Exit William Jennings Bryan until 1912, when the Democrat party may make you a candidate for the presidency again.[i] The election of Tuesday throughout the country surprised no one, who was in any way conversant with the trend of political affairs. Yet there were some men in this district, who profess to be intelligent—and according to their positions, ought to be—who said on the night of the election, they certainly believe Bryan was elected. These is but one conclusion to be drawn for such conversation: these men have been reading the Philadelphia Record. They now see their folly, by knowing the fault. Well, we ae glad the election is over and we are also glad we are assured of four more years of good government rule.
The last registration developed an amount of illiteracy in this locality of which even the wisest were unaware. There were young men unable to read or write who would not present themselves before the Board of Registration from very shame. There were other, who in order to get registered were compelled to swear they became twenty-one years of age before the year 1909; and this was humiliating to a young man depending on his good looks to carry him through life. However, that is all over and those who cannot now comply with the […] have a chance to qualify themselves or do so before another registration. Will they do it?
The Wagamon Brothers have completed the repairs to their waste gates. The lake is again full of water; and the mill running on time.
William Smith & Sons are painting the residence of Thomas Hood on Poplar Street.
Mrs. Carrie Burris is having her tenant house on Chestnut Street painted by J. F. Outten. Thomas Brittingham’s new residence on Bay Avenue is enclosed.
J. T. Davidson, contractor and shipbuilder, has been confined to his home for some time with rheumatism. The work at Carey’s Landing is in charge of C. C. Davidson during the contract […] indisposition.
Captain James Scull has repaired the sidewalks to his property at Sculltown. Town Supervisor Dickerson has been busy the past week removing the street crossings and relaying them, in the upper part of Federal Street.
Mrs. Finkbine, nee Miss Rilla Pennewill, formerly of Chester, Pa., with her husband, has been visiting her mother and other friends.
Gunning noises forewarning trespassing with dog and gun on private property have been posted by many land owners around their premises.
Walter and William Crouch have decided not to use the building, mentioned in our last, for the Times office, but have contracted with J. C. Clendaniel to build one fronting on Front Street 16 feet and extending back 50 feet, opposite the present Times office. It is expected to be completed by the first of the year.
Frank B. Carey has returned from the Jefferson Hospital, where he underwent a surgical operation for kidney troubles. He appears to be much improved in health.
London Nelson has bought of George W. Atkins a small house, and is removing it to near Lavinia Bridge, where there are already two colored families living. Possibly this may be the beginning of a colored suburb. The place is known in common parlance as “Sleepy Valley.”
Thomas Spencer, tenant for W. H. Chandler, has nicely trimmed the large pear orchard on the farm, taking out all of the old and decayed trees, and sown the land in wheat, and nicely rolled the ground. It is now a pretty sight.
Mrs. William Edwards of Lewes, with her two children are the guests of relatives and friends in town.
William H. Chandler and wife of Scranton, Pa. are being entertained by their parents.
Launch L. & F.[ii] No. 5 of the jetty work is hauled out on Milton Dock for some repairs.
The water barge used in supplying fresh water to the jetty workmen is also here being repaired.
Joseph Parker has removed from the farm of W. W. Conwell near town to Milford.
C. G. Waples’ sawmill resumed work on Monday, and the shirt and overall factory is expected to open on next Monday.
It is said there was quite a lively time last week at Zion M. E. Church.
The atmosphere since Friday has been impregnated with smoke, and from the source of the wind, indication a fire somewhere southwest of us. The smoke is hard on the human lungs, and prolific of throat troubles, as many think.
Rev. G. R. McCready is confined to his home with tonsillitis, and was unable to fill his pulpit on Sunday. Rev. C. H. Atkins at his place in the morning, and Prof. Hastings at his place in the evening.
The Rev. A. C. McGilton is being engaged conducting revival services at Zion, on Sunday evening, Miss Lillian Cade delivered an address at the M. E. Church. Miss Cade is president of the W. C. T. U. of this county, and was recently elected delegate to represent Sussex County in the W. C. T. U. National Convention held at Denver, Colorado. Miss Cade’s address was based upon her experience, and the many sights she saw during her journey to and from that capital made historic by the Democratic Convention of 1908, and the re-nomination of the chronic hunter for the presidency of the United States.
It is said there are several well-developed cases of diphtheria on eastern Broadkiln.
Miss Lizzie King is visiting in Philadelphia, Camden, and Swedesboro, N. J.
Mr. James Palmer, two children and daughter Miss Amy are visiting in Kent.
Stephen McPherson, late of Vancouver, B, C., has been about two months getting his goods through the custom house at Ogdensburg, N. Y. They arrived last week. Mr. McPherson is an optician and jeweler, and will locate here.
A lot of lumber and bricks encumbering the lot of the P. E. Church are mute witnesses to the ideas, the passions and the disagreements of men.
John J. Hazzard, colored, died at his home near Milton on Friday, of paralysis, aged 75 years, 9 months and 16 days. Funeral services were held at the A. M. E. Church, in north Milton, on Monday afternoon, by the Rev. Hill, and interment made in the A. M. E. Cemetery, near town, by J. R. Atkins.
We have made inquiries and cannot find, at this date, a Democrat who will acknowledge he thought Bryan would be elected President. A few weeks ago while in Frederica, Elijah Melvin appeared to be very enthusiastic for Bryan, and most sanguine of his election. Wonder, what Elijah thinks of the situation now! Eh! E-li-jah!
Mrs. David Argo, of near Waples, is quite ill with pneumonia.
[i] The presidential election of 1912 was a rare four-way contest. The incumbent, William Howard Taft, was renominated by the Republican party. Theodore Roosevelt, after failing to receive the Republican party nomination, created his own progressive “Bull Moose” party and ran as its candidate. Woodrow Wilson was nominated on the 46th ballot of the Democratic party convention. Lastly, Eugene Debs ran on the Sociality Party ticket. Woodrow Wilson won the election. Source: Wikipedia
[ii] Latia & Ferry, marine engineering contractor out of Philadelphia