It is a pleasure to […] these beautiful spring morning to stroll around the sylvan grandeur near town, and worship beneath a canopy grander than ever fashioned by human hands and be thrilled with an oration more symphonious than ever rendered by Bach, Mozart or Beethoven, and listen to a sermon whose eloquence leads one’s thoughts from the groveling things of earth into a realm, bot altogether [utopian ] or idealistic, but one whose [superstructure] is resting upon the eternal principles of Christ. This, I believe to be my chief mania, and during these pleasant walks I pick up much, which when properly winnowed, are treasured for future need. While passing over the causeway that separates upper and lower Fanganzyki, I heard, this morning, the melodious notes of the bull frog. To me, the first of the season, I stopped, I was not scared but indeed those sonorous sounds appeared ingubrious [sic]. (I will remark parenthetically, I am the best hand at catching ticks and chiggers, there is in the country).
The season has arrived and the same old practice that has been in vogue for a number of years has again been inaugurated: i.e., on Sunday evenings about 5 o’clock a lot of young fellows from the country with their best girls come into town and commence their fun. This consists in driving from the entrance into town on Union Street north, through town, up Federal Street, near the town limits, south, and back. This is kept up until near church time to the discomfort of the persons who are sitting in their front porches. At times the dust is suffocating; but that makes no difference to these country bloods who are bound to have their fun. We have been asked to make mention of the doings of these people and we have done so years back. This does no good, and the only way to stop it is for the persons living on these streets, who are affected by the misdemeanor, to demand of the Town Council that they put an end to such driving on Sunday evenings.
A concrete pavement has been put down by Fred Pepper in front of the Jr. O. U. A. M. and D. of A.’s building on Front Street. This also embraces the office of the Milton Times.
J. B. Welch, poet, druggist, choir leader, et al, addressed three of the Milton Public Schools on last Tuesday afternoon.
Last Thursday while W. H. Conner was taking bunches of bananas out of a crate, a large centipede crawled from one of the bunches and hid itself under the coping of the counter. But it was soon killed. It was an ugly looking fellow and the third one that has been killed in this store.
A barge loaded with yellow pine lumber has arrived at Carey’s landing from Philadelphia, and J. P. Davidson has commenced work on his contract.
Scarlet clover is now being cut. The crop is large and a good one.
On Wednesday evening the 13th, Miss Lottie McCready Moore, daughter of ex-Senator J. M. C. Moore, of Bethel, was united in matrimony with Mr. George Short, son of Hiram Short, of near Laurel. The ceremony was performed at the Milton M. P. Parsonage by the Rev. G. R. McCready. The bride and groom were accompanied by Miss Edna Phillips and Mr. Garfield Moore, of Bethel. Laurel paper please copy.
George A. Wright, the enterprising tonsorial artist of North Milton, is having his shop remodeled and will put in another chair for the accommodation of his increasing business. He has taken Marvin Johnson as an apprentice.
We neglected to mention a very important piece of news last week: i. e., The Douglass White Shirt and Overall Factory resumed business on Monday the 11th.
The paper hangers are about done jobbing around town and house cleaning is nearly over, and the male members of the family heartily say, Amen!
George A. Bryan is laying the foundation of his proposed stable and carriage house on Mulberry Street.
In the absence of Rev. McGilton, who is attending the M. E. General Conference at Baltimore, Charles H. Atkins, Jr., of Dover Conference Academy preached both morning and evening on Sunday at the M. E. Church. Charles is developing himself, and doubtless, is destined to make his mark upon the annals of the M. E. Conference. Delegates were elected, at the morning service, to represent the Milton Church at the Sussex County Bible Society to be held at Georgetown on Thursday the 21st, viz: Walter Irwin and Mrs. Irwin. Alternates, George Waples and Mrs. Waples. John C. Ellingsworth and Mrs. William Clemens were made life members of the Society, A collection of $21.36 was realized.
Rev. McGilton will preach to the ex-soldiers of the Civil War on next Sunday evening the 24th.
Welch and Sharp will build a front porch at the residence of John Carpenter at Duttontown.
Captain Charles E. Darby has moved into the residence formerly occupied by his father, Captain James Darby, on Walnut Street,
Miss Fannie H. Leonard and Miss Lizzie Clifton were elected delegates to represent the M. P. Church at the Bible Society meeting at Georgetown, Thursday, and Mrs. S. J. Wilson and the Rev. McCready, alternates. The collection amounted to $20.00. John Coulter and wife were made life members of the Society. At Zion M. E. Church, John Robbins and Alfred Lank were elected delegates and a collection of […] was taken.
William Crouch is in charge of the Milton Times pro tempore or during the convalescence of his brother, Walther Crouch, who is recovering slowly from his attack of typhoid fever.
James Jester, bus operator, mail carrier and express agent, had the misfortune to break the tongue out of one of his busses on Saturday evening.
J. A. Markel, of Shrewsboro, Pa., and senior partner of the firm Markel & Hartman, of this town, is visiting Milton in the interest of his business.
John Welch and Harry Clendaniel visited friends in Milford on Wednesday.
Steamer Marie Thomas left Milton Dock on Saturday on her first trip under her new license and cleared Broadkiln Bar about 7 o’clock on the evening of the same day.
A new schedule of the D. M. & V. R. R. went into effect on Monday, the 18th. The trains leaving and arriving at Milton are not altered except the afternoon and evening ones. The former going west at 5.44 and the latter going east at 7.40 p. m. Connections are made at Ellendale on all trains for Milton, if the trains are on time. This item is for the benefit of persons contemplating coming to Milton.
There were five wagons loaded with corn on the cob and drawn by six mules each passed through town on Monday for Gumboro Hundred. The corn had been bought from farmers in Broadkiln or near here.
Mrs. Martha Mustard is quite ill at her residence on Chestnut Street.
A committee has been appointed and will meet this Tuesday evening to formulate some plan for holding a camp meeting at Lavinia this summer.
Confirmation services were held at the Church of St. John Baptist on Tuesday evening. Rev. James H. Barrington, D, D, Ph. D., Bishop of Harrisburg, officiated. There were eight persons admitted into the church the “laying on of hands.”
William Lank, of Philadelphia, is visiting in town.
James Mustard, of Connecticut, is in attendance on his sick mother.
Emma V. Ellingsworth, wife of Rufus Ellingsworth, died at her home, near Milton, on Tuesday, of Bright’s disease; aged 55 years, 10 months and 24 days. Funeral services will be held at her late residence on Friday morning by the Rev. A. C. McGilton, and interment made in Odd Fellows Cemetery at Milford by S. J. Wilson & Son.