October 2, 1908

It is not an uncommon occurrence to see half a dozen young men, ranging in age from sixteen to twenty years, of good families and in good standing, congregate in some out-of-the-way place, talking, fooling and playing. What in the name of common sense do these young men think of themselves, or their parents think of them? What do they propose to do in life? Have they no plans for the future? It would seem not. And yet if anyone were to question their good sense they would be offended. Have the parents no interest in their children? Do they expect them to be indolent and lazy all their lives? They, the most of the parents, are trying to give their children a good education, but that without the knowledge of some work will not carry all of them through life and enable them to escape the police courts, and the penitentiaries, as the tramp nuisance and the records of the everyday bulletin testify. Parent, you had better put your children to doing something, if it is only pulling the grass out of your back garden, or send them fishing down the river. Employment of any kind will create a zest for work and keep them out of mischief, and perhaps out of prison; besides, it will develop their physical and mental caliber, and advantage them financially.

“Billy” Robinson has installed into his launch Emma [Chandler], a three horsepower back action combination gasoline and coal oil engine. “Billy” now expects to beat any boat on the river.

Mrs. Carrie Burris is repairing and building an annex to the property she lately purchased from the heirs of the Daniel Olney estate on Chestnut Street.

Schooner Frederica that sank and was abandoned a few weeks ago, near Slaughter Beach, has been relieved of her anchors and sails and Captain Dutton now thinks he will raise her as soon as a wrecker can be found to undertake the job.

Schooner Edward V. Hendrixson, loaded the last of the piling for the Miah-Maul Shoal Light Station, and left with her cargo, last week.

While moving a house James A. Johnson had a cedar post fall from the top of the building and mashed the fleshy part of his left thumb. Fortunately, the bone is uninjured. But his hand is carried in a sling all the same.

Anderson & Co. closed their cannery on Wednesday, and their foreign help left for their homes on Friday morning.

P. P. Welch has put new curbing in front of his property on Chestnut Street.

Eli B. Casey, a paralytic, is improving somewhat, considering his other infirmities.

That excavation for a switch at the west of the depot, and north of the track, at Milton station, looks now to be what we thought it was at first. An excavation to get dirt for use at other points. But the powers said there was to be a switch. Then why has it not been put down, before all the lumber and piling, that lay contiguous to this point, has been hailed to the other switch, is only for this company to know. We shall believe there will be a switch when we see the work again, commenced.

Goodwin Bros. & Conwell’s force of Bohemians left on Saturday morning for their home in Baltimore. This cannery has not closed, and it is thought enough help can be found in town to use what tomatoes may yet come in.

John Hood, formerly night watchman at the Goodwin works, left on Saturday to take a position on a tug boat at Baltimore. His father, Nathaniel Hood, succeeds him as watchman.

The town supervisor is again at work on Mulberry Street. This street is mighty convenient to fall back on when Council think nothing else needs doing.

The grass that is growing on the edge of the gutter in front of the M. E. Church looks doubly bad by contrast. With that above and below it, which has been nicely cleaned off by the owners.

Mrs. L. M. Fearing has closed out her stock of notions and has dedicated her storeroom to household purposes.

Mrs. Ellie Lambert of New York lectured on “temperance,” on Friday evening, at the M. E. Church, to a good audience—mostly women.

Abel Pettyjohn of Frankfort, Pa., is the guest of his mother and sister.

At the Republican Primary held on Saturday there was one ticket in the field. Twenty-seven votes were polled. S. J. Palmer and E. D. Campbell were elected delegates to attend the Georgetown convention on Tuesday, and J. M. Robbins and W. H. Prettyman, alternates. James R. Carey was nominated for assessor, and Dora Warren for inspector.

Bishop Kinsman of the Diocese of Delaware and a coterie of gentleman passed through town in an automobile on Saturday, stopping to make a call on the rector of St. John Baptist Church, the Rev. Martin Damer.

“Billy” Robinson’s launch, the Emma Chandler, is said to have made the passage from Milton Dock to the drawbridge, a distance of six miles, in twenty four minutes. This time beats all record on the river.

Firemen’s Band gave another open air concert on Saturday evening, in the lower part of the town. These concerts bring people together, and are prolific of some good in more ways than one. No one knows how much money Sam Smith finds in going over these streets on Sunday morning.

On Sunday morning the Rev. A. C. McGilton preached on “The Modern Devil,” alias whiskey, and contrary to the expectation of many knocking the props from under the so-called prohibition party.

Mason & Davidson have bought of David D. Mullen of Mundall, Pa., the property now in tenure of William Johnson of Union Street, north, familiarly known as the Beardsley property.

C. Grant Collins and wife of Philadelphia, and Frank Davidson and family, of Wilmington, who have been visiting in town, returned to their homes on Monday.

The Milton Public Schools opened on Monday with Prof. Horace G. Hastings of Delmar as principal; Prof. E. W. Warren of Milton as 1st assistant; Miss Elizabeth Johnson of Millsboro, 2nd assistant; Miss Lydia Black of Milton, 3rd assistant; and Mrs. Estella Bacon, primary department.

Miss Mary Megee commenced the school at Williams on Monday, and on the same day Miss Lillian Aker opened the school in Cave Neck.

Mrs. Mollie Russell of Scranton, Pa., attended [the] funeral of Mrs. Anna Megee, on Tesday, and remains in town for a short time to visit friends.

Steamer O. B. Vessels, with phosphate for Robert Collins, came to the mouth of the Broadkiln and could not get in, and went to the Breakwater. It is thought the mouth is at present failure.

The shirt factory was closed on Tuesday on account of the breaking of the cutter.

G. W. Atkins is touring the eastern shore of Maryland the present week.

Mrs. Rebecca Ellegood, of Quantico, Md., widow of the late Rev. James Ellegood, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Fearing.

George Wright the barber fell overboard in the Broadkiln today.

Charles M. Ott, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Ott of Centreville, Md., died at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Shockley, near the drawbridge, on Saturday, aged 11 months and 12 days.[i] Funeral services were held at its late home on Sunday afternoon by Rev. McGilton, and sepulture made in the M. E. Cemetery, at Milton, by S. J. Wilson & Son.

Marie D. Ennis, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Ennis, died near Harbeson on Friday, aged 6 months and 5 days. Funeral at its late home on Sunday morning by the Rev. Thomas and interment made in Beaver Dam Cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.

Mrs. Anna W. Megee, wife of Captain Ralph Megee[ii], died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiltbank, on Federal Street, after a protracted illness, on Saturday afternoon, aged 23 years. Funeral services were held at the parents’ home, on Tuesday afternoon, and sepulture made in the Odd Fellows Cemetery, Rev. A. C. McGilton performed the last sad rites, and J. R. Atkins inhumed the body.

Mrs. Eliza Walls, relict of the late Gilead Walls, died suddenly, near Springfield Cross Roads, of Bright’s disease, on Sunday, aged 73 years, 2 months and 8 days. The funeral was held at Springfield Cross Roads on Wednesday morning, and interment made in the nearby cemetery, by J. R. Atkins.



[i] The cause of death was listed as cerebro spinal meningitis

[ii] Anna Wiltbank Megee’s husband was Capt. Ralph Davidson Megee, son of Capt. William Henry Megee. The elder Megee was one of the five Megee brothers who were sea captains. She died after less than two years of marriage.