Cicero Goodwin, Satan Ponder, and Abasueris Atkins are three noted dogs and important factors in the population of Milton. There are many other dogs in Milton, but none with such classic names, and none that developed such affinity for man, and love of play and frolic. Cicero Goodwin, named in honor of the Great Roman Orator, is ten months old; a fine-looking pup, glossy black and brindle breast. He is a wedding present to Mrs. Elizabeth Goodwin from Captain George E. Megee, the Milton dealer in steamboats, bull pups and other vegetables. Cicero is a mirthful god, playful and loving; and always wants to kiss everyone he sees, especially the girls. Satan Ponder, named after the mythical enemy of man, is as black as tradition paints the animal after whom he is named. We are ignorant of his age likewise his genealogy. He has a stump tail; how he lost the bushy part we do not know, Perhaps it was cut off when he was young and put under the door step to keep him at home. If so, the experiment failed in its purpose for if you want to find Satan don’t go to his home. He is essentially a fog of the street. Satan is also a loving dog, Abasueris Atkins, named after the ruler of the ancient kingdom of Media and consort of the beautiful Esther of biblical history is a day of many and varied beautiful colors. He is of the bull dog persuasion, and his physique does not belie his ancestry. Of his genealogy we are also ignorant. We think, however, he is an immigrant, and foreign born. Abasueris is of a more docile disposition than his species is credited with. When these three dogs go on their rampage on the street, and have a play, it is often near the home of Abasueris, for Abasueris is a home dog and seldom goes from thence except in company with his protectors. Cicero and Satan do most of the wallowing in the street while Abasueris, afraid of soiling his clothes, walks the pavement with a profound looks, as though he were studying the multiplication tables. These are a trio of happy dogs; and the town is fortunate in having such canines. Any other municipality may well envy Milton.
The Rev. Frederick J. Kinsman Bishop of the Diocese of Delaware preached at the church of St. John Baptist on Sunday and at St. George’s, Indian River, in the afternoon.
The dilettante will render “Imogene, or the Witch’s Secret” in School Hall on the evening of February 22. Proceeds for the Public School Piano fund. Come on and help pay for the piano.
On Saturday afternoon and evening the friends of learning and admirers of talent assembled in School Hall. The occasion being a local institute. The appreciation of the assembly was shown by a crowded house at each session. It is a matter of fact that the school teachers of today are a decided improvement on those of twenty years ago. Nearly all of the old “dopes” of that day have been eliminated from the ranks and with few exceptions those of today are a set of bright intelligent-looking personalities, and if Prof. John Brooks as a the tenure of the Superintendence of the public schools of Sussex County he, no doubt, will rate the standard of the teacher and of the schools to the equal of those of his native State. Perhaps he has done so already. The Milton Institute of February […] was a grand affair, and much enjoyed by the audience.
On Sunday morning there was no preaching at the M. E. Church. Gospel hymns were sung; and a general hand shaking took place, all over the church. The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was administered by the Rev. A. C. McGilton D. D.; and one person was admitted into full membership with the church. The evening services consisted in a centennial celebration of the birthday of the “Immortal Lincoln.” The alcove at the back of the pulpit was draped with “Old Glory” and to the left of the preacher’s stand stood a small pyramid, the apex crowned with small flags, and below those was a portrait of the patriot and master. The evening was an inclement one and the congregation was small, but those who were present were entertained by stirring addresses, eulogistic of the hero, by Rev. McGilton and William T. Starkey. Extra meetings will be held at this church each night during the present week.
The Fourth Quarterly Conference of this conference year will be held on Friday afternoon the 12 inst.
Rev. A. C. McGilton will preach to Golden Rule Lodge No. 8, I. O. O. F. on next Sunday morning; which order will attend church […].
“Billy” Robinson says he has a cat that will awaken him at any hour of the morning he is told. “How does he do it, Billy?” He just jumps on the bed and tears the clothes off me.
The unusual occurrence of two church funerals in one week was presented on last Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. In our account of those last week we were obliged to anticipate just a little and we did not anticipate enough. The funeral of A. Harold Palmer came off as announced, and in addition, the Improved Order of Red Men attended the services in a body. The funeral of Levi J. Coverdale was held as previously stated, on Thursday afternoon. Deceased belonged to several orders, but by request of the family their organizations did not attend the funeral in a body, but were represented by delegations. At both of the services the church was crowded and the corridor filled, and such the crowd that one was led to think the most comfortable man was in the coffin. Mr. Coverdale was a carpenter by trade and […] by profession. […remainder of paragraph illegible…].
[…Two paragraphs illegible…]
Edward Walls is making improvements to his property at Stevensonville.
George Ellingsworth, while driving into town early Friday morning, had his horse drop dead, near Heavaloe.
Rev. Martin Damer has gone to a sanatorium on Long Island.
Lime “Bully” Rambo, for some cause is making a protracted stay at Milton dock. She is loaded in the hold with pine wood, and if there is any demurrage collectable it will amount to something.
The Book club will be entertained on Tuesday evening by Captain and Mrs. Frank Lacey. Mrs. Otis Goodwin, Mrs. Charles Waples, John Ponder, and Charles H. Atkins are the committee for the evening on topics.
Adolphus Palmer, section boss on the D. M. & V. R. R. track, was thrown from the platform of a car by the sudden starting of a train on Monday. Shaken up somewhat but not seriously injured.
Memorial services were held at the M. E. Sunday School on Sunday afternoon in memory of A. Harold Palmer and Levi J. Coverdale.
The Public Schools will render a program on Friday afternoon, in School Hall, in celebration of the centenary of Abraham Lincoln’s birthday.
The Shirt factory was closed on Monday morning on account of the inclemency of the early morning.
The protracted effort at the M. P. Church is now being conducted by the membership, the pastor being confined to his home by throat troubles.
Postmaster and Mrs. John Black, F. B. Carey and wife, and Joseph L. Black attended the funeral of Harry Lank, at Milford yesterday.
Captain George E. Megee has been granted license as captain of steamboats. He is now skipper of his own steamer, the Marie Thomas.
Henry R. Walls died Tuesday, near Whitesboro, of paralysis, aged 74 years, 2 months, and 28 days. Formal services were held at St. John’s on Thursday afternoon, the Rev. Thomas, of Georgetown, officiating and interment om adjacent cemetery. S. J. Wilson & Son funeral directors.