The readers of this paper need not be surprised that the Milton communications contains so little of the sensational and startling as compared with those of our sister towns. Many of our Milton citizens have passed the molting period and have settled down to the realistics of life. Those who have not are yet sane, and that would make an eighth wonder of the world to get them off their equilibrium. They go a-fishing, and a-gunning; but they don’t drown, nor shoot themselves! And whoever heard of a Milton man, or even a citizen of Broadkiln Township, breaking his neck! To keep the correspondence out in the cold they will seldom break a leg, or an arm, but sometimes by the merest accident these will happen; but reader you may “bet your bottom dollar” they don’t do it for the correspondent’s benefit, though he may give to them all the sympathy his mentality can bestow. We don’t blame them. As for the miraculous, the people of Milton don’t do anything to have the finger of aphorism pointed at them: “be sure your sin will find you out,” and without remorse or the gnawings of a guilty conscience, their brain is intact; they have more sense than to commit suicide, or do a dastardly deed to their neighbor. Is this the result of the equipment or acquirement or both?
J. B. Welch’s last poem, The Old Church in the Graveyard, is dedicated to Captain George E. Kimmey of Philadelphia, who was raised in Milton and knows much about the town, and the old church spoken of. The poem calls up reminisces dear to them who knew of its history, and leads the mind in prospective to a future meeting with those who have gone before. This is, probably, one of Mr. Welch’s best, and will add another laurel to the many that have already adorn the fame of the Milton Bard.
When the Chronicle shall have been read this week, Thanksgiving Day will have been numbered with its predecessors, and the people of this great country will have offered their thanks to Almighty God, on this especial day, for the blessings of the year. Anyone who knows the history of our country, and who appreciates the blessings we enjoy, must see and believe that our government is a theocracy, as much so as was Israel’s. Perhaps we’re not so […] a nation, nor so stiff necked a people as was the Jewish Nation, although our national sins are multitudinous and multi form. Notwithstanding our iniquities of the Decalogue, and other sins, introduced by “advanced civilization” there are yet “a few names in Tarsus who have not the defiled their garments,” and to such perhaps we are indebted for our bounteous harvests, our peace with all nations, and our domestic and our national felicity. True, there are many of us who are, but, indirectly benefited by the many avenues of trade—agriculture, mercantile, and mechanical—that go to make up our nation’s wealth, yet we are benefited in measure and in degree to our skill, and desert. We are inclined to optimism; and really believe that everything is ordered for the best. In our country’s history we have many instances to prove where national blessings have resulted from bad beginnings, and in our private life we have many more. As favored a nation as are these United States, we should always be thankful for our blessings and favors from the Almighty Hand. Contrast our condition with the anarchy now reigning in Russia! Draw a parallel between the two countries if you can, and then reason with yourself whether we have not abundant reason to be thankful for our domestic comforts as a nation, as well as from many blessings as individuals. And not only give thanks on Thanksgiving Day, but be thankful the other 364.
Deputy grandmaster George P. Tunnell of Lewes installed officers of Milton Lodge No. 30, A. O. U. W., On Wednesday evening the 18th inst. Grand Master Elijah Melvin of Frederica could not be present. It is thought that Bryan stock has soured on Elijah.
If a little girl has a pretty doll her little associate begs ma to get her a prettier one; each wants to emulate the other, from the least even to the greatest. This preamble is out to introduce the improvement that London Nelson has made to “Sleepy Valley.” “Who is London Nelson?” may be the query. A short tale is soon told. London came here some years ago from Cuba. By strict walk, and a willingness to be told what he did not know, he soon made many friends amongst the best of the white people of the town. He has saved some money and is putting a part of it in a little building, as stated above, and in conjunction with this Joshua Carey is fixing up as property occupied by Watson, at the extreme west of “Sleepy Valley.” The above may be considered as one way to solve the race problem: let the colored people do as London Nelson has done; attend to their business they are placed in, and they will reap their reward.
Miss Eva Smith is having built stables and a carriage house in the rear of her property, on Union Street.
S. J. Wilson is enlarging and building more commodious out buildings around his property on Mill Street.
John M. Lofland of North Dakota has the past summer been visiting his brother, David Lofland, near New Market; and while there are presented him with all of his interest in the homestead farm, late his father’s. Part of this farm consists of a valuable piece of timberland worth from four to six hundred dollars. Mr. Lofland is a Dakota up-to-date farmer, and has not visited his old home before in 23 years. David appreciates is token of affection from his brother very much.
Captain George E. Megee has about completed his enlargement and repairs to his warehouse on the dock. Under the south addition he will place an engine, and conduct a complication of business the nature of which we are not at present at liberty to divulge.
On Friday Captain George Hunter received the sad news of the death of his father, 80 years of age at Moorstown, N. J. [The] Captain left on Saturday for that town.
James Betts has moved from Mulberry Street into the property of James Ballmer, corner of Front and Chestnut Streets.
The third quarterly conference of the M. E. Church will be held on next Saturday the 28th.
A corrugated iron roof has been put on the residence of Mrs. Ida Fox on Mill Street.
The Milton Driving Park Association that has been out of business for about two years will have an exhibition of races on Thanksgiving Day.
Rev. G. R. McCready has recovered from his recent indisposition and was able to be in his pulpit on Sunday.
There will be Thanksgiving services held in the M. E. Church on Thursday from 11 o’clock until 12 o’clock.
On Sunday morning the 29th, the Rev. A. C. McGilton will preach to Endeavor Lodge No. 17, A. A. M., and on Sunday evening to Enterprise Council No. 16, Jr. O. U. A. M.
H. R. Draper has removed from Prime Hook into his fine and commodious building in the south suburb of town.
William Johnson has his new building on Magnolia Street raised.
Riley Clifton, 14 years old, is quite sick at his home on Chestnut Street with typhoid pneumonia.
Anderson & Co. is the only firm of Milton canners that have shipped their present year’s pack of tomatoes. Workman & Co. are holding about two-thirds of theirs; Goodwin & Co. are holding about three-fourths of theirs; and the Royal Packing Co. about the same amount.
It is true we don’t know everything. We did not know that the town repaired the sidewalk to the M. E. Parsonage until Tuesday. On the morning of that day the town supervisor and his assistant Martin Chandler took up a part of the pavement to that property and cut out the roots of the trees that had bulged up, and re-laid it. This makes no difference as the town and the church are run by the people; and it’s all in a family way; but other denominations might squeal.
J. H. Markel after making a business visit here returned to his home at Greensboro, Pa., on Tuesday.
Mrs. Rhoda A. Warrington, widow of the late Captain Tolbert Warrington, died at his late home near Hollyville on Tuesday morning of general debility, age 82 years, seven months and three days. Funeral at Coolspring Presbyterian church at half past one Friday. Interment in the cemetery by the church, Rev. J. H. Henderson officiating. Samuel J. Wilson & Son, funeral directors.