It has been suggested that a petition be formulated and presented to Town Council signed by all the persons of town—and they would, surely, sign it—having business at the railway station, asking council to repair the sidewalk on Chestnut Street, from the colored church to the depot. But why do this? “They have Moses and the prophets; if they hear not them neither will they be persuaded though one should arise from the dead.” These persons who are acquainted with the thoroughfare in question will readily understand the above metaphor. It is Council’s business to attend to this road; and, as has been said before, if the owners of the property will not repair it, do it yourselves and make the owners pay the bill. If this property were the property of some person, whose all was invested in it, they would be dunned continually by the “powers that be” until the needed repairs were made. We know the owner or owners of this property and we know they are able to put this sidewalk in proper condition, and we believe they would do so were they here in person to see its condition; but like many other good people they have other business that engages their attention, and if they are really informed of the needs of this particular property they soon forget it in the cares of their other business. One, if not more than one, of the Town Board does business at the Milton station and knows the condition of this sidewalk, as well as does the writer of this sheet or the reader of this column but this councilman is able or does ride to and from his business, and is in that degree uninterested in other people’s comfort. But there are many other people who use this walk and who prefer to walk, at least at times, and when they do walk they like to have a good place in which to walk. In a few days the weeds will begin to shed their pollen, and then this walk will be damaging to good clothes, and particularly to ladies dresses. Town Council has held this matter under advisement long enough. Now go to work and fix this sidewalk, if not for your own reputation as Councilman for decency sake, the people’s sake, and for the beauty of our town. Remember: this particular street is seen by every person who visits Milton by rail.
The Milton Fire Company has been invited to participate in the “Carnival” to be held at Georgetown, the first week in October. The company will hold a meeting tonight and take action in the matter.
Charles H. Atkins, Jr., has been granted license as a local preacher, by District Superintendent Morgan. Mr. Atkins returned to conference Academy at Dover, on Monday.
Joseph H. Walls has bought of Harry R. Draper fifteen fine steers, ranging in age from two to four years. These are for butchering purposes, and Milton may expect to get some good meat while they last.
John H. Jones and wife returned on Thursday form an extended visit to St, John, New Brunswick.
Miss Lottie Welch opened a Kindergarten School at her home on Monday.
Schooner Frederica arrived last week with a cargo of anthracite coal for C. H. Atkins.
A large load of bituminous coal was received last week by the Royal Packing Company and the Stewart Fertilizing Company.
John Morris has put a bay window in his building on the corner of Broad and Mulberry Streets.
Lofland Brothers brick manufacturing have purchased the lime “bully” Rambo of the parties who lately bought her at a U. S. Marshal’s sale. The Messrs. Lofland will use her in transporting brick to various parts up the Delaware. Captain LeKites will command her.
William F. Tomlinson, attorney-at-law, New York City, was the guest of his father and other relatives last week.
Goodwin Bros. and Conwell […] of cans on Wednesday.
Rev. G. R. McCready, wife and daughter have returned from Ocean Grove, N. J.
Captain Frank Lacey has repainted the back fences at his residence on Federal Street.
W. E. Manship of Philadelphia has been a Milton visitor.
For $1500 Henry Warren of Ellendale has bought of James Palmer the Edward Jones property, situated on the corner of Chestnut Street and Manship Avenue, and will remove therein the first of the coming year.
Arthur Jones of Cedar Creek had both bones—tibia and fibula—of his leg broken, while pulling stumps, on Thursday. Drs. J. A. and R. B. Hopkins rendered the necessary aid.
Captain George Hunter is having his building on Atlantic Street repainted by Frank Outten. Captain Hunter also believes in painting roofs.
Professor Hastings of Delmar, the future principal of the Milton Public Schools, stopped over in Milton on Friday evening on his way home from the Rehoboth Institute and engaged board at Mrs. L. M. Fearing’s for the school term.
Miss Eva Smith has returned from the city with a fine assortment of millinery and everything in her line for autumn trade.
Stephen Palmer commenced on Monday to build a dwelling […], two storied, for George Simpler, of near Harbeson.
S. J. Martin has had another tin roof put on his front porch, on Federal Street.
Miss Jennie Megee has returned from a two months outing at various points of interest.
The Democratic primary held on Saturday was almost […] of the one held by the Republicans, a few weeks ago. [-…], was known, and but one ticket run, which resulted in the election of the nominees. For delegates: William B. Tomlinson, E. W. Warren, and John B. Mustard. Alternates: James T. Mason, Capt. George B. Hunter, and E. T. Veasey.
Thomas Spencer has shipped his crop of pears to his landlord, W. H. Chandler, at Scranton, Pa.
Rev. W. Kay Lord representing the Delaware Home Society of Wilmington, Del., preached at the M. P. Church on Sunday morning and at the M. E. Church on Sunday evening.
We are officially informed that Arch Deacon Turner of Lewes will meet the vestry of the Milton P. E. Church on Wednesday evening and settle the muddle regarding the location of the tower to be built to the church.
A Negro named John Wright of Annapolis, Md., said to have been in the employ of Latia & Ferry, who are building the jetty at the mouth of the Broadkiln, […] years, was drowned in the Broadkiln near the Drawbridge on Wednesday morning of last week. The deceased was alone in charge of a water barge used in transporting fresh water from up the river to the jetty. On the evening of the accident the barge was left above the drawbridge to drift upstream. Wright, in the meanwhile, pumping water into her, and to return with the ebb time. About eleven o’clock the company’s launch came up from the mount to tow the barge down and found Wright and the pump missing. It is thought the Negro in shifting the heavy pump lost his balance, and fell overboard. Although efforts were made to find the body it was not until Saturday that it was discovered in a sluice some distance from where it is supposed to have fallen overboard. Coroner Conoway was informed and came to Milton on Sunday. He did not think it was necessary to empanel a jury, but held an inquiry. And the conclusion was death by accidental drowning. The remains were taken in charge by S. J. Wilson & Son, and transported to his former home on Monday morning train. Deceased was […] years old.
The remains of James B. Lynch, who was scalded, killed, and drowned by the accident that occurred to his tug at the mouth of the Christiana River on the 11th inst were brought to Rehoboth on the Sunday evening train. Funeral services were held at Rehoboth Presbyterian Church on Tuesday afternoon by the Rev. Ellis, and interment made in the nearby cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
The Bryan Excursion to Baltimore on Monday was a failure. A lot of empty cars went to Rehoboth on Saturday evening and came back Monday morning empty. Not one ticket was sold from Milton.
On Tuesday morning Fireman Band astonished the people by appearing on the street in full regalia at 6 o’clock. The later risers “cussed” and the early risers laughed. Need not “cuss,” ye lazy men, for the band is going to be on the street at 6 o’clock every morning, or periodically until October 2nd. So it is said, for practice.
Tommy Ingram has built a porch in front of his residence on Federal Street.