By virtue of an order of the Orphans’ Court of Sussex County, Messrs. White & Tunnell, as Trustees, sold in front of the Ponder House, on Saturday afternoon, the property late op William Lindle, deceased, in the town Milton: No. 1 Situated on Chestnut Street; 70 feet front, and 186 ft back, improved with a two story dwelling house with single story attached, was purchases by H. P. Parker for $560.00. No. 2 Situated on Chestnut Street, 65 feet front and 176 feet back, improved by a two story dwelling house, was bought by Frank Manship for $1000.00. No. 3 Situated on Chestnut Street, 65 feet front and 198 feet back without improvements, was bought by Frank Manship for $358.50, No.4 Situated back of the others mentioned, containing 17,277 square feet, without improvements was purchased by Frank Manship for $52.50.
The question debated at the Milton Literary on Friday evening: “Resolved, That the United States should Build and Maintain a Navy Commensurate With Its Wealth and Standing as a Nation.” Was decided in favor of the negative. The debaters were: Affirmative: H. B. Warren and James Leach, two students from Dover Conference Academy; and negative Prof. Horace Hastings and Ernest Jefferson.
Unless Prof. Brooks’ automobile breaks down on the eventful evening we suppose the big debate on the consolidation of Rural School Districts will take place on Friday evening April 9. An admission fee of ten cents will be charged to keep out the “hoodlums” and to help liquidate the debt on the school piano. For the information of any who are uninformed we will say we don’t know how the subject reads and haven’t found anyone who does; but it is a question of consolidation or no consolidation or Rural School Districts. Prof. Brooks will argue the affirmative and George W. Jones the negative side of the question. We hope Prof. Brooks will not agree to a fifty minutes’ opening speech and twenty-five minutes rebuttal. In this debate the people are on tiptoe for sound logic, and no beating the air.
On Thursday evening the W. C. T. U. was entertained by Mrs. John Morris at her home, corner Broad and Mulberry Streets.
One day last week when Charles Atkins a student at Dover Conference Academy, was coming from a funeral, accompanied by his brother, W. F. Atkins of Lewes, he was taken suddenly from the train, and instead of stopping off at Dover his brother took him to his own home at Lewes, Dr. Hiram Burton was on the train and rendered medical aid to the sufferer, Since then his ailment has developed into pneumonia. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Atkins of Milton.
William Fosque has completed the assessment of the town. Council will sit at the Mayor office on Saturday afternoon, April 3rd, to hear appeals.
Miss Mary Carey, a student at West Chester Normal School is visiting her parents.
It is reported the Rev. G. R. McCready has announced his intention of accepting no appoint from the M. P. Conference for the coming Conference year. It is also reported Mr. McCready will make his home in Milton, for a time. His throat affliction is complicated, and his condition improves but slowly.
Mrs. William B. Derrickson and children Gladys and Russell have returned from a visit to relatives and friends in Washington, Marydel, and Virginia.
Arthur C. Conwell of Philadelphia attended the funeral of his Uncle, Captain John C. Palmer, last week.
John Magee has associated himself with Damer Reynolds in the barber business on Union Street, north.
Frank Manship of Philadelphia was a Milton visitor last week.
- P. Johnson left on Saturday to take charge of a job at railroad building at Forest City, N. J.
We have been intensely scanning the Philadelphia papers for the name of some fictitious somebody about Milton or Broadkiln, who has found a pearl of value in an oyster. Strange! The “Record Bar” can’t get this on about Milton, as is done about other places.
The Fourth Quarterly Conference of the M. P. Church was held at the parsonage on Saturday evening. Routine business was transacted. An adjourned meeting of this body will be held at the church on Saturday evening, April 20, at which time it is expected to close up the business of this Conference year.
Postmaster Black has had torn down the old granary on Wharton Street.
There is an epidemic of influenza running through town and very few are escaping it.
The new switch at the railroad station has been completed.
Regular preaching services have again commenced at the M. E. Church.
There has been no sermon at the M. P. Church for four weeks, owing to the illness of the pastor.
Henry Warren is having the foundation laid for an annex to the property lately purchased; corner Chestnut Street and Manship Avenue.
Mrs. Margaret Thoroughgood late of Philadelphia has removed to Milton and occupied a part of the Jefferson property on Federal Street.
Elizabeth E. Lindale aged 68 years died in Slaughter Neck on Sunday, suddenly of heart disease. The funeral was held at Slaughter Neck Church on Tuesday morning by the Rev. Cochran, and burial made in the nearby cemetery, by S. J. Wilson & Son.
The butcher store corner Federal and Mulberry Streets gas collapsed again, and Curtis Spicer has returned to his home in Laurel. This collapse is by no means the fault of the young man who managed the business, but there appears to be a fatality attending this particular business stand.
Miss Ida Ponder and niece Mrs. Sarah Ponder returned home on Tuesday from Wilmington, where they have been spending the winter.
Miss V. D. Dodd has opened a millinery store corner Chestnut and Wharton Streets.