The subject is “dogs”. Sometime since we wrote a short thesis on three fine Milton dogs. Doubtless, presuming on that statement the outside world has been led to believe Milton is a paradise for canines. It would appear so at least. And now the town is flooded with dogs of all descriptions, sizes and colors and conditions: one eye dogs, bob tailed dogs, dogs that go on three legs, and one-eared dogs. They are a nuisance. Are we the innocent cause of all this immigration? It is said a man recently removed from somewhere to Milton with five babies and seven dogs. The babies are all right, and we are disposed to be somewhat lenient with this man with his dogs, in consideration of the babies. We, at the upper part of Federal Street know these dogs are here. And they are much in evidence about mealtime. Saucy and impudent, they invade the backyards and back porches, and all looking for something to eat. We can’t blame the dogs. The dogs are hungry; and even a dog will steal when it’s a question of hunger. We have looked over the town assessment list, and had some dogs assessed, but the most of them of which we write are not assessed, and if they were the owners would not pay the tax — could not, for they cannot feed them, and to not. Now we recognize the right of anyone to have a pet dog, or as many dogs as he or she may pleas to have–for there is no brute that will stick closer to a man, or his family than a good faithful dog—and we also recognize it to be his duty to care for these dogs, and not allow them to bother his neighbors. But what are the people going to do about it? These mysterious customers are not assessed–possibly, the assessor could not find the (the owners) for he could not have failed to find the dogs, nor cannot fail to find them if he will appear on South Federal Street, just after noon, or a little after supper time on any day. Has the bailiff a right to give them the Osler remedy[i]; we suggest the mayor give to the parties who are troubled with the dog nuisance, and on whom these dogs trespass a carte blanche for their quietude, particularly remitting the fine for shooting within the town limits as far as may be necessary to carry this suggestion into effect.
William H. Davidson and wife of Philadelphia are visiting Milton relatives and friends.
Agreeable to a promise made to our readers two weeks ago, we have colluded with the ex-mayor in regard to our street illumination. At present there are thirty-seven electric lights in town. Through the influence of the new mayor, Mr. Jones, there will be three more added as stated recently, giving as forty lights. Five of these lights are given to the town in consideration of the franchise; the rest of a four at the rate of $12.00 per light per annum. By this statement and will be seen it taken money to run the city of Milton.
The real estate of the late Elizabeth Jackson was sold on Saturday in front of “Hotel Jester.” There was considerable of it. The amount of the sale approximating $17,000.
“The Lofland Brick Company” has been incorporated with a capital stock of $50,000. The company takes over the A. H. Lofland & Bros. brickworks near town. The officers are: A. H. Lofland, president; Harland Joseph, vice president; C. H. Davidson, treasurer; age. H. L. Owens, and David Dutton.
William Warren lost his large driving horse on Friday night from an unknown cause.
Captain C. H. Atkins who has been very ill of late is better at present.
Captain J. C. .Palmer has bought of C. G. Waples, his home residence on Union Street north; and will soon remove therein. Mr. Waples contemplates building another residence in South Milton.
Under the Laurels will be rendered in school hall on Thursday evening. This trip is composed chiefly of home talent, and a large audience is anticipated.
Virtue Council No. 2, D. of A., initiated ten new members into the mysteries of this order on Tuesday evening last.
Mrs. J. W. Lodge sold her household furniture at public sale on Saturday.
John Johnson, wife, and child of Philadelphia, are being entertained by the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Purnell Johnson.
Avy D. Steelman, wife of Daniel Steelman, died in Milton, on Sunday last, aged 33 years, 6 months, and 27 days. The funeral services were held at Reynolds on Tuesday afternoon, by the Rev. A. C. McGilton, and interment made in the nearby cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
On Sunday Samuel J. Wilson and John H. Davidson were elected delegates to represent the M. E. Church at the Sussex County Bible Convention to be held at Georgetown on Thursday the 22nd. $20 was raised and the Rev. A. C. McGilton and Edward Davidson made life members of the society. N. W. White and Mrs. S. J. Wilson were elected delegates to represent the M. P. Church at the same convention. $12 was raised at this church, and Mrs. Mayme Vent made a life member of the society.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Davidson celebrated their Golden Wedding on Monday afternoon and evening. There were children and grandchildren, besides a host of church members, friends, relatives and acquaintances present, who did justice to the things set before them. The affair was recherché in the extreme, and the presents many and appropriate to the event. The guests were pleased and the elderly bride and bridegroom happy.
Mrs. Effie Lambert of New York lectured on Monday evening at the M. E. Church under the auspices of the Y. M. C. T. U. It is thought by many that the time of the meeting was ill advised, as it was the Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. John H Davidson. There was but a small gathering, but presumably, enough for the good these meetings generally do; and the orator got her pay and was satisfied.
J. M. Lank attended the services at Zion M. E. Church, and heard the new minister preach, last Sunday. But Joe’s chief desire was to drink water at of each of the pumps there settled.
One of the stumps has a conch shell, and the other a coconut shell to drink from. Joseph says he really thinks the one having the coconut shell—or the holiness pump—has the best water. This is accounted for by its being nearer the cemetery.
Captain John H. Atkins, the last of the five brothers of the long lived Atkins family of Milton, died at the house of his son, the Rev. C. K. Atkins at Nashville, Tennessee, on April the 14th in the ninetieth year of his age. The remains were placed in a vault in that city, and later, will be probably removed and placed beside those of his wife in a vault near Milton.
[i] This is a reference to a speech made by William Osler, sometimes referred to as the “Father of Modern Medicine,” who in a speech made on February 22, 1905 advocated that people at the age of 67 should have their lives “peacefully extinguished by chloroform,” that most productive work was accomplished between the ages of 25 and 40, and that it was all downhill from there. This speech was probably delivered tongue in cheek, but it created a lot of controversy at the time.