, only now, cluster around their memory in a very questionable form.

Charles W. Atkins, Jr., is spending his vacation at painting and paper hanging and falling overboard in the Broadkiln.

A new tin roof has been put on the front porch of the M. E. Parsonage.

The packing pea industry has been rushed during the past week at the works of the Royal Packing Company. Persons having stock have also been busy in hauling away tree vines after the factory if done with them, and spreading them out to vacant places, to cure for food. In transition these vines are somewhat nauseating to the olfactories, but a person can bear a great deal when finances are helped thereby.

Miss Mary Megee has closed the school at Little Creek, Kent County, and returned to her Milton home.

James Ponder, Esq., attorney-at-law of Wilmington, was the guest of his sister, Miss Ida last week.

On Sunday evening Miss Emma J. Betts was united in wedlock with Alexander J. Milman of near Ellendale. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. R. McCready at the home of the bride’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Betts, on Union Street, north.

“Milton Volunteer Fire Company” has been re-lettered on the Milton engine house, by Chas. Conrad.

Miss May Welch, who is engaged at Wanamaker’s store in Philadelphia, came home on Saturday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Welch.

Whatever may be the effect on the publishers of newspapers of the recent law of the Post office department regarding their publications, the effect at the post office is marked. There is a remarkable display of empty boxes now, when heretofore, they were filled—many of them with newspaper—directed to persons, some of who were unknown, or had been beneath the “lilies of the valley” for many years. The postmasters are delighted.

Remarkable energy has been displayed during the past week, or more, on the part of citizens, in curbing and otherwise repairing their sidewalks. The Milton people take delight in their pretty street and sidewalks. They are beautiful; but we want to get enthusiastic over them now. If the reader will come to see them he will be convinced.

Mayor Stevens has put a porch to the north front of his property on Walnut Street.

Five female representatives of the “Davis Baking Powder Company” were “doing” Milton last week. We did not learn where they were from; but certainly not from the “Temple of Beauty.”

It’s getting fashionable now, as well as common, to import mice, and rats, as well as centipedes and tarantulas from Baltimore to Milton in banana crates. The latest invoice was of mice, which arrived last week consigned to C. A. Conner. One of the parents and the brood were killed, the other parent escaped to a new field.

Another kiln of bricks, of […], was burnt at the Lofland works, last week.

J. R. Roberts, superintendent of the jetty work at the mouth of the Broadkiln, has removed with his wife from the residence of Maza Stevens into the property of the heirs of the late T. P. Atkins, on Federal Street.

A coterie of married ladies and gentlemen spent last week at Broadkiln Beach. They had a easterly wind, and report a good time.

James Jester had one of his horse take sick early on Thursday evening and die about midnight. No cause is known for the rash act.

George A. Rust died near Reynold’s Church on Thursday morning, aged 62 years, 4 months and 10 days. Funeral services were held at his late home on Saturday morning by the Rev. G. R. McCready, and interment made in the Cemetery at Reynolds Church. Deceased leaves a widow and two twin children, Mrs. Elmer Short and Fred Rust at home.

Rev. John Jones of Brooklyn, Md., a brother of Mrs. George A. Rust, attended the funeral of George A. Rust on Saturday.

Walter Crouch, editor and proprietor of the Milton Times, took a ride out on Sunday; the first time he has been away from home since Easter. Mr. Crouch has been confined to his home by that terrible disease, typhoid fever.

Rev. Hill, pastor of the Milton Colored Church, is attending the A. M. E. Conference, at Carlisle, Pa.

Firemen Band rendezvoused in the upper balcony in front of Waple & King’s store on Saturday evening and amused the upper part of Federal Street and many visitors with their new music. The young people and children hope the band will make this a permanent place of meeting, and many of the people in the lower part of the town hope so too, particularly on Saturday night.

Charles H. Atkins, Jr., will preach at Rehoboth Presbyterian Church near Midway next Saturday, the 21st.

William H. Fox, Jr., left on Monday for West Chester, Pa., via Philadelphia, to attend the commencement exercises of the State Normal School at that place. He was accompanied by Prof. Mortimer Whitehead.

Children’s Day services were held at the M. E. Church on Sunday evening. There was a large attendance, and a poor collection; yet, it is said, the collection was in harmony with the entertainment. The question is asked “why this decadence in the M. E. Sunday school?” The officers are apparently doing all they can to subserve [sic] the interests of the school, but there is something out of order somewhere. It is said the number of scholars attending the school is not half what it was two years ago; and this number is still decreasing. Are the parents at fault? And is the first clause of the adage that heads this communication pertinent?

An addition is being built to the rear end of the post office. This will enlarge the postmaster’s private room. The work is made necessary on account of a new desk that was introduced three weeks ago for the accommodation of the R. F. D.

The redoubtable “Simp” has been inactive for some time. Last Saturday during a game of baseball between the Lewes and Milton Negroes “Simp” and his brother beat two of the Lewes Negroes. The Lewes boys went to their wagon for their pistols, when “Simp” and his brother skedaddled, and when they appeared again the Lewes boys had gone.

A fête champêtre[i] will be held on the lawn at the M. E. Church on Saturday evening. Come out all. Refreshments will be served and you may have all you want by paying for them.

Mrs. S. Emma Lockerman, relict of the late Michael Lockerman, died near Milton on Monday of strangulated hernia, aged 45 years, 4 months and 12 days. The remains were shipped from Milton, by train, on Wednesday morning and funeral services were held at Concord, Md., where sepulture was made by S. J. Wilson & Son.

George Ellingsworth, one of the section gang, fell from the trestle west of the depot, on Monday, into the water beneath, a distance of about twenty feet, and escaped with the light hurt of one arm.


[i] The term was first coined in the 18th century; its literal meaning is “garden party.” It was particularly popular with the pre-Revolutionary French court.