If punctuality be a virtue it is to be commended; if it be not a virtue it is to be commended also. When we make an appointment with a man we expect to keep that appointment with a man we expect to keep that appoint, and we expect him to do the same; and if he does not, and suffers disappointment thereby it is his own fault. Always keep your appointments brother, and you will be happy.
Captain Joseph Warrington sold the schooner Ella Call to Captain Theodore Whildon of Camden, N. J., and has traded his town property with Nathaniel Hood, for his farm, near town, with crop in growth, team, farming implements, and everything complete to change vocations. The trades have exchanged and commenced business in their new homes. Captain Warrington has been going on the water for twenty-six years, and, doubtless this change will appear a little off to him. We hope both parties will be suited, and we wish them success.
Captain George Hunter, of this town and son, Dr. Walter Hunter, of Greenwood, left on Thursday on an extended tour through New York, Albany, Boston and other northern cities.
The Royal Packing Company ceased packing peas last week. The pack has not been large.
The “Union American Methodist Episcopal Church,” a small colored church with a big name which has been built near town, is advertised to be dedicated on next Sunday the 28th. A lot of talent is billed for the occasion and splendid oratory may be expected.
The Protestant Episcopal congregation has the money to build the tower to its church; the bricks and lumber are on the ground; but the vestry cannot decide whether to build it at the front, or at on corner of the building. ‘Tis often thus with wise me!
The Milton Public School Election will be held on next Saturday the 28th; and the election of teachers will take place on Friday evening July 3rd.
Several jobs of carpentry and painting have been completed during the past week, or, are in progress of completion. Mrs. Eve Smith’s new building on Union Street has the carpenter work done; and Mrs. Cassia Collins’ future home, on the same street, is nearly done. These two jobs are a completion of work commenced last year. Joshua Gray has had some repairs made at his home, corner Front and Federal Streets; Prof. Fearing has renovated out buildings, and fences at his home; William Mears has put a triple window in front of his barber shop; Joseph H. Walls is building a two-story bay window on the south end of his new residence on Union Street; A. Betts has finished and launched Dr. Will Hearns’ new launch, Mandy. Mrs. Hammond Carey, Mrs. Eliza Black, and Mrs. Lydia Black have had their front porches repainted; the porch in front of the M. E. Parsonage has also been overhauled, and brightened up; but for […] and beauty the prettiest painting of the lot is the porch of Fred Pepper on Mulberry Street—this is the writer’s opinion. D. M. Conwell is having his home residence near town painted, and J. P. Davidson has one of the barges e is building at Carey’s Landing framed, and is planking her.
John Johnson and family of Philadelphia are visiting the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Purnell Johnson.
Captain G. A. Goodwin has the largest tomatoes in his garden we have seen.
Rev. Hill has been returned as pastor of the A. M. E. Church at Milton for another year.
It is certainly refreshing to the onlookers mind, and a credit to the morality of Milton, to know that so few of its intelligent citizens patronize the Sunday excursion trains.
Mrs. Maggie Davidson returned on Saturday from a visit to Philadelphia.
Steam launch L. & T. No. 5, that plies between Milton and the jetty being builded [sic] at the mouth of the Broadkiln broke her wheel last week and was laid up pending repairs. She was ready to go down the river on Monday.
The sidewalk on Mulberry Street has been repaired, and Miss Ida Ponder has put curbing in front of her property on Chestnut, and Federal Streets.
J. C. Hazzard after spending this winter and spring with his daughter in Wilmington, returned to his home on Saturday. He was accompanied by his son-in-law, Dr. J. W. Tomlinson.
The “fête champêtre” advertised to be held on the M. E. Church lawn, last Saturday evening, materialize, and about $11.009 was realized.
Schooner James M. Carey is “laid up” near the bridge, from want of something to do.
A garter snake on the pavement in front of the M. E. Parsonage attracted some attention on Sunday morning. It was dead, and, doubtless, placed there for the purpose which it accomplished.
Children’s Day Services were held at Reynolds M. P. Church on Sunday evening; and the A. M. E. Church in South Milton on Sunday afternoon.
Miss Mollie Hazzard, a graduate of West Chester Normal School, is the guest of her mother. Miss Hazzard will teach in Pennsylvania.
The Misses Susie and Sallie Carey of Glenside, Pa., have been spending several days at their Milton homestead. They left on Wednesday for Rehoboth.
John Conoway, living on a farm near Milton, was stricken with paralysis last Wednesday. His left side is affected, and his condition is critical.
Grace M. Veasey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Veasey, died at Harbeson on Friday of brain fever, aged 5 months and 23 days. Funeral services were held at Beaver Dam on Sunday afternoon, by the Rev. Hittell and interment made in the nearby cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
Miss Eva Smith has removed her millinery store from the corner of Chestnut and Wharton Streets into her new building on Unions Street.
Walter Crouch has so far recovered his health, he is now able to attend to business.
Wheat harvest commenced last week. The yield is said to be only ordinary.
On Tuesday afternoon the thermometer stood 91° in the shade.