It is rather a delicate undertaking to correctly diagnose the business status of our town. The depression in other parts [affects] us but little, but it does [affect] us. Owing to the dull times away, the Douglass White Shirt and Overall Factory was compelled to close a short time ago. On the 11th, instant, it resumed business only to close again on Friday last, for an indefinite time. There are a few orders for this firm’s goods coming in but not enough to warrant operation. The temporary closing of this plant [affects] but few men, it is the women and girls who are thrown out of employment. But, as we said in a previous communication, the Milton girls have money enough and good clothes enough to last them over one campaign. Now, the reader will possibly think that we attribute the present dull times abroad to the fact that this is the year for a presidential election. Well, suppose we do; are we not in the right? Regarding other business in Milton, it is good. Mechanics have plenty of employment and the laborers can find all they work they can do, of they want to do any. The merchants are ordinarily busy and the liquor traffic is not altogether suspended.
Some time since, we are informed, there was money raised and a curtain bought to be placed on top of the chair platform at the M. E. Church, to keep the congregation from staring at the ladies’ ankles, who are in the choir. The curtain has not yet been put in place; and if it is purchased, why not put it up? The height of the platform and the prevailing fashion of wearing short dresses renders the position of the choir ladies very embarrassing, and particularly to those who sit cross-legged.
Rev. McGilton preached to the veterans of the Civil War at the M. E. Church Sunday evening.
After the sermon at the M. P. Church on Sunday morning, a grand time was experienced. A spiritual blessing to the church members and to other was manifest. It reminded one of the good old days of Methodism, when Christianity and not ecclesiasticism was the religion of the day.
Bee culture appears to be on the increase in Milton. A swarm may be picked up almost at any time, Last week Captain Frank Outten found one in one of his chimneys, and later in the week a congegation of them that had taken possession of the return box on Mrs. Emma Johnson’s dwelling swarmed; the seceders [sic] pitched on a hollow maple tree near the building and were hived by John Clifton.
The steam launch Amanda, owned by Dr. Will Hearn, of Philadelphia, is being repaired by J. A. Betts, at Milton Dock. The house is being raised and the cabin rearranged.
Adolphus Johnson has put down a slate curbing in front of his residence on Chestnut Street.
Captain G. B. Hunter has had his building on Chestnut Street repainted.
Samuel Reynolds is having a front addition put to his residence, near town, by John Hickman.
Mrs. Erwin, nee Mrs. Ray Wilkins, formerly a resident of Milton, paid her friends a short visit last week. She returned to her home in Baltimore on Thursday.
Mrs. Jane E. Reed, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. Olivia Peale, of Laramie City, Wyoming, the former the mother and the latter the sister of Mrs. D. T. Atkins, are visiting their relatives here.
Mrs. Alena Richardson, of Dover, spent last Sunday with her parents, ex-Treasurer and Mrs. Atkins.
The Odd Fellow Cemetery has been improved by the digging up of the unsightly hedge in front of it. An iron fence will be put in the place of it.
Steamer Marie Thomas arrived on Sunday afternoon with a cargo of coal oil and bitumen coal.
It has been decided, by the management, to commence the camp meeting at Lavinia Woods on August 9th.
The M. D. & V. R. R. Co. commenced their summer arrangement of Sunday excursions last Sunday.
Anson Raught has had the north veranda of the back building to his residence nicely enclosed with wire netting. This now makes an airy, convenient and cozy room. As a mechanical job, it reflects credit on the workmen (Welch & Sharp), and as Mr. and Mrs. Raught intend to use it as a sleeping apartment, its value as a hygienic measure cannot be overestimated.
On Tuesday Captain Frank Lacey and wife, Captain and Mrs. G. B. Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. Fay, of Baltimore, made an excursion to Broadkiln Beach on the launch, Margaret.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Pool and Mrs. William Johnson, of Philadelphia, are being entertained by W. J. White and family.
Freeman Warren, of Philadelphia, was the guest of Miss Lottie Welch on Sunday.
The Royal Packing Company has the addition to its cannery, for the use of the pea huller, about completed.
The town supervisor is at work on Atlantic Street and the dirt for the job is being hauled from Sculltown, quite a distance.
Dr. J. A. Hopkins has put down a pavement in front of the vacant lot adjoining his residence.
Captain James Conwell is at home enjoying the society of his Milton friends.
We passed a residence this morning where the back of a front porch seat has been torn off and was lying in the yard. Now the occupant of this house is a jack-of-a-carpenter, and could put it back in five minutes, but he is a renter, and “let the property go, who cares?”
Lumber is being delivered for the tower to be built at the P. E. Church.
Walter Crouch is slowly convalescing, although not yet able to be out. Mrs. Crouch and their second child are now prostrated with the disease—typhoid.
P. J. Hart has sold the Hart House to James Jester. Mr. Jester will take possession of the property when Mr. Hart vacates it.
Miss Bertha Hunter, of Camden, N. J., visited her brother, Captain G. B. Hunter, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fay, of Baltimore, are now the guests of Captain Hunter and family.