C. E. Bacon is having the foundation laid for a residence at the corner of Sand and Federal Streets. Dimensions of the building are front structure 18ft by […] ft, back building […].
H. S. Wagamon has had completed a brick wall in front of his property.
William Megee has put a new roof on his residence, corner Chestnut and Front Streets.
Mrs. Sarah King, wife of […] King, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Avarilla Behringer, at Swedesboro, N. J.
Miss Letitia Black, assistant school mistress, returned last week from a visit to Washington, D. C., whither she had been since the inauguration of President Taft. Miss Letitia visited the many places of note at the capital, and is enthusiastic over the sights she saw. “The half had not been told me,” said the Queen of Sheba over the magnificence of Solomon’s surroundings. Miss Lettie said, “I had a good time.”
Captain John R. Megee is now skipper of the Steamer Marie Thomas.
James Jones is having a residence built on his farm in Cave Neck. John H. Davidson is the builder.
Shad have been more plentiful in the river the past week, and several large hauls have been made. Prices rule high.
Rev. Martin Damer, who has been absent for his health for several weeks, has returned, greatly improved.
Don’t forget the debate in School Hall tonight (Friday), on the consolidation of Rural School districts.
For the information of “Paul Pry,” our Ellendale friend, we will relate a short incident of history: In 1863 during the Civil War, and while the Union troops were trying to capture Charleston, piling were driven in the mud twenty feet deep, in a marsh west of Morris Island, on which was placed an eight-inch Parrot gun which threw shells five miles into Charleston, but burst on the thirty-sixth round. This gun was nicknamed “Swamp Angel.” The reason we noticed the matter in a former communication was the Lincoln correspondent call “Paul Pry,” Swamp Angle. (Please note the spelling—A n g e l.) We knew “Paul Pry” need not feel hurt at being called “Swamp Angle,” but we did not know now about being called “Swamp Angle.” However, our compositor made both words spell alike in our communication, and our fun was destroyed, at that time.
The “Swamp Angel Battery”
Most of the schools in the Revival Districts of Sussex closed last week; not to give the “boys a chance to work,” but because they had used up their appropriations.
Town Council sit last Saturday as a court of Appeal from the town assessment list; Mayor John C. Jones presiding. The new Mayor is no scared rabbit in his new position, but handles his duties as one to the manner born.” We have an idea that with a new life infused into its deliberations Council will not get out of some of it monotonous and humdrum methods of procedure.
From the quantity of herring in town on Saturday it looked as though the Arctic Sea had given up a part of its piscatorial inhabitants. Those here came by the way of Indian River and sold for one cent apiece.
Rev. J. L. McKim, of Milford, preached at the Church of St. John Baptist on Sunday morning, and administered the Eucharist.
Rev. R. O. Keen of Georgetown occupied the pulpit of the church of St. John Baptist on Sunday morning. Rev. G. R. McCready, the pastor, was not sufficiently recovered in health to be present.
At the M. E. Church on Sunday morning there was a new departure from the general routine of a Sunday morning service: “An old time” love feast was held, followed by an experience meeting, after which the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was administered by the Rev. McGilton.
Schooner James M. Carey is undergoing her annual overhauling, near the bridge, and the sails are being repaired on the lower floor of Goodwin Bros. & Conwell cannery.
Barge Wright No. 6 is about completed and ready to be taken to New Jersey.
J. P. Davidson is having his new yacht repainted at Mount Ararat Dock. C. K. Conrad is doing the work.
Eli B. Carey had another stroke of paralysis on Saturday, which has noticeably affected his brain.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Davidson will celebrate their Golden Wedding on Monday the 19th inst. Invitations have been sent to their children, grand-children, and immediate relatives and friends, and a pleasant social home gathering is anticipated.
John Crouch has a menagerie, consisting of three pigs, three dogs, and expecting to add a fox today. He has the pigs penned, the dogs kenneled, so they are bothering nobody. We want to say something about the Milton dog nuisance next week.
Henry Warren has the back building to his residence enclosed.
Dr. James A. Hopkins, who has been indisposed for a week, is able to be out again.
Many of the prominent republicans went to Georgetown on Tuesday to see Delaware’s to United States Senators who were on exhibition at the county seat on that day, trying to get known to the people of lower Delaware; and drumming up another election for themselves.
Nehemiah J. Messick who removed from near Waples Mill to Milton at the beginning of the present year, was taken seriously ill early on Saturday morning. His condition at present is improved.
Rev. G. R. McCready, pastor of the M. P. Church, went to attend the Maryland Annual Conference held in Baltimore on Wednesday. Owing to ill health Mr. McCready will take no appointment this year, but will reside in Milton, occupying the residence of prothonotary White on Union Street, north. Mr. White will remove to Georgetown[i]. Such is the program at present.
There is a great deal of indisposition in town. The people ae not exactly sick, but are moping around with a generally depressed bad feeling. The write has for two weeks been wrestling with the grippe, or some other incubus, and has really been unfit to eat shad or herrings, or even turnip greens, but we have been on the go. Had to be on account of our gardening business.
[i] This is N. Wallace White, who decided to move to Georgetown rather than drive by buggy back and forth to Georgetown, a distance that he calculated would amount to over 13,000 miles for the duration of his term as prothonotary (county clerk).