June 4, 1909

A picture of Captain George E. Megee, our fellow townsman, appeared at the head of the editorial column of the Milton Times of last week’s issue; and an editorial eulogistic of the Captain, farmer, and lumber dealer, graced the column. Captain Megee deserves every word of praise therein contained, and we can do no more than to subscribe to the well merited encomium. It is even said by many—“Captain George is the only man in Milton who has any backbone!”

Decoration Day was observed on Saturday and this was a very ill-advised arrangement as it should have been held on Monday, al always heretofore when it fell on Sunday. Business went on as usual; the stores were all open and the banks were not closed. Nevertheless the day was an ideal one. Clear and a cool northwest wind, mitigated the heat. Early in the morning bunting began to float from the residences and “Young America” was all alive with enthusiasm. The graves of the dead soldiers were flagged, and flowered; and all who had loved ones sleeping their last sleep in the cemetery were attended to. The Methodist Episcopal Cemetery never looked so beautiful, as on this morning. It was in the best condition we had ever seen it, and the decorations of flags and flowers made it resemble a wilderness of roses. Had this cemetery in its inception been laid off with suitable walks as is Barratts Chapel, it would, today, vie in beauty with that historic cemetery, although the population is not near so large. At 1 o’clock p. m., memorial services were held in School Hall, at which addresses were made by Mayor John U. Jones, of Milton, and R. G. Houston Esq., of Georgetown. The “Bivouac of the Dead,”[i] a poem by Lieutenant Theodore O’Hara, was read by Captain George E. Megee. Fireman Band furnished the music. The meeting adjourned at 3 o’clock to give the band an opportunity to fill an engagement at a baseball game which commenced at that hour, and was played on the Milton ground between the Lewes and Milton teams. Score 11 to nothing in favor of Milton. In the evening a social was geld by the M. E. Sunday school on the lawn at the home of Mrs. Janet Mustard. The ever omnipresent Firemen Band was present and discoursed its most entertaining music and drew the crowd. A hansom sum was realized. Proceeds for the use of the church.

An interesting episode of Saturday was the arrival of two ladies at Milton Bridge, where the writer with another gent was standing. From their query they were evidently strangers. Stopping their team they inquired: “Gentlemen, what river is this?”—“This, ladies, is the beautiful Broadkiln; the home of the mosquito, the terrapin, the bull frog, and the other edible vegetable.”—“O, indeed! And does the delicious muskrat live here?”—“This river, ladies, is also the home of the muskrat.”—“How very interesting: Good morning ladies!” And the interrogators moved on.

Monday was observed by the banks as Decoration Holiday. Business was suspended at these institutions, for the time; and in the evening memorial services were held by Enterprise Council, No. 16, Jr. O. U. A. M., in its Hall on Front Street, in honor of its dead. The first service of the kind held in the Hall since the incorporation of the Council.

At the Quarterly Conference held at the M. E. Church on Saturday morning, it was voted to raise the minister’s salary to $1000.00. When Zion was on this charge the salary was $1025.00; Zion paying $125.00; Milton the remainder. At the last Conference Zion was taken from this charge, leaving the salary as of old, $900.00-. Hence the raise. To feel their way and see if the people would bear it, the Stewards had, previously, sent out cards, notifying an increase in the assessments. It is thought they’ll bear it.

Captain George Hunter and Mrs. Hunter start today for Chicago, and from there thence will visit Denver, several places in Wyoming, Seattle, and probably before their return, San Francisco.

Steamer Marie Thomas has completed her transformation, and last week, loaded with canned goods for Goodwin Bros. & Conwell, for Philadelphia.

Should the proposed tariff tax on stockings become a law the Sussex girls propose to partly economize by cutting their stockings in two, and making two pair cut of one pair. They are now thrice as long as any need for.

Last week Deputy U. S. Marshal Mitchell came to Milton and libeled the schooner W. H. Rambo, on a claim of Captain James B. Scull, for wages. The case will be heard in the U. S. Court at Wilmington on June 3rd.

Miss May Welch of Philadelphia is being entertained by her parents.

The property formerly owned by the late Alfred Manship, and which was recently sold, is being divisioned off with substantial fences. And this is another novelty in Milton.

A horse was left standing in front of J. B. Welch’s Drug Store on Friday, when an automobile came along and frightened the animal, which started on a run up hill. The driver started on run after the horse which was stopped before the owner overtook it and no damage was done.

The heavy rains and the late high tides did considerable damage to garden vegetables. On Broad Street where the land has much slope, beans and onions were washed out of the ground; and near the river front persons could not get to their back buildings without wading.

Prof. W. G. Fearing returned last week, from a visit to Philadelphia.

James [….], wife and son, John, of Camden, N. J., have been Milton visitors, and are spending a short time on Broadkiln Beach.

The electric light wires on north Mulberry Street are sagged so low than on Sunday they were but little above a man’s head.

Miss Annie Manship of Philadelphia spent Sunday in Milton.

The Milton Public Schools will close Tuesday June 8th. On Monday afternoon June 7th, exercises will be given in School Hall by the primary and intermediary departments, On Tuesday evening June 8th the closing exercises will be given by the Grammar and Highs School departments. These exercises will consist of two short dramas—“Doctor Cure All” and “Aunt Susan Jane”—also a debating society by eight boys.

The Goodwin residence on Chestnut Street was decorated with flags on Sunday and on Monday morning.

A junior member has been added to the Goodwin firm.

“Good morning grand-papa!”—“Why, hello, my little dear; when did you get to Milton?”—“On Decoration Day grand-papa; in the afternoon.”

On Wednesday evening the Douglass White Shirt and Overall Factory closed for ten days. T. H. Douglass, the president, goes to Philadelphia to attend the exercises at the Jefferson Medical School, at which time one of his sons will graduate. Miss Mamie Conner the bookkeeper goes to Philadelphia to visit a sister and Miss Emma King goes to Swedesboro N. J. on a visit.



[i] Frequently quoted by Conner, especially on Decoration (Memorial) Day; refer to this link