The past week has not been so spring like as was a part of the preceding month; the gardeners are cleaning off their land and trimming their trees, and making preparation to destroy the refuse, the burning of which is not commenced. The farmers near town are likewise getting busy hauling manure, ploughing and cutting stove wood for summer use. The spring opens with the business somewhat light for the many; the recent soaring of wheat has sent flour up in this locality, although late government reports show there are yet, in the country over 143,000,000 bushels of wheat for consumption. “Speculation” or not, the fact remains and high prices with nothing to do is hard on good people. Eggs, and important income of the farmer, and poultry raised, have fallen to sixteen cents a dozen, and the hens have quit laying. Some of the housewives around town do not get enough for home use. This is a condition almost unprecedented. Usually when eggs are so high the hens don’t lay, and vice versa. The few drawbacks to business is not balking the energy of the people, who really have energy. The canneries have their books open to receive contracts for tomato acreage, which are being taken at 12 cents a basket. A few small jobs of carpentry are being done, but the season is not far enough advanced for an exploitation of this work. We hear but little talk of a peach crop. It does not interest us only so far as our interest goes in “the brotherhood of man”—wishing prosperity and good luck to all. Summing up and taking all things into consideration, the prospect is for a year of activity in Milton, tariff revision or no tariff revision. If we can only get plenty of shad, herring, and turnip greens, we shall be happy, and if there are no more piscatorial laws passed, and no duty laid upon shad, and herring, as an import or foreign commodity, John Robinson will furnish them to our citizens, if he can catch them; and country vendors will supply the turnip greens.
David Wiltbank is finishing the mason work around his new building on Federal Street.
Mrs. Joshua Carey has made repairs to her property on Broad Street.
Curtis Reed has put another old porch roof in front of the pool room, on Front Street.
Ob Thursday evening a church social was held at the home of Mrs. Florence Johnson on Mulberry Street. An admission fee of five cents was charged. About fifty persons partook of coffee, cocoa, and refreshments of various kinds, at moderate cost. Proceeds for the benefit of the M. P. Church.
Prof. Hastings, of the Public Schools, made a business trip to Milford last week.
“Resolved, That the United States Should Build and Maintain a Navy Commensurate With Its Wealth and Rank as a Nation,” is the question to be discussed at the Milton Lyceum, in School Hall, on Friday evening, the 26 inst. Charles Atkins and James Leach, theological students at Conference Academy, will come to Milton to argue the affirmative side of the question. Ernest Jefferson and Prof. Horace Hastings will talk on the negative.
At the M. E. Parsonage on Thursday evening the […] Miss Virgie Pettyjohn and Mr. Harvey Martin were united in wedlock by the Rev. A. C. McGilton, D. D. Another Shirt factory operator gone!
One day last week it was reported that Lem Holston had been killed on the D. M. & V. R. R. track the previous evening. After hearing the report we went out, and amongst the first men we met was Lem Holston with a string of fish in his hand. Knowing he would deny it we said nothing about the matter at that time. After several had mentioned the report to him we ventured to ask about it. As we expected, he denied it. “A sad — lie, I wasn’t killed! And it’s another lie I didn’t go to the station after a —.” Lem is one of the boys.
James Ponder, Esq., Attorney-at-Law of Wilmington, was [a] Milton visitor last week.
Captain Joseph Warrington will become skipper of the schooner James M. Carey.
Captain William Pettyjohn of Milton has become master of the schooner Emma Rela of Milford.
The ladies of the M. P. Congregation will hold a “box social” in the lower room of the Masonic Hall on Saturday evening March 20th. Proceeds for the benefit of the church.
Miss Eva Smith has returned from Philadelphia with a spring assortment of fine millinery.
Miss Lydia A. Johnson is ill with pneumonia, at the residence of her son, Theodore Johnson, near town.
Captain William Carey of Camden, N. J., has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Carey.
At the Milton Lyceum on Friday evening the question: “Resolved That United States Senators Should Be Elected By Popular Vote,” was argued by George W. Jones, affirmative, and William H. Welch, negative. Decision in favor of the negative.
On Saturday Miss Hettie Conner opened a bottle of catsup. As she pushed the patent cork it flew out with a loud report, the catsup striking the ceiling and flying all over the room. Miss Hettie’s face was blinded by the gaseous stuff and all of us who were in the room received a part and still there was some left in the bottle. Didn’t know a bottle held so much catsup.
When Damon Reynolds, the new barber on Union Street, poured coal oil in the stove to kindle a fire last week, he thought there was no fire in the stove; but when the pipe was blown off, he was badly frightened and thought he had been mistaken.
On account of the continued illness of Rev. G. R. McCready, the Quarterly Conference which was to have been held on Friday evening did not materialize; and for the same reason there was no preaching service at the M. P. Church on Sunday.
Rev. A. C. McGilton was so far recovered as to hold a service at the M. E. Church on Sunday morning and to administer the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.
Rev. J. L. McKim of Milford preached at the Church of St. John Baptist, on Sunday both morning and evening.
Town Council will elect a supervisor of the streets, bailiff and tax collector on Saturday evening, the 20 inst.
The Misses Katie and Helen Coverdale of Ellendale are the guests of Henry Warren, and family.
The Missionary Anniversaryu of the M. E. Sunday School was held on Sunday evening. $151.37 has been raised during the year, by this school for missionary purposes.
The Methodist Episcopal Congregation, true to its time-honored reputation, has its minister paid in full; and the church benevolences all […]. Rev. McGilton went to Conference on Wednesday.
Rev. J. P. Outten of Kent Island will preach at the M. E. Church next Sunday the 21st.
On Sunday Mrs. John Lank fell on the pavement near the M. E. Cemetery and dislocated her right arm.
On Monday evening the members of the M. E. Church elected the following Board of Trustees: A. W. Irwin, S. J. Wilson, George B. Atkins, Daniel Wagamon, Committee M. Waples, Henry P. Merton, S. J. Martin, J. F. Outten, and Charles M. Davidson. Two-thirds of the Board are new members; the last three named are members re-elected.
Joseph Culver, who went to the Pennsylvania Hospital last week, had an operation performed on him on Friday. A communication received from Mrs. Culver by Mr. Douglass, his business partner, stated Mr. Culver’s condition to be favorable.
At a meeting of the Y’s on Wednesday evening, Miss […] Davison was elected delegate and Miss Jennie Wilson alternate to attend the Sussex County Convention to be held at Seaford April 15.
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