Evangelistic services closed in Milton on Thursday evening. Dr. Liddell preached the first part of the week, alternately, at the two Methodist churches, and there were a few who professed conversion. The evangelist, wife, and son left Milton on Friday for Harbeson, and will hold services in the Beaver Dam Church for a time.
When we walk through the town of Milton, especially north Milton, we are attracted by the many dilapidated roofs—roofs that, like some men, appear old before their time—on buildings the walls of which are in a fair state of preservation. But the walls of these buildings have been kept painted. The roofs have never been painted. Is the neglect to paint the roof, the cause of the roof getting old and wearing out so soon? We thinks so.
James Ponder, Esq., of Wilmington was a Milton visitor on Friday.
Albert Taft and friends of Wilmington have removed into the building her recently purchased of N. W. White on North Union Street. Prothonotary White has removed to Georgetown, and his son-in-law Robert Collins, who has been living in the same building, has removed his family to his father’s—William Collins—home near town.
While repairing his dwelling on Wednesday, John Hickman fell from a scaffold and sustained severe injuries to his head, side, and ankle. He is able to be around.
John Walls on Sunday was stricken with strangulated hernia. The three Milton doctors, the two Hopkins and Douglass, were summoned and performed an operation, which relieved the sufferer. Mr. Walls is 83 years of age.
The principal of the Milton Public Schools cannot be accused of laziness. We have seen him up on a morning sweeping in front of the school building, and last week, he was out with a shovel cleaning the mud off the crossing, that leads to the school building. We have not had any principals heretofore who did this work.
James Robbins, formerly of Milton, but now of Camden, N. J., is visiting in town.
Rufus Reed has his new building on Chandler Street raised.
W. W. Conwell is building two double houses on north Mulberry Street. The frames of these buildings are now up.
Oliver Hazzard is piling and wharfing his lot near the bridge.
The north road leading from Union Street to Anderson’s cannery has been repaired.
A new roof has been put on a part of the R. Davis Carey property on north Union Street.
Miss Mary Dodd is quite ill with typhoid at the home of Robert Walls on Broad Street.
Joshua Carey is suffering from the infirmities of age at his home on Mulberry Street.
Robert Blocksom and wife of Magnolia are visiting Joshua Carey and family.
The Eucharist was administered at the M. E. Church on Sunday morning.
“Rally Day” services were held at the M. P. Church on Sunday evening. The room was trimmed with the decaying verdure of the wood and field; and the leaves with their variegations of color—yellow, carmine, and gold—entranced the eye, and captivated the hearts, particularly of the young, who were enthusiastic with their songs and their speeches. A pleasant time was had.
On Tuesday evening the 30th, the Rev. W. W. W. Wilson, pastor of DeKalb Avenue M. E. Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., will lecture in the M. E. Church in this town, on “My Travels in Europe: A Comparing of the Old World With The New.” Admission 25 cents. Proceeds for the benefit of the trustees of the church.
Austin Darby, son of Captain and Mrs. Charles Darby, is quite ill with brain fever.
The good weather that has prevailed for the last few weeks has been fine on the workmen engaged in the carpentry and mason work in Milton as well as elsewhere. The work is progressing finely. Isaac W. Nailor has commenced on J. L. Black’s store house; C. A. Conner’s building will be ready for occupancy in a few weeks. Besides his own store on the first floor the other room on this floor will be occupied by Markel & Jones as real estate agents. The largest upper room or hall will be occupied by William Warren as a moving picture resort. The remaining upper room is not yet rented.
While other things are assuming a metamorphosis in the burnt district, why is the old tin and other debris allowed to lay on the ground recently occupied by the “big store?” This accumulation is a nuisance and an eyesore, not only to the people of the town, but to the people coming into town; and to strangers. What do strangers think of such a mess, Town Council can do almost anything, and everything; why don’t it make the beneficiary of this land remove this unsightly mess; and if the beneficiary who has received the money for the insurance will not do it, why don’t Town Council do it, and make the beneficiary pay the bill? This is what the people want to know.
The report that one of the colored men drowned in the Broadkiln River on the 24 ult and was found on the 31 ult, floating in the Delaware Breakwater, proves to be untrue as regards the man. It was another person. But on last Sunday the crew of the steamer Marie Thomas, while coming into the mouth of the Broadkiln, discovered a dead man floating near the bar. They took him in tow and brought him inside the river and fastened him to a stake in the bank. They reported the fact in Milton, whereupon a company was organized and proceeded down the river to see the body, on their way down they found the body of another man floating in the river. They took it in tow and landed it at the Oyster Rocks, they then proceeded to the mouth of the river and brought the other body to the Oyster Rocks. They were the Hollands—father and son—who were drowned on the 24 ult. Coroner Griffith was notified. As the parties who saw the drowning, and the parties who discovered the bodies are all from Milton, the coroner came here on Monday and held an inquiry which resulted in a verdict of “Accidental drowning.” The bodies were in a bad state of decomposition.
Captain George A. Goodwin made a business trip to Baltimore on Monday.
Daniel Wagamon is building a barn near his residence.
Smith brothers are painting David Wiltbank’s front porch.
Concrete steps have been put in front of the M. E. Church this week.
Miss Ida Ponder has this week removed her household goods to Wilmington.
Minnie G. Hastings, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hastings, died at her home on Chandler Street on Monday of brain fever, aged 6 months and 11 days. Funeral was held at its late home on Tuesday afternoon by the Rev. G. R. McCready, and sepulture made in Odd Fellow’s Cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
Martha J., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clara Donovan, died near Milton of pneumonia on Tuesday, aged 5 years 7 months and 12 days. Funeral was held at Weigand Chapel on Wednesday by the Rev. Bryan, and interment made in the adjacent cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
Sarah A, Macklin died at the home of John Walls near Lincoln on Monday of senility, aged 74 years, 1 month and 26 days. Funeral was held at late residence on Thursday morning and the body deposited in Odd Fellows Cemetery near Milford by S. J. Wilson & Son.