There is talk of building another church in Milton. What its denomination will be is now a matter of conjecture; but it is known that those who have the matter under advisement are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church or have been until recently. These men are of the aged and middle aged class and most of them have been members of the Methodist Episcopal Church from early life. Their “old time religion” has become obsolete with the “powers that be” and they think themselves called upon to seek another field, or unite themselves with another denomination or build an independent Methodist Church. Of course, if the Milton people decide to do it, they will do it. The events of the next few weeks may decide the question.
Capt. George Hunter has bought of Waples & King the dwelling part of the building connected with the hardware store on the corner of Federal and Wharton Streets and will remove it to Chestnut Street as soon as the weather becomes settled.
According to the account of J. H. Davidson, treasurer of the municipality of Milton, the receipts of the town for the year 1907 were $1,872.23 and the disbursements $1,421.92. Included in this is the liquidation of three of the bonds of the town, $100.00 each. There remains in the treasury $147.31.
Last week the “Firemen’s Band of Milton” was organized with seventeen pieces and with Prod. Bacon as leader.
A town election will be held at the mayor’s office next Saturday afternoon, March 7th, at which time a mayor and two commissioners will be chosen to represent the town; the mayor for one year and the commissioners for three years.
The following is posted on one of the porch posts in front of the Hart House: “This property for sale on reasonable terms. Step inside.”
The work on the jetty at the mouth of the Broadkiln is progressing favorably. They expect to have it done and the dredger begin work by the 1st of April.
Walter Culver, son of Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Culver, celebrated his tenth birthday on Wednesday evening of last week at his parents’ home in North Milton. Many of his little friends were present by invitation. The affair was recherché, the presents numerous and pretty and the refreshments gobbled up as only little urchins can do it.
George W. Adkins has removed the stable and carriage house from Lavinia Street farther back and sold the lot to Fred Pepper, who will build a dwelling thereon.
Another old landmark has been taken away. The large maple tree that stood on the southwest corner of Chestnut and Mill Streets, near the residence of the late Mrs. Goslee, has succumbed to the ravages of time and the woodsman’s axe. If has fallen; and fallen to rise no more.
Fred Johnson has moved from Cave Neck to Federal Street in South Milton.
Capt. Charles Cannon, of he America Dredging Company, accompanied by his wife and daughter, of Camden, N. J., are being entertained by their Milton relatives and friends.
Last Saturday was a busy day in town, and many people from the surrounding country were present. The attractions were: First, a teachers’ institute, held in the afternoon and evening in School Hall, which was crowded with interested spectators and participants at both sessions. Second, the sale of the farm of George A. Abbott, deceased, in front of the Hart House, It contains 40 acres and was bought by Charles Johnson, for $1205. Third, the auction sale of the store goods of J. C. Lank, which was held in the afternoon and evening—besides these was the general Saturday afternoon menu.
Sunday was missionary day at the M. E. Church. They raised $47.00, which makes the missionary collection for the present year $153.00.
At the M. P. Church $72.00 was raised in payment on the pastor’s salary. In the evening the Rev. G. B. McCready was asked to return to this charge for another year by a rising vote of the congregation.
Captain Frank Lacy arrived home on Saturday night and has since been the recipient of the congratulations of his many friends. Captain Lacey relates a thrilling narrative of shipwreck at sea and his providential escape from a watery grave. He does not wish to duplicate the experience of the last six weeks.
Sarah E. Johnson, relict of the later Zopher Johnson, died at her home on Broad Street, on Wednesday February 26th, of paralysis, age 71 years and 7 days. Funeral services were held on Thursday afternoon at Reynolds Church by the Rev. McCready and sepulture made in the adjacent cemetery by J. R. Adkins. One son, Charles B. Johnson, survives her.
Cassie Johnson, aged 33 years, formerly of Milton, and wife of Theodore Johnson, died at her home, No, 2274 Callowhill Street, Philadelphia, on Wednesday, February 26th. The body was transmitted to Milton on the following Saturday. Funeral services were held on Sunday afternoon at the home of Edward […], by the Rev G. R. McCready and the body interred in the [Methodist] Cemetery, South Milton, by S. J. Wilson & Son.
Blanche E. Workman, wife of Alfred Workman, died on Sunday, of tuberculosis of the lungs, aged 25 years, 3 months and 15 days. Funeral services were held at her late residence on Atlantic Street, South Milton, on Tuesday. Rev. G. R. McCready performed the last sad rites and S. J. Wilson & Son interred the body.
Last week we stated that a quartet of boys had been arraigned before Squire Collins on a criminal charge and variously disposed of. Edward Calhoun, one of these boys, was temporarily bailed, pending a decision to “know what to do with him.” The boy is under fourteen years of age and a refractory pupil of the public school, when he is there. On Monday afternoon, Superintendent Brooks appeared before Squire Collins and preferred charges against Calhoun for truancy and incorrigibility. Charles Moore, Esq., of Georgetown, one of the county commissioners, was present. In committing to the Reform School, the law makes it optional with the Justice regarding the time. Mr. Moore suggested that the lad be committed until he arrives at the age of fourteen years, when the Superintendent’s authority over him will cease and then should the reformation not be complete, he may be returned to the school under the responsibility of someone else. Acting on this suggestion, the boy was committed to the Ferris Reform School until January 21st, 1909, at which time he will have reached the age of fourteen years. Constable Ingram took the boy away on Tuesday.
Deputy United States Marshall Mitchell paid Milton a business visit on Monday.