September 4, 1908

There is a class of persons, notably men, who cannot rise above the frivolities of life; who take as applied to themselves every little trivial thing that is published in their home paper, or any other paper, if the item refers to their town or by innuendo, to any person in it. Now this is puerile. It shows ignorance and a lack of good breeding. Intelligent people never get offended at anything a newspaper correspondent may say, provided they do not see he is trying to personally insult them. And very few newspaper correspondents will do that. This class of people, are, however, generally to be pitied rather than blamed; their dispositions are naturally morose, taciturn, and fault-finding and have been made more so by cultivation and giving way to their propensities. If the newspaper correspondent often says things you do not like, thank him that he says no more than he does about the truths that do happen. How much news happenings has the Milton correspondent of the Chronicle suppressed, at the solicitation of friends, during the last two months? Let something unsavory in the public eye happen in your family and how quickly your friends will hasten to the newspaper correspondent with, “O, please, Mr. ____, don’t publish that, please don’t; it will be so humiliating to the family, etc..” Give us credit for the good we do, if any; and sank as close fool if we don’t do. If we say something we don’t like “grin and bear it;” by and by will say something somebody else don’t like, that you will think all right. And so it goes. “Now you see it, and now you don’t.”

For the excursion to Tolchester on Wednesday last 126 tickets were sold at the Milton station. And on this excursion or some people who own merchants in this town for the necessaries of life, that they let them have, when they, the suppliants, appeal to the sympathy of the merchants that their families were in the. Friends, had you not better pay your bills first, and if you have anything to spare go on excursions afterwards? Remember, you may want credit again. Pay your bill and you can always get it.

Owing to the stormy day of last week the Red Men’s excursion to Rehoboth was not patronized from this point.

The evening train due here at 7:00 on Thursday did not reach Milton until 1:00 on Friday morning. The engine became disabled en route.

The sidewalk from the colored church to the depot should be repaired. This street is used more by pedestrians than any other street in town. During the past week it has been in a miserable condition from mud and the wet grass on the side of the pathway. Isn’t this a pretty street or walk for ladies – – and we say ladies because they are generally better dressed than men—to travel in the morning to take the train. What condition are their shoes and skirts in for […] tour, after having trudged through this morass they only know who have experienced the walk, or seen others do so. Let it be repaired and the grass cut off; and if the owners will not do it, let the town do it, and make the owners pay, if there is an ordinance with this stipulation. Town Council should remember that a law that is inoperative in one part is inoperative in the whole; or in plain parlance, if Town Council cannot make one party keep up his sidewalk, it cannot make another do so.

The weather of the past week has been bad on the tomato crop fodder saving and camp meetings.

Henry Hood has superseded William Lofland as night watchman at the Goodwin brothers and can well works.

The extreme rainy weather caused a small cave-in near the bridge last week.

Miss Ida Ponder has returned from a visit of several weeks, amongst the Catskill Mountains.

H. P. Betts of Philadelphia has been a Milton visitor.

Miss Blanche Jones of New Jersey is the guest of her many friends here.

Henry Atkins launched his new gasoline launch “Virgie” on Saturday.

It is seldom we see an ox team in town; but one that is used in handling tomatoes is becoming familiar.

The Misses Mayme and Laura Conner are visiting the Rev. R. S and Mrs. Coursey, and family, in Cambridge, Md.

By an order of the Orphan’s Court […] house and lot, the property of Elzey Hazzard, situated near town, was sold on Saturday afternoon in front of the Hart House. It was purchased by John Hazzard for $[…].

A changed schedule went into effect on Tuesday on the D. M. & V. R. R. whereby one of the morning trains going east is discontinued and one of the afternoon trains going west is taken out. The Saturday evening express from West Point to Rehoboth is also discontinued and until further notice, there will be but one Sunday train through to Rehoboth.

On account of the absence of the ministers there were no preaching services at the M. P. and P. E. Church on Sunday morning. Rev. McGilton preached a special sermon to young men at the M. E. Church on Sunday morning.

The Second Quarterly Conference of the M. E. Church will be held on next Friday afternoon, September 11th. District superintendent Morgan will preach at this church next Sunday morning, and the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be administered in the evening.

Stephen W. […], a jeweler and optician, of Centreville, Md., will open for business in Mrs. […] building near the bridge.


Mrs. Fannie Atkins has returned from Philadelphia, where she has been attending upon her sick mother.

We are requested to say that the report that the management of the colored camp do not want the white people to visit them is untrue. They wall all the white people to come who will, and they will be welcome. The camp at Lavinia continues over next Sunday. Last Sunday […] was realized as gate money; denoting a good attendance.

There is being built an addition to the colored schoolhouse of […]. There will be two teachers in this school hereafter.

C. H. Atkins, Jr., preached at Beaver Dam on Sunday morning and at the M. P. Church in Milton on Sunday evening.

The weeds, bushes and briars have been cut on each side of the D. M. & V. track as far as we have been. What this means we do not know, as it is against the conscience of this company to do anything that is of advantage to Milton.

Forty gallons of black bass were received by Harry Robinson on Sunday from the Fish Culture Department at Washington. They came from the Illinois River, and were landed at Ellendale on the days stated, and brought to Milton by James Hester, of that town. Mr. Robinson, Mr. Jester and the gentleman in whose care they were, deposited them with becoming ceremony into Lake Fanganzyki, where they are expected to propagate “forty, sixty, or a hundred fold.”

The Douglass White Shirt and Overall Factory will resume operation on Monday morning the 7th. Employees take notice.

Ruth Alene Shew, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shew, died at Lincoln on Friday, aged 8 years, 3 months and 29 days. Funeral services were held at the late home on Sunday afternoon by the Rev. L. E. Barrett, and burial made in the Lincoln Cemetery.

Tomatoes are coming in slow. The four packing houses are running on less than half time. Tomatoes are bringing on the market from 12 to 21 cents a basket. On Tuesday the Bohemians at Anderson’s factory quit work, because two town girls went to work. They went out of the factory to pout awhile, when the proprietor read the riot act to them, and they went back to work.

Mrs. Annie E. Watson, wife of Jesse L. Watson, died at their home near Lincoln, Tuesday September 1st, 1908, aged 19 years and 5 days. Funeral services were held at the Lincoln M. E. Church on Thursday afternoon, the Rev. F. J. Cochran […] and interment in the adjacent cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Sons, funeral directors.

Edna M. Joseph, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Joseph, died at their home near Fairmount, Tuesday September 1st, aged 6 months and 20 days. Funeral services were held at Conley Chapel on Wednesday afternoon, the Rev. G. R. Ellis of Nassau officiating. Interment in the adjoining cemetery by Samuel J. Wilson & son directing the funeral.

Miss Emily O. Martin died at her home in Wilmington, No. 728 West Ninth Street on Tuesday. Her remains will be brought to Coolspring on Friday and funeral being conducted by the Rev. J. R. Anderson, the funeral being directed by Samuel J. Wilson & Son. The deceased was 82 years of age.