The town authorities have been contemplating removing the old poplar tree on Federal Street opposite the property of the heirs of the late Sallie Ponder; but they have found out that the ancient tree is not in the street but on the Ponder property, and will let it alone. Certainly! But why does the Town Council wish to remove all old landmarks? That old poplar tree has stood where it is for, probably, a century, and why remove it? It injures no one and the Town Council can find other uses for its money If it cannot we suggest that it invest the surplus in buying a graveyard for deceased officials.
S. J. Wilson & Son have gad a metal roof put upon that part of the porch to their undertaking establishment fronting on Front Street.
A culvert has been put in near the bridge on Union Street to drain the water from that vicinity into the river.
G. B. Atkins and brother are re-papering and repainting the interior of the M. E. Parsonage.
On Monday evening the 16th a members meeting was held at the M. P. Church at which time N. W. White was elected lay delegate to represent the Milton Church at the Maryland Annual Conference which convenes at Snow Hill on April 1st. The old Board of Stewards, class leaders, and Sunday School Superintendent were all re-elected; and the Rev. G. R. McCready, by the unanimous voice of the meeting was asked to return as pastor of the church for another year. An adjourned meeting of the finance committee of this church will meet this evening the 27th, to make final settlement and close up the business of the year.
On Friday evening Town Council elected David Dickerson supervisor of streets, town toads, and collector of taxes for the present year at a salary of $275. Mr. Dickerson has previously held the office, and is now filling the unexpired time of John Robinson, resigned. He makes a very good officer.
On Friday afternoon as F. H. Bishop was coming into town on the running gear of a wagon, with a board laid fore and aft on which he sat, his horse too fright on Union Street north. The horse was without breeching and in coming down the declivity of that street the momentum of the animal was accelerated by the inclined plane. The harder the driver pulled on the reins the faster the horse went. In turning from Union into Front Street Mr. Bishop was thrown off near the office of Goodwin Brothers & Conwell. The animal ran to the dock, and was stopped with no damage to horse or wagon. Mr. Bishop was taken into the drug store of W. T. Starkey, and Dr. Hopkins dressed the wound, which consisted of a severe cut on the forehead. Mr. Bishop sometime since removed from New York to Delaware, and purchased a piece pf land near Reynolds Mill, building a dwelling thereon where he now resides with his family. Mr. Bishop said he had a horse run away with him once before. After the runaway, he put the horse in the stable, took a large iron bar, struck the animal back of the head with it, and broke its neck; then gave a man one dollar to haul it out.
C. H. Atkins is remodeling and repairing his tenant dwelling on the northwest corner of Federal and Coulter Streets.
The Royal Packing Company intend to put in the necessary machinery for packing peas the present season. They have contracted for peas at 2½ cents per pound.
It appears that J. P. Davidson cannot get a suitable place in Milton on which to build the two barges he has under contract. Since Mt. Ararat has been converted to other uses, there is no place in town but the docks on which to build. The owners of these charge such exorbitant prices for the privilege of building thereon, that the builder cannot afford to pay them. It is likely, from the present outlook, that Mr. Davidson will build his barges at Carey’s Landing, about one mile down the river, from town.
George W. Atkins has completed, and painted his new stable and carriage house. It is a model of convenience.
John Hickman and Captain George Reed have put substantial oak curbing to their front yards on Union Street.
Charles Davidson has built a picket fence of cedar in front of his property on Mill Street.
A farmer moved into town the first of last January; and last week put in a bid for the office of supervisor of streets, town police, etc. Some people have cheek.
Robins are flocking near town in quantities. We saw more red breasts last Friday morning from Milton to the camp ground than we have seen [during] the past winter.
[The] removal of the stable from Lavinia […] gives Captain Martin Chandler a good view from his home into Mulberry Street.
[On] account of no preaching services at the […] Church, last Sunday, the congregations of the other churches were unusually [….].
[….next paragraph unintelligible…]
We note that the Rev. A. C. McGilton has been appointed pastor of the M. E. Church of this town. The new minister will be here when he arrives.
An old adage says: “Speak nothing but good of the dead.” Then if we can say nothing good we had better say nothing at all. We don’t always apply this principle. Sometimes we do.
Jane H. Walls, widow of the late Samuel Walls, died at the home of Mrs. Jesse Walls, near Redden, last Saturday, of dropsy. Funeral services were held at Reynolds Church on Tuesday morning by the Rev. G. B. McCready and interment made in adjoining cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son. The deceased was 54 years.
Howard C. Wilkins died at the home of Joseph Messick on Monday, aged 4 months[i]. Funeral services were held at his late home on Wednesday morning by Rev. Cochran, of Lincoln, and interment made in Slaughter Neck Cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
Royal Packing Company are shipping some canned goods this week.
[i] Cause of death was given on the death certificate as “brain fever.”