We stated last week that ever attaching Calhoun had been committed to the Ferris Reform School by Esquire Collins, on complaint of Superintendent Brooks, charge with truancy and incorrigibility. The account was true, and the constable left with the boy on Tuesday morning, as stated, and he returned on Tuesday night with the boy, as not stated, as our letter had been mailed when the boy returned with the constable. He was not allowed admittance into the Ferris Reform School because the commitment was not properly made out, although done by a Georgetown attorney and one of the county school commissioners. The boy is now attending school here and no further action has been taken in the matter, and Prof. Brooks has the cost to pay, which will amount to more than the automobile arrest did. O, Milton, Milton! Thou art too hard on the professor!
We mention it as a matter of news and not to boast that Milton has more widows than any other town of its population on the peninsula. We have now forty-nine, in various stages of development—lean and scrawny, fat and chubby. Come early and avoid the rush!
Justice of the peace Eli L. Collins and Mrs. Collins celebrated the 50th anniversary of their wedded life on Tuesday afternoon and evening. Mr. John S. Robinson and wife, Mrs. Hettie Robinson, who “stood up” with them on that occasion, were present, as were also the numerous progeny of children and grandchildren of the happy pair. A sumptuous dinner graced the festive board, and which a 25 pound Turkey was the excelsior figure. There were other and smaller turkeys and viands and edibles plenty, to which the respects of the guests were politely paid. Mr. and Mrs. Collins are both in the best of health and the company departed wishing they may live to enjoy many more seasons of a like character. Mr. and Mrs. Collins were recipients of many presents of the yellow metal.
The boiler and engine for the steamer Marie Thomas have arrived and all the work that can be done in converting this vessel into a passenger and freight boat will be done here under the charge of Captain G. E. Megee.
An entertainment and festival for the benefit of the newly organized band will be held in School Hall on the eve of Saint Patrick’s Day, March 17. An admission of 15 cents will be charged. The entertainment will consist of music, dialogues, tableaux, etc., and the festival will follow.
Harry L. Robinson of this town has been appointed collector of the 10th representative district, which embraces Broadkiln and Lewes and Rehoboth Hundreds.
The M. D. & V. R. R. Co, think they may have done a smart thing, and the people of Milton think they have done a foolish one. By the nine hour system which went into effect on Wednesday the station agent here is only on duty from 7 to 8 o’clock a. m., and from 11 a. m. to 1 p. m., and from 7:00 p. m. to 8 p.m. The agent has been instructed to do no business, only during office hours as above stated. And he is not allowed to remain in his office only during the hour stay. This is a bad move toward the shippers of Milton. The office should be open all the time. ‘Spect somebody will steal that ere office! We don’t know what the railroad company thinks of itself. There used to be a water closet at the station. It has been taken away. This was once a pump. It’s been pulled up. And there are no accommodations whatever given to Milton passengers or shippers.
It is related that a man, lately removed to Milton and doing business in this town, on Saturday gave to one other man, and a father of some blooming daughters, a quantity of whiskey. On Sunday the father got drunk and cursed and abused his daughters in a scandalous manner. The father is not so much to be blamed as pitied, and the daughters, livery industrious girls, have our profound sympathy. The community has its eyes on the first mentioned individual.
The town election that took place on Saturday afternoon resulted in the re-election of the outgoing members, viz: W. H. Stephens, mayor; J. H. Davidson, G. H. Sharp, commissioners. Dr. Leonard received seven votes and Rev. R. T. Coursey and Frank Bryan a few. There were 52 votes polled.
Herring made its first appearance in the Broadkiln Saturday, 35 being caught that day.
Morris Bailey left on Monday for Philadelphia to be treated for lung troubles.
Early truckers have commenced plowing.
Someone surely has or should have a protecting care over the colored schoolhouse in North Milton. If the teacher will not take care of the property the commissioners should; or delegate the power to someone who will. There is a twelve light window in the front end gable and eight of the lights are broken. Two shutters are off and the underpinning is being picked out. We have called attention to this matter before.
The shirt and overall factory closed last week for a few days. It will resume work on Wednesday or Monday.
The launch White Elephant, belonging to the jetty contractor, is hauled out on the bank near the bridge and J. A. Betts is putting a new seven horsepower engine in her.
Proposals will be received until March 20th by Town Council for street supervisor, town police and tax collector
On Friday afternoon the following question was debated in the principal’s department of the Milton public schools by the pupils: “Resolved, that the south was justified to secede from the union.” The above is the question as given to us and, strange as it may appear, the question was decided in the affirmative. Now, as a matter of fact, the south never seceded from the Union but tried to do so. Such questions we think, are in bad taste to present to the young. They have a tendency to produce inflammatory speech in the young, and arouse in the hearts of their parents that spirit of sectionalism, whose smoking embers the last two decades have nearly extinguished.
We are glad to learn that our friend, Col. John C. Darby, of Frederica, has again entered into bonds hymeneal. Accept our congratulations, Colonel
About 10 o’clock on Tuesday morning the alarm of fire was telephoned from the end of Milton Lane to the central office. The church bell repeated the alarm and the fire engine was hastily gotten out and rushed to the scene of the conflagration. The fire was soon extinguished and but slight damage done. The building is owned by Mrs. W. B. Wilson and in tenure of Mrs. Steelman. No one was at home when the fire was discovered.