July 23, 1909

On Monday morning W. W. Conwell was loading cars with pine piles at Lavinia switch. We were there to view the business and by invitation of Mr. Conwell got into his buggy with him to visit some other points where his is having work done. We went to places that I had almost forgotten, and the growing timber was a matter of much surprise. It has been feared the cutting of so much timber will produce a scarcity after a while. Others have said the timber is growing as fast as it is being cut and we in some measure incline to the latter belief. There is certainly much of it yet in Sussex. Every growing vegetation on this cool crisp morning was in a high state of cultivation. The corn looked splendid, the tomato vines beautiful, and all small crops luxuriant. We passed by Captain Thomas Chase’s tomato patch at Reynold’s Mill, and their vines and their product are remarkable at this season. Mr. Chare had at that time thirty baskets on a wagon for shipment to Philadelphia via steamer from Milford. He has picked from his patch about one hundred baskets to the present. We went a very circuitous route through bramble and through wood until I began to get scared and I said “Look here Conwell do you suppose we shall ever find out way back?”—“Never went anywhere but I got back again!” said Conwell. “G’wan!” And we got back sure Mr. Conwell is a busy man. He is up with the lark, although that genus of ornithology is now scarce in this locality. He has eight different pieces for the shipment of lumber on the D. M. & V. and M. D. & V. R. Roads and from these points the shipment averages two car loads a day. This is taking lumber from old Sussex, but as we have intimated, our observations lead us to believe there is almost as much growing as there is being cut. This had been a business for the county for a good many years, and it is likely to continue to be for a great many years more. All it needs is men of vim and push to make this business go. Conwell is doing it!

The business men of Milton do business when they get ready. Last week W. W. Conwell sold to Dr. R. B. Hopkins his home property, corner of Federal and Mill Streets, and taken in part exchange, the “Betts Mill property,” near town. The building that Dr. Hopkins has bought is of modern improvement, built of the best material and b one of the best mechanics in town.

C. G. Waples has removed into the property he lately bought of Miss Ida Ponder; and Captain J. C. Palmer has taken possession of the former Waples property lately purchased by Mr. Palmer on North Union Street.

Rev. Claude C. Douglass of the Westminster Theological Seminary preached on Sunday at Reynolds, Weigands, and Beaver Dam M. P. Churches.

The Lavinia’s Camp Meeting Committee met at the M. P. Church last week and formulated plans for the conduct of the coming camp.

The young son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jefferson is convalescing from a dangerous attack of typhoid. Prof. E. W. Warren’s son is also better.

Captain Frank Lacey has gone into the poultry business.

Schooner James W. Carey, Captain Warrington, is engaged in running clay from Warrington’s Landing to the potteries in Philadelphia.

Schooner Rambo is being loaded with pine wood for Fort Moth. The Rambo has been tied up at Milton Dock since the beginning of the year, awaiting a decision of a case in litigation. It is hoped it is now ended.

C. H. Atkins, Jr. has contracted to decorate the interior of C. H. Waples’ property on Federal Street.

Mrs. Lydia H. Fowler of Chester, Pa., is visiting her sister Mrs. Emma […].

Captain George E. Megee has chartered the stream Marie Thomas for service as a tender in the finishing up of the Miah Maul Shoal Lighthouse. The vessel left last week for her destination.

George Fowler of Philadelphia is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Welch.

Captain Thomas Chase brought sixteen baskets of tomatoes to town on Friday and received one dollar a basket for a part of them.

Prof. Fearing had the mishap to spill a can of red paint over himself on Friday. It was an oily mess; and the professor says “It was an accident.” Of course!

The ladies of the M. P. Congregation held a social on the lawn near the church on Saturday evening. Firemen Band was in attendance, and it is said the event netted the management $24.

The launch Cornelius owned by Dr. J. C. Wiltbank & Co. caught on the dock on Friday night, careened and filled with water. She was bailed out on Saturday.

C. E. Bacon’s new building is about ready for occupancy.

Wesley Coverdale has been appointed watchman at the Royal Packing Company’s works.

Captain Charles Cannon and family are the guests of Milton relatives.

Fred Welch after a visit of two weeks with his parents, returned to Camden N. J. on Monday.

Prof. Fearing has completed painting the M. P. Parsonage.

Twilight services began at the M. E. Church on Sunday evening. Better have commenced sooner.

J. C. Hazzard has had his property on Federal Street electric lighted.

The M. E. Sunday School and its friends made an excursion to Rehoboth on Tuesday. There were 122 tickets sold, and all children under 12 years of age were carried free of charge. There were many of the latter.

William Richards, corner Mulberry and Lavinia Streets, is building a front porch to the part of his property fronting on Lavinia Street.

John A. Kickman is the name of the new launch built by its namesake. It is a pretty boat and is now riding majestically on the waters of Lake Fanganzyki.

Celia A. Conwell, a respectable colored woman, died in north Milton on Wednesday of dropsy, aged 69 years, 4 months and 13 days. Funeral at the A. M. E. Church on Friday by the Rev. D. J. Blackston, and interment in the cemetery near town, by S. J. Wilson & Son.

Leo Newbank, son of Mr. and Mrs. Newbank, died near Oakley on Friday, aged 6 months. Funeral at its late home on Sunday and burial in the Avery Clendaniel Cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.

Sallie A., wife of George A. Bryan, died at her home on Federal Street on Monday afternoon after a long illness, aged 51 years, 10 months and 14 days. Funeral services were held at her late home on Wednesday morning by the Rev. Smith, and sepulture made in the M. E. Cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.

Rev. D. J. Blackston announces the commencement of a camp meeting by the ministers of […] A. M. E. Church in Slaughter Neck on July 25th, and the contemplated one at Milton will begin August 26th closing September 14th.

Robert Morris of Dover is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Morris.

The train dumped another load of drummers[i] in Milton on Tuesday. They travel now in flocks, possibly for protection.

It was delightfully cool on Monday and Tuesday mornings, and some overcoats were in use.

I, in company with the owner, went out in the “Barrett Farm” on Tuesday afternoon; and I am the […] of two peaches, of the “Bells of Georgia” variety. One of them is a nice size; the other […] not as nice. These, with two green […] which we left, were all of the peaches we could find in an orchard of 700 trees.


[i] Traveling salesmen