Decoration Day dawned dark and gloomy. At an early hour it commenced to rain and as the day advanced the rain increased, until it became a regular storm, the like of which we had not had of late. In consequence a part of the exercises that were scheduled to take place, in Milton, did not materialize. Parties who expected to go to the unveiling of the Dagworthy monument[i] at Dagsboro didn’t get off. The game of baseball that was booked to take place between Georgetown and Milton did not materialize. The rain having partly ceased, in the afternoon a few people assembled in the School Hall, and with the Fireman Band made an effort to observe Decoration Day “in the afternoon.” An address was delivered by the Rev. A. C. McGilton; Captain William H. Megee of Philadelphia delivered his famous oration, and Captain George E. Megee told the audience a few things that ought to be considered. During the latter part of the afternoon the Soldiers’ graves were flagged; as were many other graves, by the Jr. O. U. A. M. Almost all the graves in the Milton Cemetery were decorated with flowers as a proof of the never to be forgotten love of the living toward their dead. A propos, during the early part of last week a part of the plots in the M. E. Cemetery were nicely cleaned off, the grass taken out, and a general beauty added to those so cleaned. There are others that need to be cleaned, and several little plots that, perhaps belonging to no one which the cemetery committee should take in hand and have the grassy matter removed from them. On Sunday morning this home of the dead looked pretty, decorated with beautiful flowers, and the glorious insignias of our country, little flags. With proper care this cemetery can be made as attractive as Barratt’s Chapel—though not so large;–and if any place or thing, around which cluster so many mournful memories and sad recollections, can be made to present a cheerful appearance and insinuate a balm into wounded hearts and lead to a trend of brighter thoughts in preoccupied minds, it should be done. On this day Fireman Band made its first appearance in new uniforms, and was much in evidence at the Hall and on the street in the afternoon.
That Milton is one of the cleanest towns on the peninsula goes without saying. The writer has kept himself in juxtaposition with the doings of the town for some time, and should know something about it. The sanitary conditions are, in the main, good. There are no offensive hog sties that we know of, and what little offensiveness there is belongs to the lower part of the town and in the most public places. Cleanliness prevails on most of the lateral streets; and those which connect with the suburbs are par excellent. No one with good intellect ought to call Milton nasty.
Mrs. Mary Warrington, after an absence of ten years in Baltimore and on the shores of the Chesapeake, has returned to near Milton.
Mrs. Lora Welch and daughter Gladys, of Camden, N. J., are visiting friends.
Miss Maymie A. Conner left home, on Tuesday, to visit her sister Mrs. Susie B. Davidson in Philadelphia.
Succoring corn is now on; and the blackbirds are doing their part in the business. These saucy little imps will come into town and pull corn out of the gardens, with little fear of anyone.
The S. T. T & S. D. Co. has had the wall at the north of the bank taken down, and piling laid for drainage and a new and better wall built in place of the old one.
Soft [shell] crabs are almost daily in market. They come from Rehoboth Bay, and sell for 50 cents a crate, of two dozen each.
James Donahoe and son John are visiting in town.
We are authorized to say that Milton has a Board of Health, and for the benefit of the one who has business with it we are further authorized to say that it consists of Dr. R. B. Hopkins, Dr. B. F. Wilson and Frank B. Carey. Now you know something.
The Milton Public Schools closed on Friday. The High School Commencement exercises will be held on Wednesday evening. The graduating class consists of Mary E. Carey and Everett G. Pettyjohn. Opening address will be made by James Tunnell. Music by the Milton Orchestra.
Frank Manship of Philadelphia spent Sunday in Milton.
That Snake story published in the Philadelphia papers, last week, and purporting to have been written in Milton, is a lie. Sussex County is not the home of rattlesnakes; and the person who wrote that item must have been in delirium. We do not think it was written in Milton. Most probably the writer is the same individual who came to Milton some time ago in search of news, and when he expressed himself as going to write, someone remarked “That would not be true.” “O, I don’t care a —–“ said he “so I can get paid for it.” And that’s the way of many of the correspondents.
Fred Welch of Philadelphia joined his wife and little daughter, who are visiting here, on Saturday.
Captain W. H. Megee preached at the M. E. Church, on Sunday evening. The people of Milton generally are always glad to hear Captain Megee talk, whether from the pulpit or the forum. He and Mrs. Megee are being entertained by their children while in Milton.
The invoice of whiskey that arrived on Saturday night was somewhat disastrous in its effects to one man. For profanity on the street, and other misdemeanors, Joseph Long was arrested on Saturday night and confined in the lockup until Sunday afternoon when he was released upon paying fine and cost, which amounted to two dollars. Long came from Baltimore during last tomato season; and has been living at Sculltown since. Ordinarily he is a peaceable and inoffensive person. This is the first arrest, for a similar cause, that has occurred in Milton since the close of the taverns.
A man from Berlin, Md., has had on exhibition, under canvas, a miniature “City of Paris.” The show was held near the bridge. Anyone could take a look at the beauty for five cents; and the showman captured many nickels. The boat is said to be the product of the exhibitor’s own genius, and the result of a ten year job, at odd times.
Whether it is the outcome of the “booze” on Saturday evening is not known, or whether the act was one of accident or design is not cared, but the man, if he calls himself such, who expectorated tobacco spittle on the skirt of a lady’s white dress at the depot on that evening had better have a care for himself, or he may find his avoirdupois in a hornets’ nest. A watch is on him.
George Fowler of Philadelphia is the guest of Miss Lottie Welch.
Polk Bailey’s eyesight has become so bad that it is necessary to lead him when he goes around.
Walter Crouch is still improving. His child is much better; and Mrs. Crouch has about recovered from an attack of neurasthenia which we were led to publish, erroneously, last week, as typhoid.
John F. Thoroughgood died near Warrick on Monday of brain fever, aged 67 years, 7 months and 2 days. Funeral services on Thursday afternoon at St. John by the Rev. G. S. Thomas, and interment made in the cemetery nearby. S. J. Wilson & Son undertakers.
Ann E. Harris died in Indian River Hundred on Monday of cancer, aged 74 years, 6 months and 8 days. Funeral at Wesley A. M. E. Church, near Lewes, on Wednesday afternoon, and burial at Old Ebenezer Cemetery, near Lewes, by S. J. Wilson & Son.
The Royal Packing Company commenced packing peas on Tuesday.
[i] General John Dagworthy, saw service in the French and Indian War and was commander of the Sussex County Militia during the Revolutionary War. He is regarded as Dagsboro’s founding father after establishing industry in the area with grist and lumber mills, tanneries, and an export business shipping cypress lumber to Philadelphia and Trenton, New Jersey. Click here to view a picture of the Dagsworthy monument established by Sussex County in 1908.