Terraces, lawns, and parterres are a fad in Milton. One of these is formed in front of almost every dwelling that stands far enough from the street to admit of it. Literally, the parterre is most convenient, as there is generally more room along the sides of the building extending backward that there is in front. These are pretty, and the owners of property, realizing this fact, are going to more expense in beautifying their yards that they may be more attractive and enhance the beauty of our already beautiful town. This is the season for this kind of work, and the mothers and the daughters are by no means tardy in making use of the time. In former years these yards were rare, and we individualized the persons making them as heroes or heroines; now they are becoming so plentiful, and beautiful, that we notice them only as we do the sunrise or as consequences expected to be even in Milton.
William Smithers Lank, a former Milton boy, graduated at the Denver and Gross College of Medici ne, Denver, Colorado, on May 13th. The graduate is a brother to J. M. Lank trust officer of the S. T. T. & S. D. Co. of Milton.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Virden of Philadelphia are being entertained by their Milton friends.
Schooner James Carey arrived last week with a cargo of six hundred bushels of wheat from farmers along the Mispillion Rover, for H. K. Wagamon & Co.
George B. Atkins is painting the residence of James Mason on Union Street north.
Palmer & Outten are enhancing the beauty of Charles H. Davidson’s property on Chestnut Street, north.
On Thursday of last week J. Carey Palmer shipped via D, M. & V. R. R. Co., `1000 red cedar posts to the Pennsylvania State Experimental Farm, at Media.
At a late meeting of the trustees of the M P. Church it was decided to put a new roof on the parsonage and also to paint the building.
Theodore Hopkins has bought of W. W. Conwell the “Lofland’ farm in Cave Neck.
At a meeting of the members of the M. P. Church held on Wednesday evening the 12th, it was decided to commence the Camp Meeting at Lavinia Wood on Saturday, August 11th and close it on Monday August 24th. A committee was appointed to make the necessary arrangements.
Eight acres of land, being near Milton, a part of the estate of the late Eli B. Carey, was sold in front of the Palmer House on Saturday afternoon and was bought by Benjamin Jones for $110.00.
The personal property of the late Nehemiah J. Messick was sold by his widow on Atlantic Street on Saturday afternoon.
People of the town who have an interest in its sanitary condition are cleaning their pig sties, cesspools, and other disagreeable odiferous places, and the health condition of the town is apparent. For this the citizens doing so, have the thanks not only of these persons who have no bad places to neutralize, but also of the Mayor and Town Council as well.
A new schedule went into effect on the D. M. & V. R. R., on Monday morning. The trains leaving Milton going west at 7.31 a. m. and 5.14 p. m., going east at 11.37 a. m. and 7.39 p.m. daily. Sunday express at 12.21 p. m. All trains will connect at Ellendale for Milton and the morning train from Milton will connect at Ellendale for points north. The 5.14 afternoon train from Milton makes no connection at Ellendale for anywhere.
The curbing in front of Oliver Hazzard’s store property on Union Street, south, has been repainted.
Miss Ida Ponder was a Dover guest last week.
The Lewes Baseball Club (white) beat the Milton team on Saturday, by a score of 11 to 5. Try a win, boys, at Lewes.
On Thursday morning Josiah Culver, after a protracted illness, attended with much suffering, died of intestinal troubles, aged 47 years, 11 months and 11 days. Deceased came to Delaware from Bellair, Md., and became for a time, station agent for the Queen Anne’s Rail Road at Ellendale. In 1899 he succeeded Curtis Burton as agent at the Milton Station and removed to this town. In September 1904 he resigned his position with the Queen Anne’s Company and later became one of the firm of the Douglass, White Shirt and Overall Company; and held the position of secretary and treasurer of this company at the time of his death. The funeral services were held at the M. E. Church on Saturday afternoon, the Rev. A. C. McGilton, D. D., M. E. minister and the Rev. J. C. Smith, M. P. minister of Milton and the Rev R. T. Coursey of Cambridge, Md., participating in the exercises, and sepulture made in the M. E. Cemetery, by J. R. Atkins. Deceased leaves a widow and one son; a mother, two brothers, and one sister.
Rev. R. T. Coursey came to Milton on the noon train to assist in the services of the funeral above mentioned, and was obliged to leave town at 3 o’clock and be driven to Greenwood to take the 6 o’clock train to reach his home at Cambridge, in order to fill his Sunday appointments. Most of his most particular Milton friends did not even get to shake hands with him.
James Jester reports that while en route for Milford last week, and just beyond the Marshall mill site, he saw two pretty little things cross the road ahead of him after a flock of ducks. He spurred up his team and when near enough jumped out and with his whip killed one, and turned in an opposite direction and killed the other. They were weasels, and apparently so intent after the ducks that they did not notice Mr. Jester’s approach. He took the dead weasels to Milford for exhibition.
Many colored people from the lower part of the county passed through town on Sunday en route for the Colored Conference then in session at Milton.
On next Sunday evening the Rev. McGilton purposes to preach to veterans of the Civil War.
The bridge on the causeway that crosses the lake on each side of it. The overseer, Levin Vaughn having noticed this sometime ago has persuaded the “powers that be” to remedy this evil. Result: A new bridge will be built, and the lumber is now on the ground for the purpose.
William S. Hickman of Harrisburg, Pa., was the guest of Henry Warren and family last week.
A Birdie Millman, daughter of William Millman of near Ellendale, died at the home of her aunt in Milford on Friday, of typhoid fever, aged 27 years, 1 month and 26 days. Funeral at Ellendale on Sunday, and burial at New Market by S. J. Wilson.
Thomas W. Walls died near Milton on Friday of senile exhaustion, aged 76 years. Funeral services were held at Beaver Dam on Sunday afternoon by the Rev. Bryan and interment made in the nearby cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
Marion Veasey, daughter of Robert Veasey, died near Gravelly Hill on Saturday of brain fever aged […] months and 18 days. Funeral services at Beaver Dam on Monday afternoon and buried in the adjacent cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
In memory of the late Josiah Culver, memorial services were held in the M. E. Sunday School on last Sabbath afternoon, Remarks were made by many friends of the deceased.
Miss Ida Ponder has sold her home residence in Milton to Charles G. Waples, and will vacate the property by the 15th of July. This is the new […] property of the late ex-Governor Ponder […] on South Federal Street[i]. It is a building of fine proportions, two stories and a mansard with […] height. It has all the modern improvements of an up-to-date residence with […] lawn and […] shrubbery, and an ideal set off. It was built in 1872 [?] by James Betts, carpenter, the […] being drawn by a Philadelphia architect.
[i] The building still stands today, and is the most imposing on Federal Street. It is occupied by the Short Funeral Home.