Many will change their homes at the end of this year in and about Milton. So far as we learn Miss Lillian Aker goes to the Samuel Burris property, and Adolphus Palmer occupies the property vacated by her. Wm. Mason will move to the property recently purchased on Union Street. Wm. Warren will remain in the building vacated by Mr. Mason; W. H. Conner with Henry Warren, of Ellendale, will occupy the property lately purchased by Mr. Warren. Mrs. May Reed will occupy the property vacated by Mr. Conner. John Correl will move to his Broad Street property and Edward Roach will go to the Cade property. Wm. Blizzard will occupy the Mrs. Carey property, which Edward Roach vacates. S. Messick will come from near Waples Mill into the Primrose property on Broad Street. These are a few of the many changes which will take place.
Jas. T. Carey, while leading a horse behind a carriage, had the skin torn off the left hand by eversion with the halter making a painful wound.
All of the canneries in Milton, and the one at Harbeson, are closed. The workmen gang of foreign help left on Friday for their Baltimore homes.
David M. Conwell has put curbing in front of the property he recently purchased on Federal Street.
Rev. A. C. McGilton and the Rev. G. R. McCready left on Monday morning, the former to visit New York City, the latter to spend a few days in Maryland.
J. A. Betts has a job of carpentry for Dr. W. J. Hearn in Philadelphia, and went on Tuesday to take charge of it.
Dr. Joseph Conwell, of Vineland, N. J., was in attendance at the funeral of Mrs. Ralph Megee last week. The doctor is a near relative of the Wiltbank family.
John Sockum of Front Street, east, a part of the town contiguous to the river and which during storm tides becomes inundated, has raised his building, and with sensible forecast has raised it high enough to keep dry, unless there will come a larger tide than usual. John is expecting this, however. He thinks a man like Taft carries extraordinary storm tides with him.
The Star route service between Milton and Ellendale was discontinued on the last day of September. This will be all right if we can only keep the M. D. & V. R. R. Co. sober.
Oysters are selling fifty cents a bushel on the street. John Warrington has reopened his oyster saloon on Front Street in the Curtis Reed Block.
There is considerable quantity of fodder yet standing in the fields, and since the nice rain, turning of fallow, which has stopped for a time, has been resumed.
The owner of the steamer O. H. Vessels that was freighted with phosphate for Robert Collins and other parties on the Broadkiln being unable after several unsuccessful attempts to get on to the Broadkiln, has chartered Barge No. […] of the New Jersey Wright Co., at ten dollars a day, to unload and deliver the phosphate. That mouth only verifies what the old watermen of the Broadkiln said of the location of the jetty. But, as everyone knows, old Sussex County watermen have “got no sense nohow.”
Miss Mary Fisher, of Philadelphia, is a Milton guest.
The United Colored Club of Milton have elected the following officers: president, William H. Mosley; secretary, William J. Hazzard; assistant secretary, Cornelius Holland; treasure, John H. […]. The club now has twenty members, and is in a flourishing condition.
In Georgetown on last Friday evening Miss Annie Landale, of that place, and Mr. John Brittingham were united in marriage. The twain will reside in Milton.